
  • 网络hebe;showbiz;super junior;super junior-m
  1. 我要使用它作为一个完全成熟的娱乐中心。

    I use it as a full-fledged entertainment center .

  2. 继剧情片和喜剧之后,这些视频网站现在开始涉足下一个美国电视节目类型&完全脱稿的直播娱乐节目。

    After buying dramas and comedies , the sites are now wading into the next American genre & live and unscripted entertainment .

  3. 其二,传媒娱乐化则完全是对传媒娱乐功能的异化,它放大了娱乐在传播媒介中的地位,放大了人情味、趣味性等因素,从而偏离了传媒娱乐功能的初衷。

    Secondly , infotainment dissimilates the function of entertainment , it magnifies the status of entertainment in the media , it also magnifies the elements of human feeling and character of interesting , etc. and then , it deviates the original intention of entertainment function .