
gǎi huàn
  • change;change over to
改换 [gǎi huàn]
  • (1) [change over to]∶改掉原来的,换成别的

  • 改换门庭

  • (2) [change]∶用另一个或另外许多个代替(在考虑中的某事物)

  • 请把这个东西改换一个名称

改换[gǎi huàn]
  1. 拥有逾7亿用户的腾讯QQ即时信息服务也有众多附加功能,比如可以让用户改换形象的“皮肤”,同时QQ还是腾讯为其他产品和服务做广告的渠道。

    Tencent 's QQ instant messaging service , which has more than 700 million users , offers additional features such as skins to change the look of the client and serves as a portal for the company to advertise other products and services .

  2. 刚刚你建议改换包装材料,是吗?

    Did you propose a change in the material of packaging ?

  3. 我在对它作些改动——只是改换个别字眼,好让听众更容易接受。

    I 'm bowdlerizing it — just slightly changing one or two words so listeners won 't be upset .

  4. 这种方法将改进BP算法中的动量项由常量改换为一类关于常量的非线性函数。

    This method makes the nonlinear property of momentum term instead of the momentum term in improved BP algorithm .

  5. SimplyThai出色的厨师在他们的厨师特别推荐菜单中展示了他们的创造力,这一菜单每过6个星期就会改换一次。

    Simply Thai 's talented chefs showcase their creativity in a special Chef 's menu , which changes every six weeks .

  6. 将蜂窝夹层板动力分析从Lagrange体系改换为Hamilton体系。

    In this paper , the Lagrange system for dynamic analysis of honeycomb sandwich plates is transferred to the Hamilton system .

  7. 即使两个城市挨在一起,也没有语言学家能告诉你出了城市A多少英里人们就开始不说A方言而改换B方言了。

    Even though the two cities might be next to each other , no linguist can tell you how many miles out of City A it is where Dialect A stops being used in daily life and Dialect B takes over .

  8. 直链的、有一个叁键的烃可通过将其相应烷烃名字的词尾–ane改换为-yne而得。

    Unbranched hydrocarbons having one triple bond are named by replacing the ending-ane of the alkane name with-yne .

  9. Flipboard和Pulse这样新闻阅读应用程序只是作为载体,将现有的新闻报道加以精简,同时改换排版方式,使它适合用手机屏幕阅读,而Circa的方式却更加的费时费力。

    Other news-reading apps like Flipboard and pulse approach retrofitting the news for mobile devices by taking existing stories and tinkering with their layout .

  10. 利用该生产装置将控制仪表从常规仪表改换为计算机集散控制系统(DCS)的有利时机,本文对其精馏工段的建模和先进控制问题进行了研究与开发。

    By making use of the chance in which the control device was changed from conventional instrument to distributed control system , the modeling was studied , and a new advanced control system was developed .

  11. 位于巴黎克雷贝尔大街(l'avenueKléber)与葡萄牙大街(AvenuedesPortugais)拐角处的大楼兴建于20世纪初,首先是美琪酒店(HotelMajestic)于1908年在此开业,从那以后,这幢大楼“改换了无数次门庭”。

    The early 20th-century building on the corner of Paris 's Avenue Kl é ber and Avenue des Portugais has undergone myriad transform ¬ ations since it first opened as the Hotel Majestic in 1908 .

  12. 位于伦敦金融城、为改换职业者提供帮助的EscapeSchool的贝卡.沃纳(BeccaWarner)表示,促使人们做出这一选择的常见契机包括有了孩子、父母一方去世和达到某个年龄阶段。

    Becca Warner of the Escape School based in the City of London , which runs programmes for career changers , says common catalysts include having children , losing a parent and reaching an age milestone .

  13. “如果你采用一名词引起人们惊慌害怕,比如癌一词就有这样的效果,我想我们需要考虑这样的命名是否合适,”Reed说,其本人是支持改换其他不至于引起惊慌的名称。

    " If you use a word that evokes fear , as the word carcinoma may , I think we need to consider is that appropriate ," said Reed , who favors changing the name to something less scary .

  14. 目的:评价机械通气早期拔管改换无创机械通气治疗急性有机磷农药中毒(AOPP)中间综合征(IMS)的治疗效果。

    Objective : To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of early extubation and subsequent non invasive mechanical ventilation ( MV ) in intermediate syndrome ( IMS ) due to acute organophosphate poisoning ( AOPP ) .

  15. AMOLED显示屏可以很容易的从玻璃屏上分离,这象征着你可以单独改换玻璃屏或者AMOLED屏。

    The AMOLED display easily comes apart from the glass , which means that you can replace the glass and the display independently .

  16. 一般而言,所有的铝制水壶都有环氧树脂衬里,仅仅因为Sigg改变了它的衬里材料并不意味着其它生产商也改换了他们的衬里材料。

    In general , all aluminum bottles have epoxy linings and just because Sigg has changed its lining doesn 't mean other manufacturers have changed theirs .

  17. 最近LulzSec改换了策略,给自己定位为打压受害者,或许是想要摆脱政治冷漠和施虐的帽子。

    Lately LulzSec has changed tack , branding itself a champion of the oppressed , perhaps to shake off accusations of political indifference and sadism .

  18. 谢天谢地,表面的玻璃并不是以及AMOLED屏熔合在一起,因此,如果玻璃分裂,你不需要两个部分都改换。

    Thankfully the glass is not fused to the face of the AMOLED display , so you don 't have to replace both if just the glass breaks .

  19. 主要叙述了YC4112ZLQ四气门柴油机由机械泵改换为电控单体泵后,供油系统、配气系统以及燃烧系统的匹配。

    The paper present the match between the oil supply system , air supply system and combustion system on YC4112ZLQ four-stroke diesel 's after substituting electrical unit pump for mechanical pump .

  20. 对吉化104厂乙烯车间脱丁烷塔进行计算机模拟计算,采用Mellapak(250Y)规整填料改换原浮阀塔版,使得该塔操作稳定,每年节省蒸汽量为6000t,带来很大的经济效益。

    Simulation of the removing butanes tower in ethylene workshop of factory 104 is carried out by computer . Mellapak ( 250Y ) structured packing is adopted to replace the initial float valve . The operation is stable after reformation .

  21. 现在的人们比以往更加频繁的改换工作。

    People are now making more career changes than ever before .

  22. 改换名字;改换颜色的灯。

    Change one 's name ; a light that changes colors .

  23. 选择朋友要慎重,改换朋友更要慎重。&本杰明·富兰克林。

    Be slow in choosing a friend ; slower in changing .

  24. 语法结构:句型的改换、完成及组装。

    Grammatical structures : transformation , completion , construction of sentences .

  25. 所有这些国家的示威者都在要求改换政府。

    In all these countries , protesters are calling for change .

  26. 抱歉,我可以改换点的菜吗?

    I 'm sorry , may I change my order ?

  27. 使改变位置例如改换角色。

    Cause to change places , as of parts , for example .

  28. 两种宏观趋势应该有利于更年长的改换职业者。

    Two macro trends should work in favour of older career changers .

  29. 我们随著年日的改换而变老。

    We grow old as the days and the years go by .

  30. 交替,由一个状况改换到另一个。

    Alternate , to change from one condition to another .