
gǎi biān
  • adapt;rearrange;revise;transcribe;correct;reorganize;predesignate
改编 [gǎi biān]
  • (1) [correct;adapt;rearrange]∶对原作品进行的重新编写。前后作品的体裁往往不同

  • 将小说改编为电视剧本

  • 电影《林家铺子》是根据同名小说改编摄制的

  • (2) [reorgainze;redesignate]∶改变原有机构或组织的编制或人员

  • 自红军改编为八路军开赴前线以后,关心它的行动的人确是很多的。-- 毛泽东《和英国记者贝特兰的谈话》

改编[gǎi biān]
  1. 编剧帮助他将其所著小说改编成电影。

    The scriptwriter helped him to adapt his novel for the screen

  2. 他计划把自己的剧本改编成电视剧。

    He is going to adapt his play for television .

  3. 这部小说不太适宜改编成电影。

    The novel does not transfer well to the movies .

  4. 这部电影是根据弗兰肯斯坦科学怪人的故事改编的。

    The movie is a reworking of the Frankenstein story .

  5. 她的长篇小说中有三部已改编成电视节目。

    Three of her novels have been adapted for television .

  6. 这部电影不过是把电视剧里最精彩的几集改编了一下。

    The movie is just a rehash of the best TV episodes .

  7. 他把那部剧改编成了电影剧本。

    He has adapted the play for the screen .

  8. 他把传统民歌改编成钢琴曲。

    He arranged traditional folk songs for the piano .

  9. 他只是把60年代的歌曲稍加改编而已。

    He just rehashes songs from the 60s .

  10. 这次改编非常好地抓住了库尔特·冯内古特小说的精髓。

    This adaptation perfectly captures the spirit of Kurt Vonnegut 's novel

  11. 他在战争中的英勇行为后来被改编成一部电影。

    His wartime exploits were later made into a film .

  12. 她改编了自己的很多乐曲,使其更适合作舞曲。

    She reworked a lot of her compositions to make them more danceable

  13. 另一位著名的低音提琴演奏家罗恩·卡特改编了这些歌曲。

    The songs were arranged by another well-known bass player , Ron Carter .

  14. 电影改编自一部同名戏剧。

    The film has been adapted from a play of the same title .

  15. 他写了54部侦探小说,很多被改编成了电影和电视剧。

    He wrote 54 crime novels , which spawned both movies and television shows .

  16. 他们打算付你一万美元作为改编老剧本的报酬。

    They 're paying you ten grand now for those adaptations of old plays .

  17. 格伦·布朗卡把自己的曲子改编成了管弦乐曲。

    Glen Bronka wrote his own orchestral arrangements .

  18. 他目前阅读的作品改编自迈克尔·弗雷恩的著作。

    The pieces he is reading are adapted from the writings of Michael Frayn .

  19. 他曾尝试买下萧伯纳所有戏剧的电影改编权。

    He 'd tried to buy the film rights of all George Bernard Shaw 's plays .

  20. 帕特里夏·海史密斯那本书是谁改编成剧本的?雷蒙德·钱德勒呀,厉害。

    Who wrote the screenplay from Patricia Highsmith 's book ? Raymond Chandler , no less .

  21. 他放弃了为吉他谱曲,决定把作品改编成钢琴曲。

    He gave up trying to write for the guitar and decided to transcribe the work for piano .

  22. 《新年好》由肯尼思·麦凯勒演唱(传统曲目,改编者:奈特)

    ' A Good New Year ' , sung by Kenneth McKellar , ( Trad . , Arr. Knight ) .

  23. 他对改编的复杂之处已有了足够的掌握,能够谱写一部室内合奏曲了。

    He has mastered enough of the complexities of arrangement to write and score a piece for a chamber music ensemble .

  24. 我的小说《教区长的妻子》正被改编成电视剧,由林赛·邓肯饰片名主角。

    My novel ' The Rector 's Wife ' is being adapted for TV , with Lindsay Duncan in the title role .

  25. 他演唱自己改编的社会主义赞歌《红旗颂》时,声音穿透了会场的屋顶。

    He raised the roof at the conference when he sang his own version of the socialist anthem , The Red Flag .

  26. 那本小说已被改编成剧本了。

    That novel has been rearranged into a play .

  27. 经过改编,戏的主题更加突出了。

    The theme of the play stands out even more clearly after it was revised .

  28. 那支起义部队被改编了。

    The insurrectionary army was redesignated .

  29. 这首歌曲改编为爵士乐后采用了切分音节奏。

    The song have a syncopate rhythm in the Jazz version .

  30. 这篇课文是根据《中国文学》上登载的一篇故事改编的。

    This text is adapted from a story in Chinese literature .