
  • 网络Electronegativity
  1. 双层CuO2铜酸盐高温超导体的临界温度与电负性标度

    Electronegativity and T_c in High-Temperature Superconductors of Cuprate HTSC with Two Layers of CuO_2

  2. 计算Sanderson电负性标度中Di的新方法

    New Metod on Calculating D_i in Sanderson 's Electronegativity Scale

  3. AllredRochow电负性标度的推广原子轨道电负性

    Extention for the Electronegativity Scale Suggested by Allred and Rochow & Atomic Orbital Electronegativity

  4. 共轭芳烃分子的定域电负性标度及亲电反应活性

    The local electronegativity scale and the activity of electrophilic reaction of conjugated molecules

  5. 新电负性标度和化学键离子性的计算(Ⅲ)

    The new calculation of the electronegative scale and the ionicity of chemical bond (ⅲ)

  6. 拓扑指数和拓扑电负性标度及其对有机化合物性质的研究

    Studies on properties of some organic compounds with topological index F 3 and topological electronegativity scale I t

  7. 本文介绍一种新的电负性标度理论&非自旋极化密度函数理论和自施极化密度函数理论。

    This paper introduces a new gradation theory of electrical negativity-spin-polarized density functional theory non spin-polarized density functional theory .

  8. 电负性标度与电子亲和能的规律性研究Ⅰ.价电子的平均核势

    A New Electronegativity Scale and the Systematic Trends of the Electron Affinities ⅰ . The Average Nuclear Potential of the Valence Electrons

  9. 静电推斥使溶液中的分子伸长,相临链也互相排斥。因此CMC溶液倾向于高粘度且稳定。原子核强度电势和原子价层电量对元素电负性的标度

    Also , adjacent chains repel each other . Consequently , CMC solutions tend to be both highly viscous and stable . Scale of Element Electronegativity by Intensive Electrostatic Potential of Atomic Nucleus and Quantity of Electricity of Atomic Valence Shell

  10. 原子核强度电势和原子价层电量对元素电负性的标度

    Scale of Element Electronegativity by Intensive Electrostatic Potential of Atomic Nucleus and Quantity of Electricity of Atomic Valence Shell

  11. 一种电负性新标度:基态自由原子价壳层电子平均吸引能

    A novel electronegativity χ CL for elements and orbitals based on average attracting energy of valence shell electrons in ground state free atoms

  12. 通过价层电离能、价键轨道能量用有效核电荷数法建立了周期表中90种元素的电负性新标度。

    Through the ionization energy of the valence shell and the energy of the valence bond orbital , the new scale of the electronegativity of 90 elements in the Periodic Table has been established by the effective nuclear ~ charge number method .

  13. 电负性研究Ⅰ.建立元素电负性标度的有效核电荷数方法

    Electronegativity ⅰ . The Effective Nuclear Charge Number Method of Establishing the Elemental Electronegativity Scale