
  • 【电影】My Lucky Star
  1. 88是中国数字占卜学中非常幸运的数字。

    The number eighty-eight is very lucky in Chinese numerology .

  2. 他补充说:"那是一只非常幸运的狗。她活下来是因为有充足的淡水供应。"。

    " It was a very lucky dog . She survived because of a plentiful supply of fresh water , " he added .

  3. 六岁的古巴海难幸存儿童埃利安非常幸运,美国移民局官员已将原本要遣返他的时间再次拖延

    US immigration officials have again delayed moves start repatriating six-year-old Cuban shipwreck survivor Elian Gonzalez .

  4. 有一对夫妇非常幸运,他们有一只每天下一枚金蛋的鹅。

    A man and his Wife had the good fortune to possess a goose which laid a golden egg every day .

  5. 尽管非常幸运,可他们很快就觉得财富增加得还不够快,不仅如此,他们还以为这只鹅的内脏肯定也是金的。于是,他们决定杀掉它,这样就能立刻得到全部珍宝了。

    Lucky though they were , they soon began to think they were not getting rich fast enough , and imagining the bird must be made of gold inside , they decided the whole store of precious metal at once .

  6. 罗凯:我非常幸运地帮助了一家名为HomeNetwork的公司成长起来。

    Carleton Ruthling : I was fortunate to help a company called @ Home Network grow .

  7. 非常幸运的是,我真的就和Velocity马戏团在加利福尼亚表演了这个节目。

    And then I was fortunate enough to actually perform this in California with Velocity Circus .

  8. 有些企业非常幸运,能够在整个企业内进行到SOA的业务转换。

    Some enterprises are fortunate to be able to make the business transformation to SOA across the entire organisation .

  9. 非常幸运的巧合,我正在写这篇文章的时候,与一位客户讨论了要实现一个轻量级的XML客户机。

    By a lucky coincidence , I 'm writing this article after a review meeting with a customer where we implemented a lightweight XML client .

  10. 如果您用的是Chrome或Firefox,那非常幸运。

    If you are using Chrome or Firefox , you are in luck .

  11. 我非常幸运的遇见了Gary和MaryWest,他们正在着手建立一个无线化的健康机构。

    and then the great fortune of meeting up with Gary and Mary West , to get behind this wireless health institute .

  12. PeterDatch意识到自己非常幸运,因为被雷击中的很有可能是他自己。

    Peter Datch realizes he is lucky , it could have been him .

  13. 这项研究结果对白手起家的亿万富翁RichardBranson爵士(维京集团创始人)来说毫不意外。他自己曾说过,童年的自己是个非常幸运的孩子,因为他有一对善解人意的父母。

    It will come as no surprise to self-made billionaire Sir Richard Branson , who has said in the past he was extremely lucky to have had such a happy childhood with wonderful , understanding parents .

  14. 那些不能吸取教训的人必定会重蹈覆辙(如果他们非常幸运,能够在第一次失败之后获得重来一次的机会),他们不得不向哲学家Santayana说抱歉。

    With apologies to Santayana , those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat it & if they 're lucky enough to get the chance after their first failures .

  15. 非常幸运的是,我有父母又有老师。

    I have been unusually fortunate in my parents and teachers .

  16. 彼得找到了一个好工作,他非常幸运。

    Peter was in luck when he found a good job .

  17. 我非常幸运地能够代表这个我们深爱的国家。

    I have been blessed to represent this Nation we love .

  18. 我非常幸运&我儿子和女儿都安全。

    I feel very lucky-both my son and daughter are safe .

  19. 非常幸运,我们打电话时他在家里。

    It was pure luck that he was home when we called .

  20. 你是非常幸运的,艾力克。

    You 're a very lucky young man , eric .

  21. 你非常幸运能找到这么宜人的房子。

    You 're very fortunate to have found such a pleasant house .

  22. 我们非常幸运能有他加盟我们的管理团队。

    We are extremely fortunate to have him join our management team .

  23. 能够以此为职业,我感到非常幸运。

    I am lucky to have that as a job !

  24. 然而,医生告诉我说我们还非常幸运。

    However , we were told by doctors we were extremely lucky .

  25. 我非常幸运地在一个车库销售点买到了。

    We were very lucky to find it in a garage sale .

  26. 那她将会非常幸运-是吗?

    She would be a lucky woman . - Really ?

  27. 她是一个好学生非常幸运地

    She was an excellent student and with great good luck

  28. 最重要的是,她在经济方面非常幸运。

    Above all , she has had great economic luck .

  29. 但那些了解我的人说我非常幸运。

    But people that do know me say I 'm lucky . '

  30. 我们非常幸运地把想要邀请的绝大多数人都成功招至麾下。

    We were fortunate to reach practically anybody we wanted .