
  • The Saw;Saw II
  1. 该片导演温子仁(JamesWan)说:“我运用了大家熟悉的东西,然后对它做了进一步发挥,接下来超自然力量开始介入,我又开始运用它。”温子仁也是《电锯惊魂》(Saw)系列第一部(2004年)的导演。

    James Wan , the film 's director , who also started the ' Saw ' franchise in 2004 , says : ' I take something familiar , and I take it up a notch , and supernatural forces start to intervene and I play with them . '

  2. 象不象从电锯惊魂里出来的?

    Do I look like something out of that movie saw ?

  3. 莎娜马上想到了电影《电锯惊魂》。

    Shanna was immediately attacked by memories of the movie Saw .

  4. 我们都知道美国的有许多著名的恐怖片,像《电锯惊魂》、《寂静岭》、《惊声尖叫》等等。你知道这些电影吗?

    We all know that America has many famous horror movies : Saw 、 Silent Hill , Scream , etc. Have you seen them ?

  5. 他什么都看不见但他还想要我带他去看电影我说弗兰克我知道一个关于家居装饰的电影电锯惊魂5他最后的日子是在临终关怀医院度过的

    He couldn 't even see , but he wanted me to take him to the movies I said , Frank , I know this great movie about home improvement . Saw five In his final days at hospice .