
  • 网络Number of polygons;Polygonal number
  1. 模型分割技术和雾化浓度的变化可以减少渲染的多边形数;

    Model partition technology and fog thickness technology can decrease polygon number of drawing .

  2. 尽量做到每个组件的多边形数在1-2万。

    Try to make objects of10-20k polygons each .

  3. 纹理映射技术既可以减少渲染的多边形数,又可以增强模型的真实性。

    Texture mapping technology can greatly decrease polygon number of drawing as well as enhance the reality of model .

  4. 依照现有的一切很容易就可以将画面的多边形数提高,这只取决于我们的决定。

    Everything is in place to allow us to graduate to higher poly counts , should we decide to move in that direction .

  5. 我认为以一个已有模型为基础展开工作能给你一个好的基础,为骨骼外形、多边形数等提供指导。

    I find that working from an existing model gives you a good base which acts as a guideline for the skeleton shape , polycount etc.

  6. 该方法能自适应地降低裁剪计算的复杂度,使其在O(logn)和O(n)之间变化,并在大多数情况下小于O(n),其中n是多边形边数。

    The algorithm can adaptively decrease the time complexity for line clipping , ranging from O ( logn ) to O ( n ), but less than O ( n ) in most cases , where n is the number of the edges of the polygon .

  7. 同时这种算法稍加改造可满足指定逼近结果中多边形顶点数目的要求。

    The method can be modified to meet the need of achieving a polygon with minimized area error if the upper boundary of points number is given .

  8. 最后证明了运算法的时间复杂性为O(N~2),其中N为原多边形的边数。

    The time complexity of the algorithm is proved to be O ( n2 ) , where N is the number of edges of the original polygon .

  9. 针对3次准均匀B样条曲线,找到一个效果理想、操作简单的取样方案:在参数区间上等距取3(n-1)个样本点(n为B样条曲线特征多边形的顶点数)。

    In addition , a simple and ideal way of sampling on cubic open uniform B_spline type curve is given : 3 ( n - 1 ) equidistant sample points are taken from a parameter interval ( n is the number of vertex of a B_spline curve characteristic polygon ) .

  10. 该控制器避免了其他循环追踪控制策略中可能出现的问题,如机器人的轨迹可能发散到无穷远,稳定多边形的个数会随着机器人数量而增加。

    This contrasts with other cyclic pursuit control schemes , where the robots may diverge to infinity and there are more stable equilibrium polygons as the total number of robots increases .

  11. 薄壁球壳在冲击压缩下更容易形成非对称屈曲,随着冲击速度的增加,薄壁球壳失稳形成的多边形的边数有增加的趋势。

    Thin-walled spherical shell is easier to deform non-symmetric buckling under the dynamic experiment , with the increase of impact velocity , the number of walls that thin shell instability formation to increase .

  12. 本文提出求平面凸多边形直径的一种算法,该算法至多需要n&1次比较、n次求距离运算,其中n是凸多边形的顶点数。

    An algorithm for determining the diameter of convex polygon is presented . It requires n-1 comparisons and n distance calculating operations , where n is the number or vertices of convex polygon .