
  1. 博物馆一直努力改变自己沉闷的形象。

    Museums have been trying hard to shed their stuffy image .

  2. 该镇仍在努力改变自己的单调形象。

    The town is still trying to cast off its dull image .

  3. 我推断改变自己的饮食可以降低我的胆固醇水平。

    I reasoned that changing my diet would lower my cholesterol level

  4. 我们通过观察周围人的举止改变自己的行为。

    We change our behaviour by observing the behaviour of those around us

  5. 他不大可能改变自己的策略。

    He is unlikely to alter his game plan .

  6. 如果你能够改变自己的某个方面,那会是哪个方面呢?

    If you could change one thing about yourself , what would it be ?

  7. 如果你打算改变自己的境遇,就必须树立一种积极的心态。

    If you want to improve your situation you must adopt a positive mental attitude .

  8. 他丝毫没有改变自己已经作出的决定。

    He did not swerve a hair 's breadth from the decision he had made .

  9. 以自己满意的优点为发展基础,努力改变自己不满意的地方。

    Build on the qualities you are satisfied with and work to change those you are unhappy with

  10. 他要是不愿意改变自己的言行举止,你来软的还是硬的都没有用。

    You can 't force — or even charm — him into behaving differently if he doesn 't want to .

  11. 作为一名成年人,一个人能否成功地改变自己的性格是心理学方面长久以来争论的话题。

    Whether you can successfully change your personality as an adult is the subject of a longstanding psychological debate .

  12. 同样,对新思想保持开放的态度也和长寿没什么关系,这或许可以解释那些不肯改变自己做事方式的坏脾气的老年人。

    Also , being open to new ideas had no relationship to long life , which might explain all those bad-tempered old people who are fixed in their ways .

  13. 如果他们说知道,那就是在撒谎,而且很可能会在入学后第一学期就会改变自己想要追求的目标。

    If they tell you otherwise , they 're lying and will probably change what they want to pursue within the first quarter of attendance .

  14. 为了与妹妹联系,玛丽开始改变自己的生活,结果发现了一个由形形色色的"夜猫子"组成的世界,他们都藏着秘密。

    In trying to connect to her sister , Mari starts changing her life and discovers a world of diverse " night people " who are hiding secrets .

  15. 试着一段时间不理他,说不定这样一来,他就会改变自己的做事方式。

    Try giving him the silent treatment for a while . He might change his ways !

  16. 步骤三:开始改变自己的生活方式,让这些改变影响你对生活的态度。

    STEP 3 : Start changing your life in ways that will reflect a change in your attitude towards life .

  17. 我们这样吃是为了转移注意力,或是为了改变自己的感受,想通过食物寻求快乐、忘却疼痛。

    We eat to distract or alter the way we are feeling , to find pleasure , to avoid pain . Example :

  18. 这个国家拥有很高的青年人口比例,她不仅有能力改变自己的命运,也能改变整个世界的命运。

    A country with such a major percentage of youth has the capability6 to change not only its own , but the fate of the entire world .

  19. 拉可夫说,女性要改变自己的形象必须从语言开始,因为Youarewhatyousay;

    Robin Lakoff said , In order to change the image , females must start from language , for You are what you say .

  20. 莱辛尝试过各种类型的写作,也根据不同类型相应地改变自己的写作风格。强光与CCD作用响应率改变的机理研究

    Lessing has explored a huge number of genres in her work and changes her style accordingly . Research on the Mechanism of Alternation of the Responsivity between High-Irradiance Laser and CCD

  21. 克卢恰廖夫等神经科学家正在研究“信息瀑布”(informationalcascade)现象的神经源头通过信息瀑布,人们在获悉群体中其他人的决策后,就会改变自己的主意。

    Neuroscientists such as Mr klucharev are studying the neural origins " informational cascade " the process by which individuals change their minds when they learn about the decisions of others in the group .

  22. 对于曾经当过海军陆战队士兵、警察和联邦探员的安德鲁•维特曼(AndrewWittman)来说,解决办法是改变自己的视角。

    For Andrew Wittman , a former marine , police officer , and federal agent , the solution is to change your perspective .

  23. 他必须迈出第一步,否则他永远不会看到改变自己所带来的好处。

    He somehow had to see the advantage of changing himself .

  24. 不少人说,他们会尝试改变自己的外表。

    Many people said they were trying to change their looks .

  25. 我会改变自己的生活以适应你的心情。

    I could change my life to better suit your mood .

  26. 我怀疑他改变自己行为的承诺。

    I 'm dubious about his promises to change his ways .

  27. 它可能需要我们改变自己看待年假的方式。

    This may require changing how we think about annual leave .

  28. 然而,据报道霍启刚试图改变自己的形象。

    However , Kenneth has reportedly tried to change his image .

  29. 不通过学习,如何能改变自己的命运?

    Without studying , how could you change your fate ?

  30. 所以它必须改变自己的教义以适应新的环境。

    So it has to adapt its doctrine to the new environment .