
  • 网络Complete graph;Completed Graph
  1. 满足2色P4条件完全图的边着色

    The edge coloring of complete graph satisfying the two-color P_4

  2. Kn表示n个顶点的完全图。

    We denote by K_n the complete graph on n vertices .

  3. N阶完全图KN的t边着色

    On t & edge colored complete graph k_n of order n

  4. 关于完全图G填充数和G覆盖数

    G-packing Number and G-covering Number of the Complete Graph

  5. 三部完全图为H2-cordial图的充要条件

    A Sufficient and Necessary Premise of a Complete Tripartite Graph being a H_2-cordial Graph

  6. 完全图Kv的2因子分解与圈着色

    2-factorization of complete graph K_v and cycle colouring

  7. 完全图Kp(p≥5)不是算术图

    The complete graphs kp ( p ≥ 5 ) are not arithmetic

  8. 完全图K(2n+1)的n个H圈的分解方法

    Methods of Decomposing a Complete Graph K_ ( 2n + 1 ) into n Edge Disjoint Hamiltonian Cycles

  9. Split完全图的最小直径定向

    Minimal diameter orientation for complete split graph

  10. 完全图Kv的最小偶圈覆盖

    The Minimum Coverings of the Complete Graph with 2k-cycles

  11. 设Kn是n个顶点的完全图。

    Let K n be the complete graph with order n.

  12. 若图的因子F的每一个分支都是完全图,则称F为完全-因子。

    A factor F of a graph is called a complete-factor if each component of F is complete .

  13. 作为完全图的最优完全二部图分解的推广,引进了完全k一致超图的最优k团分划的新概念;

    The optimal k-clique partition of complete k-uniform hypergraphs is introduced as a generalization of the optimal complete bipartite decomposition of complete graphs .

  14. 对于轮和完全图的Ramsey数的渐近上界

    Asymptotic Upper Bounds for Wheel : Complete Graph Ramsey Numbers

  15. 给出了完全图K6的广义图K(6,n)的一种正常边着色法,从而解决了这类图的边色数。

    In this paper , a proper colouring method for K ( 6 , n ) is given which solves the edge-chromatic number .

  16. 设G是h连通的简单非完全图,v是G的顶点,若k(G&v)≥k(G),则称v是G的非临界点。

    Let G be an h-connected noncomplete simple graph , a vertex v of G is called a non-critical vertex of G if k ( G - v ) > h.

  17. 本文定义了k全着色矩阵及同类矩阵等概念,给出了完全图,完全偶图等的与t(G)全着色的简易算法。

    In this paper , We First definite k-total colouring matrix and same species matrix , at the same time , give computational algorithms of t ( G ) - total colouring on complete graphs and complete bipartite graphs etc.

  18. 利用安全Petri网的特点,提出一种由安全Petri网可达树和带自环的m阶完全图来计算位置不变式的生成算法。

    By using of the characters of safe Petri nets , a place invariant generation algorithm which uses the reachability tree of safe Petri nets and complete graph of mth order with self-loop is presented .

  19. Co-Store以P2P完全图拓扑结构组织节点,采用多目录树名字空间、分片冗余以及并行传输等机制为用户提供高效、可靠的存储服务。

    Co-Store provides users with high-powered , reliable storage service by name space of multiple directory-tree , and mechanism of redundant fragment and parallel file transfer .

  20. 完全图和完全多部图的Mycielski图的星全染色

    On the star total chromatic number of Mycielski 's graphs of complete graphs and complete-partite graphs

  21. 以Kn(p,q)表示红蓝边染色的n阶完全图,图中既无p个顶点的红边完全子图,也无q个顶点的蓝边完全子图。

    Let K n ( p , q ) be a complete graph of order n with red and blue edge coloring such that there is neither subgraph K p whose edges are all red nor subgraph K q whose edges are all blue .

  22. 用构造的方法研究了多色完全图K313的边的各种染色方法,得到了3个经典3色Ramsey数的新下界:R(3,3,17)≥314,R(3,4,14)≥314,R(3,6,9)≥314。

    Various colorings for edges of the complete graph K 313 were studied using constructive method . New lower bounds of three 3-color classical Ramsey numbers were obtained : R ( 3,3,17 )≥ 314 , R ( 3,4,14 )≥ 314 , R ( 3,6,9 )≥ 314 .

  23. 目前只有几类图族的部分交叉数是确定的,例如完全图,完全二分图,笛卡尔积图,广义Petersen图等。

    Only a part of crossing numbers of several graph families have been determined , such as generalized Petersen graphs , complete graphs , complete bigraphs , Cartesian graphs and so on .

  24. 证明路、完全图和星图三种特殊图中间图的pebbling数问题。

    In this paper , we proved the pebbling numbers of the middle graphs of specific graphs such as paths 、 complete graphs and star graphs .

  25. 本文通过利用完全图求欧几里德最小生成树算法和无存储冲突的连通分支确定算法,提出一种基于EREW-SIMD共享存储模型的无存储冲突并行层次聚类算法,其成本为O(n2)。

    This paper proposed a new parallel adaptive deterministic algorithm without memory conflicts based on EREW-SIMD shared memory model by use of complete graph and Euclidean minimum spanning tree , with cost of O ( n2 ) .

  26. 而对于平面上处于一般位置的m个点,每两个点连接起来,即得到了一个完全图,构成了S(m-3)~(m-4)二维单纯形样条函数支集的剖分。

    But for m generic points in R ~ 2 , connecting any tow of them , we can get a complete graph , which forms the support partition of S_ ( m-3 ) ~ ( m-4 ) bivariate simplex splines .

  27. 用K2n+1-E(2K2)表示2n+1阶的完全图删掉两条不相邻的边所得到的图,给出了图K2n+1-E(2K2)的邻点可区别全色数。

    Let K2n + 1 - E ( 2K2 ) be a graph obtained by deleting two nonadjacent edges from the complete graph K2n + 1 . The adjacent-vertex-distinguishing total chromatic numbers of K2n + 1 - E ( 2K2 ) are discussed in this paper .

  28. 完全图的定向图称为竞赛图。

    An orientation of a complete graph is called a tournament .

  29. 关于圈与完全图的笛卡儿积的测地数

    The Geodetic Number of Cartesian Product on Cycles and Complete Graphs

  30. 完全图的因子分解问题。

    Firstly , some problems on factorizations in complete graphs are studied .