
  • 网络The Perfect Game
  1. 王建民稍晚说他错失完全比赛的机会并不懊恼。

    Wang later said that he wasn 't upset to have lost the perfect game .

  2. 巧合的,王建民今天的出赛也是大联盟第一场完全比赛103周年纪年日。

    Coincidentally , wang 's performance came on the103rd anniversary of the first perfect game in Major League history .

  3. 王建民将来还有的是时间挑战完全比赛。

    Wang still has plenty of time to flirt with perfect games .

  4. 我以为他能拿下完全比赛,我真的这麽以为。

    I thought he had it , Posada said . I really thought so .

  5. 洋基队总教练托瑞说:我知道你不想辜负你自己,但是你当然不应该预期另外一场完全比赛。

    " I know you have to live up to yourself , but you certainly shouldn 't expect another perfect game ," yankees manager Joe Torre said .

  6. 我完全被比赛吸引住,而忘了时间。

    I was totally engrossed in the game and lost track of the time .

  7. 我想自己还得找一找节奏,完全恢复比赛状态。

    I think I need a bit of rhythm ; a few games to be fully fit .

  8. 我只在训练场上的季前赛中看到过他完全控制比赛。

    I have only seen him in complete control in the pre-season game playing in the centre .

  9. 但我们会等到他的身体状况可以完全适合比赛的时候才会派他上场。

    So we 'll look after him , get him fit and he 'll play when he 's ready .

  10. 第四场,骑士完全将比赛掌控在自己的节奏中——勇士状态刚起,接着就变奏,牢牢控制对手。

    The Cavaliers found their tempo in Game 4 - by changing pace just when the Warriors started to get comfortable .

  11. 但是,能赢得杆位当然会使比赛变得容易得多,你有更好的机会,但杆位并不能完全决定比赛进程。

    If it 's someone else it 's a different story but for sure , pole position makes your life easier , you have better chances but it doesn 't really decide the race completely .

  12. 今天的比赛可是一个水平完全不同的比赛。

    Q.What did you think about your level of play ?

  13. 莎拉波娃:是的,这是两场完全不同的比赛。

    MARIA SHARAPOVA : Uhm , yeah , it was a totally different match .

  14. 在这个阶段是完全不知道比赛的结果是如何。

    It 's impossible to know how the game will come out at the stage .

  15. 我打的比赛还不够多,也还没有完全适应英超比赛。

    I 've not played a lot and I 'm not used to English football yet .

  16. 有运动员表示,少林寺的修行完全不适合比赛。

    At the competition , athletes said their sport was simply not comparable to Shaolin meditation .

  17. 与从别人那里领取稳定的薪酬相比,这是一场完全不同的比赛。

    It 's a completely different ball game from relying on someone else for a steady paycheck .

  18. 帕托-6.5分:对于帕托来说是一个令人沮丧的夜晚,他没能完全进入到比赛之中。

    Pato-6.5 : A frustrating evening for the Brazilian , who was in and out of the match .

  19. 我现在还不能完全的适应比赛,因为我有段时间没有上场了。

    I 'm not100 per cent match fit yet because it had been quite a while since I had last played .

  20. 如果你看看技术统计,你就能知道我们的确完全统治了比赛,我们的进攻不能总有我们所期待的结局。

    If you look at the match stats youll see how we dominated the game but we couldnt always finish as we would have liked .

  21. 我们知道在上周六本应该有个更好的结果。而这是一场完全不同的比赛,我们来这里就是为了取得胜利。

    We know it could have been a better result for us on Saturday but this is a different game and we are here to win .

  22. 2007年我们在英国站进行过勘路,因此对于比赛我有一些经验也知道会发生什么,对我来说这并非是完全陌生的比赛。

    I hope so ! We did the recce for Wales Rally GB in2007 so I have some knowledge of the event and what to expect-it is not completely unknown to me .

  23. 伍德完全沉迷于比赛,拖着他的球队去练习的次数比其他任何一支球队都要多,还利用暑假设计出复杂的战术,并在秋天教给他的球队。

    Wood was obsessive about the game , dragging his team out for more practices than any other team and devising complicated strategies over the summer to inflict on his players in the fall .

  24. 是什么困扰着联盟和那些接受了社会的问题不能完全被伟大的比赛所掩盖-这是NBA比赛的风格这样的观点的球迷。

    What bugs the league and the fans – those who accept that society 's ills cannot be completely shut out of the great game – is the style of the NBA play .

  25. 我完全就是因为对比赛的爱啊,你必须得喜欢它的每一部分。

    I strictly do it for the love of the game . You gotta love every part .

  26. 表情过山车:从威廉王子一系列动态表情来看,很明显,王子已经完全沉浸在了比赛之中。

    Emotional roller-coaster : Prince William was clearly caught up in the game judging by the catalogue of animated expressions he wore .

  27. “对这名球员最重要的事情是他是否已经完全康复并为比赛作好了准备。”他说。

    " The most important thing in all this is the player and whether he is totally recovered and ready to play ," he said .

  28. 上海高校高水平田径队的经费主要依靠学校拨款,体育经费来源较为单一,还不能完全满足训练、比赛所需。

    The sports outlay whose source is single of high-level track and field sports teams in Colleges and Universities of Shanghai mainly is from Colleges and Universities . It can not fully meet the requirements for training and competition . 7 .

  29. 但情况完全不同,轮胎完全扛得住比赛,本来我们等着看的好戏跳票了。

    But it was completely different , the tyres were fine for the race and what we thought would happen , never happened .