
  1. 因为电脑监控他们的生活。

    Because computers will monitor their lives .

  2. 蒂莫西•丹尼尔斯(TimothyDaniels)是约翰逊所在公司AccurateBiometrics的运营副总裁,通过一款电脑监控软件他可以了解到约翰逊和其他员工是在工作还是在偷懒。

    Using a computer-monitoring program , Timothy Daniels , vice president of operations for Accurate Biometrics , can track whether Ms. Johnson and other employees are working - or slacking off .

  3. 电影很少能够影响到公共政策,但是华盛顿对于网络攻击、电脑监控和可能的网络战争的政策,却直接受到1983年票房大片《战争游戏》(WarGames)的影响。

    Movies rarely influence public policy , but Washington 's policies on cyberattacks , computer surveillance and the possibility of cyberwarfare were directly influenced by the 1983 box-office hit " WarGames . "

  4. 电热水瓶电脑监控设计

    Design of Computer Monitor for Electric Thermos Pot

  5. 两个赛马场里面,先进的电脑监控着跑道和看台上发生的一切。

    At the two racetracks , advanced computers monitor the action on the track and in the stands .

  6. 介绍了锦纶6聚合生产线用于工艺控制的电脑监控系统国产化工作以及该系统的特点。

    It introduces regeneration on computer supervising system used for process control in PA-6 polymerization production line and its character .

  7. 他指出,几年前美国曾经出现过大量有关工作电脑监控的法律诉讼,每一次都以雇员败诉而告终。

    He says there was a spate of legal cases in the US a few years ago about the monitoring of work computers and employees lost every one of them .

  8. 这款应用软件于8月30日首次推出,可以安装在智能手机上,通过电脑远程监控该设备的所在地——由此根据GPS数据来推测手机主人的下落。

    First launched on August 30 , the application could be installed into a smartphone and a computer could then be used to monitor the whereabouts of the device - and , presumably , the owner , through its GPS data .

  9. 这款应用软件于8月30日首次推出,可以安装在智能手机上,通过电脑远程监控该设备的所在地&由此根据GPS数据来推测手机主人的下落。

    First launched on August 30 , the application could be installed into a smartphone and a computer could then be used to monitor the whereabouts of the device – and , presumably , the owner , through its GPS data .

  10. 康涅狄格州斯坦福德(Stamford)的技术调研公司Gartner预计,到2015年,企业的电脑安全监控软件使用量将从现在的不足10%升至60%。

    Gartner Inc. , a Stamford , Conn. , technology-research company , predicts use of computer security-monitoring programs will rise to 60 % of employers by 2015 , from fewer than 10 % now .

  11. 他们也发现一台电脑、监控摄影机设备与多项武器。

    They also found a computer , surveillance camera equipment and weapons .

  12. 约翰逊知道她的电脑受到监控,但是她说这并未让她感到不舒服,她没有做任何不应该做的事情。

    Ms. Johnson knows her computer is monitored , but ' it doesn 't bother me , ' she says . ' I 'm not doing anything I shouldn 't be doing . '

  13. 在电话网络中,电脑会监控每条路径的连接速度,并辨认出这个网络中目前速度最快,最不拥挤的部分。

    Now , in the phone network , a computer monitors the connection speed of each path and identifies the paths that are currently the fastest , the least crowded parts of the network .

  14. 基于Web的路桥电脑收费与监控系统

    Computer Toll and Controlling System of Roads and Bridges Based on Web

  15. 但电子书同时也会产生一些额外的费用:维护电脑服务器、监控盗版、对旧书进行数字化处理等。

    But they create additional costs : maintaining computer servers , monitoring piracy , digitizing old books .

  16. 生产线上,一组组滚轮、机轮和输送管嗡嗡地运转。工人们在电脑面板前监控着生产线的运转。

    The production line is a whirring mass of rollers , wheels and pipes , monitored by men at computer panels .

  17. 架桥铺轨机电脑安全预警监控系统的设计与应用

    The Designing and Application of the Computer Safety Pre - alarming Monitoring System for Bridge - erecting and Track - laying Machines

  18. 为了简单明了地获得证据,可以在伴侣的电脑上安装监控软件,可以记录他们的一举一动,让你能够阅读他们的邮件,聊天和即时消息。

    For foolproof evidence , install monitoring software on your partner 's computer : it records their every keystroke , enabling you to read e-mails , chats , and instant messages .

  19. 该产品支持中央监控站和指挥中心应用程序有多台计算机和多个操作人员同时工作,同意也支持单个工作人员或是笔记本电脑用户定期监控某个地点。

    The product supports multiple PCs and operators for central monitoring station and command center applications , as well as for a single operator or laptop user who periodically monitors a site .

  20. 阐述了基于USB总线的电脑中频治疗仪监控系统的开发和研制方法。

    This paper is to indicate the principle and design method of the central control system based on USB for computerized intermediate-frequency therapy apparatus .

  21. 基于笔记本电脑的机房电源监控系统改造

    Improvement of Power Supervision System for Power Room Based on PC

  22. 电脑绗缝机远程监控方法的研究

    Research on the Remote Monitoring System of Computerized Quilting Machine

  23. 电脑中频治疗仪监控中心的开发与研制

    Development of central control system for computerized intermediate - frequency therapy apparatus

  24. 电脑分析来自标准监控视频摄像机的图像在烟雾发射源处识别到烟雾,做出迅速准确的分析结果。

    Computer analyses of images from standard CCTV cameras identify smoke at its source , producing fast , reliable results .

  25. 组织成员会用自己设计的数码设备或电脑、手机、监控设备,甚至是纸笔,记录自己的发现。

    To record their findings , they use digital gadgets they design or computers , mobile phones , monitoring devices , or just pen and paper .

  26. 介绍了把蓝牙技术嵌入到核测量仪器的方法,利用蓝牙的无线技术和便携式掌上电脑实现了远程监控和测量数据的快速分析。

    Introduced the method that the bluetooth technique imbeds the radioactivity measurement instrument , and realized remote monitor and radioactivity measurement data quickly analysis throught the use of the wireless technique-bluetooth and the portable handhold PC.

  27. 文章提出电脑绗缝机远程监控系统的新方案,并建立起远程监控网络结构模型和通信协议模型,并针对电脑绗缝机远程监控系统进行了实际开发与研究。

    This thesis putS forward the new plan of the remote monitoring system of computerized quilting machine , makes the model of network architecture and transport protocol , practically develops and researches the system of computerized quilting machine real-time control .

  28. 解决了基于无线网络的掌上电脑视频获取与显示、设备控制等关键技术,使掌上电脑成为设备监控与故障诊断系统中的一种便捷的工具。

    The key technologies of video display , equipment control with PDA based on wireless network are implemented , which makes PDA to be a convenient tool in MFDS .