
  • Perfect;Sophie's Revenge;so perfect
  1. 她把那段钢琴曲演奏得非常完美。

    Her execution of the piano piece was perfect .

  2. 她牙齿雪白,非常完美。

    Her teeth a perfect white .

  3. 个人电脑里的游戏非常完美,从想象力丰富的故事情节及人物到富有挑战性的游戏设计和精美画面,应有尽有。

    On PC , the game had it all — imaginative storyline and characters , challenging gameplay , superb graphics .

  4. 她在这部歌剧的整个演出过程中唱得音准无误,非常完美。

    She managed to hit all the right notes throughout her performance in the opera .

  5. Eclipse插件系统非常完美,它提供了这些工具,以及其他许多用于开发和调试的强大工具。

    The Eclipse plug-in system is perfect for providing these kinds of tools , as well many other powerful tools for development and debugging .

  6. 这一思想曾被斯里库马·拉奥(SrikumarRao)非常完美地诠释过。

    This thought was beautifully summed up by Srikumar Rao .

  7. 有时候放得恰到好处的图片,如Audi网站,就非常完美。

    Sometimes a well-placed image , as on the Audi site , is just perfect .

  8. 现在有两个DAS,分别使用不同的模型载入,因此这种方法非常完美。

    This is perfectly all right because we now have two DASes , each loaded with a different model .

  9. 对于ICP、AA和湿法化学分析手段,对于难溶样品,熔融方法同样是一种非常完美的制样手段。

    This bead fusion method is a perfect sampling method for ICP , AA , as well as for indissolvable samples in wet chemical analysis .

  10. 前休斯敦火箭队中锋姚明:在照片上,我是说X光片,一切看起来都非常完美。一直到今天,我走起路来也都没有问题,已经把全身重量都压在脚上了。

    YAO MING , HOUSTON ROCKETS CENTER : Everything looks perfect on pictures , I mean those X-ray pictures , and today , I 'm walking on it well , full pressure on my foot already .

  11. symphonyresources的总经理allanchan表示:“新兴的中国户外活动市场拥有巨大潜力,我们相信时机的把握非常完美。”

    Allan Chan , managing director of Symphony resources , said : " the emerging outdoor-active market in China represents great potential and we believe the timing is perfect . "

  12. 对于有线和无线网络的融合,RoF是一项非常完美的技术,因为它集合了两种技术的最佳特点。

    RoF is a perfect technology for the integration of wireless and wired networks that it aggregates the best features of both communication technologies .

  13. 不是特别的组合。我相信Bryce胶皮与我们所有的炭板球拍配合的非常完美,只要目标是“不妥协的攻击”。

    No , I believe the BRYCE-rubbers and the blades with our Carbon-technology match perfectly , when the aim is un-compromised offence .

  14. 在一条信息中,女演员ElizabethTaylor表示经过心脏手术后状况良好。她说,昨天的手术过程非常完美。感到自己似乎有了一个全新的心脏。她还对朋友和粉丝的祈祷和祝福表示感谢。

    Actress Elizabeth Taylor says she 's doing fine after heart surgery in a twitter message , She said yesterday 's went perfectly.And she she has a brand new ticker.She also thanked to friends and her fans for their thoughts and prays .

  15. 华为Nexus6P将会搭载最新安卓6.0Marshmallow操作系统,同时屏幕达到14.5厘米,分辨率为518ppi。无论是打游戏还是观看视频都会非常完美。

    The Nexus 6P incorporates the latest Android 6.0 Marshmallow operating system and has a 14.5 cm screen with 518 pixels per inch density , which makes it useful for both gaming and watching videos .

  16. 实际上,这只是一个青少年不是很成熟的表现。二十年后的今天,我们迎来的2008款的M3,现在即使更加成熟,性能更高,车型非常完美。

    But in reality it was a teenager on testosterone , a rebel with the cars , pure performance . 2 decades later , here comes the 2008 M3 , the car 's grown up , it 's better educated , it 's well-rounded , it 's worldly .

  17. 女主角露西由虽不太可信,但在某种程度上非常完美的斯嘉丽·约翰逊(ScarlettJohansson)饰演,她被卷入台湾一桩棘手的阴谋,由犯罪团伙头目江先生(Jang,韩国演员崔岷植精彩出演)策划,胡言乱语就从这里开始了。

    The nonsense begins when the title character - played by the improbable yet somehow perfect Scarlett Johansson - is pulled into a head-scratching plot in Taiwan , put into motion by a crime boss , Mr. Jang ( the excellent South Korean actor Choi Min Sik ) .

  18. 这对生活在旧金山的夫妇的这个安排非常完美。

    The San Francisco couple couldn 't have scripted this better .

  19. 《非常完美》,我的爱情也会和你一样超乎完美!

    " Perfect ", I would like you love than perfect !

  20. 你认为它挂在他的卧室里非常完美。

    You thought it would look perfect in his bedroom .

  21. 欧洲大陆的铁路行李托运是非常完美的。

    The continental rail system has a perfect luggage service .

  22. 然而我们在别的国家却见到有人可以说非常完美的英语。

    Yet we meet people in other countries who speak flawless English .

  23. 她像平常一样穿得无可挑剔&每个细节都非常完美。

    As usual she was impeccably dressed & every detail was perfect .

  24. 而现在的光照非常完美,迷人

    and the light is absolutely perfect , magical . Hmm. Well ,

  25. 他们的婚姻生活非常完美。

    They 've got a real Ozzie and Harriet lifestyle .

  26. 尤其是体形塑造得非常完美。

    Most beautiful fantasies created with man 's body .

  27. 这艘赛艇的设计非常完美。

    The designs for this yacht are absolutely amazing .

  28. 我发现了这个城堡,觉得它非常完美。

    I found this castle and it was perfect .

  29. 他将自己的声音融合得非常完美。

    He mixed his own voice as backups perfectly .

  30. 这些数据非常完美的落在直线上。

    That 's fall nicely on this straight line .