
gǎi guān
  • change the appearance of;change the appearance;change one's view
改观 [gǎi guān]
  • (1) [change the appearance]∶原样子换成新面目

  • 昔日荒山已大为改观

  • 这里是大自然的最单调最平板的一面,然而加上了人的活动,就完全改观。--茅盾《风景谈》

  • (2) [change one's view]∶改变本来的看法、观感

  • (帝)顾谓诸王曰:此天下无双江夏黄童者也。左右莫不改观。--《后汉书.黄香传》

改观[gǎi guān]
  1. 有所改观的贸易数据给政府提供了新的有力证据。

    The improved trade figures have given the government fresh ammunition .

  2. 雇员和工会关系大有改观。

    There is a substantial payback in terms of employee and union relations

  3. 该变化没有预示社会状况的根本改观。

    The change did not portend a basic improvement in social conditions .

  4. 诵读困难症一直没有引起太多的注意,这种情形直到最近才有所改观。

    Until comparatively recently , dyslexia remained largely unrecognised .

  5. 当我们深入到具体细节时,情况有所改观。

    Things improved when we got down to the specifics

  6. 尽管和母亲的关系有所改观,他仍然十分消沉。

    Although his relationship with his mother had improved somewhat , he was still depressed

  7. 如果她少吃油炸食品和零食的话,她的饮食结构就会有所改观。

    She would improve her diet if she ate less fried food and snacked less .

  8. 这座城市的面貌已大大改观了。

    The face of this city has greatly changed .

  9. 这个科学家举出理由证明他的发现已使历史改观。

    The scientist argued that his discovery had changed the course of history .

  10. 这一胜利使战争形势为之改观。

    This victory changed the complexion of the war .

  11. 他使一切彻底改观了。

    He changed everything from the ground up .

  12. 脑体倒挂的错位现象已大有改观。

    There 's been a great change in the misplacement of the income of intellectual workers falling short of that of manual workers .

  13. 巴茨接任CEO至今已经过了两年半,但现在雅虎面临的问题几乎没有改观。

    Two and a half years later , Yahoo faces pretty much the same problems .

  14. 结果DM患者10项健康行为和10项危险健康行为有明显改观,统计学检验干预前后差异显著P<0.01。

    Results The 10 health behavior and 10 dangerous behavior were improved significantly ( P < 0.01 ) .

  15. SOAP互操作性的状况已经大大改观,这要归功于实现者之间交流的改善和工具包之间测试的使用。

    The SOAP interoperability picture has improved dramatically , thanks to improved communication among implementors and the introduction of inter-toolkit testing .

  16. SOA是一种日益成熟的软件体系结构,随着WEBService逐渐被广泛的采纳和实现,系统异构、孤岛应用得以彻底改观。

    SOA is an increasingly sophisticated software architecture . With the Web Service gradually been widely adopted and realized , the situation of heterogeneous systems and the application of isolated islands is radically changed .

  17. 在慢粒的传统治疗方法中,造血干细胞移植(Hematopoieticstemcelltransplantation,HSCT)和α-干扰素使慢粒的预后得到很大改观。

    During the past twenty years hematopoietic stem cell transplantation ( HSCT ) and a - interferon ( a-IFN ) have greatly improved the prognosis of CML .

  18. 而DSP的应用使得交流电机控制系统无论是在结构复杂程度、成本和效率上都有很大改观。

    The appearance of Digital Signal Processors leads the AC motor controlling system to be much better than ever on either the complexity of hardware structure , costs or efficiency .

  19. 而这些困难将随地面VLBI的进展以及空间VLBI和毫米波VLBI的发展而改观。

    It is expected that this situation will improve with the development of ground VLBI , Space VLBI and millimeter VLBI .

  20. 通过处理,其非线性系数α上升,漏电流IL下降,尤其耐冲击能力大有改观。

    After treating , the non linearity coefficient α of ZnO varistor rises and the leakage current decreases , especially , the ability of absorbing surge energy has been improved greatly .

  21. 随着Firebug的出现,这一切才有了改观,它具有一个集成的JavaScript调试器,能动态提供断点、变量检查和命令执行。

    Firebug , which has an integrated JavaScript debugger that offers breakpoints , variable inspection and execution of commands on the fly , changes all that .

  22. 说明ERP功能模块在企业管理中发挥了很好的作用,企业的资金运转状况有了明显改观,企业业务职能部门信息流畅、计划协调改善。

    Explained that the ERP functional played the very good role in the business management , revolution condition had a new look obviously , the business events Functional departments information was smooth , plan coordinated improvement .

  23. 引入CSS技术对页面上的大部分元素进行统一定义,只要对CSS中的某个属性修改,就可以使系统的整个页面改观。

    Introducing CSS to uniformly define the most elements of Web page , only modifying some attribute of CSS will totally change the whole Web page appearance of the system .

  24. 但这一切有了改观,这要归功于一种新技术的出现,即WebKit,而iPhone则让WebKit成为了移动领域标志性的大事件。

    But all of that has changed , thanks to a technology known as WebKit , which made its mark upon the mass mobile via the iPhone .

  25. 合理地选择纺丝工艺,不但能获得预期的截面形状,同时可改观POY的后加工性能。

    Are of great importance , the rational selection of spinning technology can not only obtain the expected cross-sectional shape but also improve the aftertreatment processing of POY .

  26. 然而,这种局面最近有了很大的改观,由于政策上的扶持和技术本身的发展,在沉寂多年后,FTTH再次成为热点,步入快速发展期。

    However , with the governmental support in policy and the further development in technique , FTTH is coming into another rush time , reinflaming the community of communications .

  27. 目的:观察应用红细胞生成素(EPO)后慢性肾衰贫血患者Hb、RBC、HCT增高及临床症状改观情况。

    Purpose : To observe the increase of Hb 、 RBC 、 HCT and the changes of clinical symptoms of patients with anemia due to chronic renal failure after treatment of erythropoietin ( EPO ) .

  28. 正如花旗集团(Citigroup)所指出的,虽然新兴市场的结构与周期性形势大有改观,但与G3国家贸易与金融往来的增加,意味着这些冲击的转化实际上可能会变得更强。

    As Citigroup points out , while emerging markets ' structural and cyclical positions have improved markedly , the rise in trade and financial linkages with the G3 means the translation of these shocks could actually be stronger .

  29. 商人们淡化这种暴力行为:Solis先生承认有些运输汽车在高速公路上遭到抢劫,但他表示今年的情况已经比去年忧虑改观。

    Businessmen play down the violence : Mr Sol í s admits that some car transporters have been robbed on highways , but says that this year has been better than last .

  30. 通过运行系统后证明了N-chord在平均查找长度和平均查找时延有了明显的性能改观。

    After running the system the theory which N-chord take a marked improvement in performance in the average search length and the average delay is proved .