
  • 网络A perfect life
  1. 真可笑还如此匆匆地寻找完美生活。

    Too bad you were so busy looking for the perfect life .

  2. 放弃所谓的完美生活的幻觉,我们才能真正的开始自己崭新的新的生活。

    Only if we give up the imaginary perfect life can we totally begin our new life .

  3. 不论你需要制造出什么完美生活的假象,FamilyRomance似乎都能办得到。

    Whatever your need to create the appearance of a great life , Family Romance can apparently make it happen .

  4. “快生活”与“慢生活”:完美生活归于何方?

    Fast or Slow : Is There A Perfect Lifestyle ?

  5. 阿美:我听说完美生活培训学校很有名。

    May : I 've heard that the Ideal Life School is famous .

  6. 西杰俱乐部,创造完美生活。

    CJ 's CLUB , for a better life .

  7. 是现代社会家庭追求健康,绿色、完美生活的缔造者。

    Is home to the pursuit of modern society perfect health green life founder .

  8. 而他们共同孜孜以求的则是在追求品质、高雅和完美生活的路上永不疲倦。

    What these people have in common is their never-ending pursuit of a high-quality life .

  9. 设计成就完美生活

    Design Makes Perfect Life

  10. 新的问题会出现,你仍会发现自己希望对完美生活加以改变。

    New problems will arise and you 'll likely find yourself wishing for this perfect life to be different still .

  11. 你会经历很多,也许你们的感情并不完美生活不是电视剧,生活中会有各种事情发生。

    You go through things , it 's not perfect & life isn 't a TV show and stuff happens .

  12. 也许是因为这里的教友太多,而且每一个人都会感觉生活在别人的监督之下,所以追求完美生活的压力也就很大。

    I think that I have adapted very well to the culture so far , but lately have been having a little culture shock .

  13. 由于在社交网络上看到朋友的“完美生活”对单身女性的健康无益,恋爱心理专家建议单身女性远离社交网络。

    Single women should ditch Facebook because the ' perfect lives ' of their friends are bad for their health , a relationship expert has warned .

  14. 通过这一系列反讽照片,巴里顿质疑了人们在网上展现出的完美生活,也向我们表明,大多数照片远不是我们所看到的那样。

    Through the satirical series Baritone challenges the perfect online lives we are presented suggesting that there is more to most images than meets the eye .

  15. 沃克的代表作,这部小说展现了黑人女性从性别及种族的双重压迫中逐渐觉醒,追求自我价值及完美生活的过程。

    The novel reveals the process of gaining consciousness-raising , going for self-worth and ideal life by the black women from the double oppression of sexism and racism .

  16. 不过目前看来并不明朗的是,斯图尔特是否仍将是对完美生活不懈追求的象征,或者褪色为努力生存的符号。

    Whether Stewart will remain a symbol of the relentless pursuit of the perfect life , however , or segue into a symbol of survival , seems unclear .

  17. 如果你想象自己有一切需要创造完美生活的资源,五年后,完美生活会是什么样?

    If you were to imagine you had all the resources you need to create your perfect life , what would that perfect life look like in five years ?

  18. 完美生活培训学校,项目包括:烹饪、园艺、时装设计、社会公共服务、计算机等等。哦,他们不提供驾驶课程。

    Ideal Life School , programs : cooking , gardening , fashion designing , social services , computer * Oh , no , they don 't offer driver 's programs .

  19. 我们的经营方针是“质量求精,客户至尊,积极进取,稳步发展,为顾客创造完美生活”。

    Our management policy is " the quality asks the essence , the customer is supreme , positive enterprising , develop with steady steps , create perfect life for customers " .

  20. 小说意在创造一种都市乡愁,显示市民生活意念:都市生活危险而真正理想的完美生活在过去。

    The novel aims to create an urban nostalgia , and demonstrate the citizens ' living conception : city life is dangerous and the real ideal perfect life was in the past .

  21. 但如果你不搞定那家伙,很快,你和你那愚蠢的人类朋友的完美生活就玩完了,永远终结,永远终结!

    But , if you don 't do something about this guy , and soon , your perfect little life with your dumm human is gonna be over . Forever . Forever ?

  22. 个人对社会做贡献,是社会存在和发展的需要,是人们充实和完美生活的需要,是社会基本道德准则的要求。

    The personal contributions to the society is the need of social being and social development , the need for people to suffice and perfect their lives , and requirement of basic social standards of morals .

  23. 对于很多人来说,花更多时间旅游也表示完美生活,因为他们可以在最后一刻冲动预约假期、有勇气独自旅行、可以在旅行中大肆花钱。

    For many , spending more time outside would be indicative of having a full life , as would booking impulsive last minute holidays , having the courage to travel alone and spontaneously blowing money on shopping trips .

  24. 问题点在于许多问题会在你实现所有真希望和会更好之后得到解决,但是那绝对不是童话故事中制造的完美生活。

    Truth is some of your problems may go away once you have met all of your if only 's and better when 's but it won 't make the perfect life that fairy tales are made of .

  25. 时至今日,多样屋已成为时尚家居之典范,其倡导的“缔造完美生活”理念深入人心,通过遍布全国的庞大网络,多样屋每天为成千上万的中国家庭带来丰富多样的家居用品和完美体验。

    Nobody could know that Tayohya should become " the " Chinese Home Store and the quintessence of * . " the " way to a better life for millions of people enjoying our products day out and day in .

  26. 和平能够驱使一个人做出牺牲追求最终目标---体验没有仇恨,没有冲突,没有混乱的完美生活。

    Peace is what drives man to put himself in a state of sacrifice to attain his ultimate goal , which is to experience a life of perfection , where there is no hate , no strife , and no chaos .

  27. 第一季的核心并不只是米琪发现自己作为单口相声演员的隐藏天赋,还包括她在生活分崩离析时的挣扎:一边为自己内心热爱的事业奋斗,一边试图维持完美生活的假象。

    The crux of Season 1 was not just Midge discovering her hidden talent as a stand-up comedienne , but the struggle to foster her hidden passion while trying to maintain some semblance of perfection as her personal life fell apart .

  28. 问题点在于许多问题会在你实现所有“真希望”和“会更好”之后得到解决,但是那绝对不是童话故事中制造的完美生活。

    Truth is some of your problems may go away once you have met all of your " if only 's " and " better when 's " but it won 't make the perfect life that fairy tales are made of .

  29. 她又补充,那些人“住着很好的公寓,有很多空闲时间,但是这种看起来很有趣的完美生活有个问题。他们都工作,但他们似乎都可以随便离开工作岗位”。

    The characters " have nice apartments and lots of free time but there is something about that perfect lifestyle that is fun to watch , " she said , adding , " They all work , but they seem to be able to get out of work easily . "

  30. 当他们登录Facebook,浏览到他们的同龄人展现的,表面上看起来完美的生活时,他们会对自己的生活感到沮丧。

    " They felt disappointed with their lives when they logged onto Facebook and browsed the apparently'perfect'lives presented by their peers ," he said .