
bù fá
  • there is no lack of;no lack of;do not lack
不乏 [bù fá]
  • [do not lack] 不缺少;很多

  • 不乏其人

  • 不乏先例

不乏[bù fá]
  1. 该学院不乏申请者。

    There is no lack of applicants to this college .

  2. 他的思维方法不乏条理性。

    There is no lack of method in his way of thinking .

  3. 学生们当然不乏热情。

    The students were certainly not wanting in enthusiasm .

  4. 他们的经营既有真正的专业水准又不乏个人特色。

    They run it with a truly professional but personal touch .

  5. 尽管那部电影不乏亮点,但我还是觉得它过于敷衍了事。

    Despite the film 's merits I felt it was too pat .

  6. 非洲舞蹈充满活力,但不乏精妙之处,需要舞者有很强的力量和控制能力。

    African dance is vigorous , but full of subtlety , requiring great strength and control

  7. 过了这么久,他依然不乏新点子并敢于去尝试。

    After all this time he still had new ideas and was game to try them

  8. 这是对两个11岁小男孩之间的友谊所作的细腻而不乏风趣的描述。

    This is a sensitive and often funny portrayal of a friendship between two 11-year-old boys .

  9. 人类总不乏这样的英雄人物。

    Humanity has always had such heroes .

  10. 中药气雾剂技术呈现缓慢发展的状况,但不乏个别表现突出的品种

    A relatively slow developing trend was shown , however , good protrusive kinds of TCM aerosols not seldom .

  11. 其中大多数主播是女孩儿或者年轻女性,直播地点不乏最私密的空间,比如卧室,浴室和起居室。

    Most are girls and young women broadcasting from the most private spaces of their bedrooms , bathrooms and living rooms .

  12. 这张专辑里不乏表达愤怒的歌曲,比如“Money,Power,Glory”,在这首歌里,德蕾嘲讽了那些模仿她的人,并且故意给评论家留下了话头;

    There are angry songs , such as Money , Power , Glory , mocking her imitators and knowingly feeding into her critics .

  13. 目前,开放源代码的软件开发模式已经被越来越多的软件开发者所采用,其中不乏Linux这样的成功范例。

    At present , software explorers like Linux , who makes a great success in the field , increasingly adopt developing models of open source software .

  14. 企业引进的ERP系统,使用的效果却有好有坏,而且不乏完全失败的案例。

    The enterprises introduce ERP system , but the using result alternates between good and bad , and does not lack the case totally failing .

  15. 尽管不乏BSC在国内成功应用的案例,但是,多数应用案例都是以失败而告终的。

    Although there are successful applying cases in China , many cases of enterprises applying are failed .

  16. 现今,各种开发工具与关键技术不乏使用在科研管理信息系统的开发中,比如J2EE平台或者.net平台。

    Nowadays , various develop tools and key technologies have been widely used in scientific research management platform , for example , J2EE and . net architecture .

  17. 但正如贝蒂在周一所说:新兴市场国家并不乏担任IMF总裁的可信人选。

    But as Beattie reported on Monday : ' There is no shortage of credible potential candidates from emerging market countries to head the IMF .

  18. 结论(1)MRSA在烧伤科分布广,其中不乏同源株;

    Conclusion ( 1 ) There was wide spread presence of MRSA homologous strains in the burn ward .

  19. 尽管如此,德国ifo调查报告中也不乏亮点。

    However , the German IFO survey had bright spots .

  20. 然而,知名科学家中还是不乏反对巴斯德和细菌病毒学说的人,尤其是一个个叫做AntoineBéchamp的名望很高的教授。

    A number of eminent scientists opposed Pasteur and The Germ Theory , most notably the highly respected Professor Antoine B é champ .

  21. 共有1631人聚集在利物浦的城市中心齐唱《爱我吧(LoveMeDo)》,这些狂热追随者中不乏千里迢迢来到这里的秘鲁人与日本人。

    Aficionados poured in from as far afield as Peru and Tokyo for a weekend of live music and Beatlemania , which kicked off with 1631 people singing " Love Me Do " outside the city 's central Liver Building .

  22. 研究发现,在普通蔬菜中亦不乏锗的存在。本文报导了18个蔬菜品种可食部分的含锗量平均值为1.03±0.49mg/kg(以干物质计)。

    This paper reported that Ge content of 18 kinds of vegetable was average in 1.03 ± 0.49 mg / kg ( DW ) and varianced with speaes and some affected by soils .

  23. LED作为一种具有节能、环保、寿命长等特点的新型绿色光源在城市道路照明上的应用日趋普遍,而智能照明控制系统更是种类繁多,实际应用也不乏实例。

    As an energy saving , environmental protection and long life characteristics of the green light , LED lighting has become increasingly popular . The lighting control systems are a wide range of , there are many application examples .

  24. 该系统基于最新的Web技术和数据库技术,采用免费的Linux/Apache/PHP/MySQL为其开发工具和运行平台,经济实用又不乏通用性,深受用户的好评,很有推广价值。

    Based on up to date Web and database technology , developed by and run on free Linux / Apache / PHP / MySQL platform , it shows that it is economical , practical and universal , and it is welcome by user and worth distributing .

  25. 追溯到13世纪,这座精美绝伦的英国古城堡有着现代豪华的WiFi网络,也不乏墙壁上庄严的城堡历史。

    Dating back all the way to the thirteenth century , this exquisite , ancient castle of England features the modern luxury of WiFi connection as well as stately history within its walls .

  26. 从各项参数来看,Gear亮点颇多:1.63英寸的全彩屏幕、谷歌(Google)Android操作系统、70款首发应用,其中不乏eBay、印象笔记(Evernote)和健身软件RunKeeper等大牌应用。

    On paper , it has several nifty things going for it : a 1.63-inch color display , Google ( GOOG ) Android , and 70 apps at launch from eBay ( eBay ) , Evernote , and runkeeper , among them .

  27. 本周,亚马逊公司少有地发行了债券,筹得三亿美元,然后一掷千金,买下数家公司,其中不乏在线鞋类零售商zappos这种之前雄心勃勃要与亚马逊一较高下的企业。

    Amazon , which raised $ 3 billion in a rare bond issue this week , has splashed out on firms such as Zappos , an online shoe retailer that had ambitions to rival it .

  28. 其中不乏腥风血雨的战斗,如公元前1274年的卡迭石战役(BattleofKadesh)。但一直到拉美西斯二世,双方都没争出个高下,况且当时两方都还得面对各自的内忧外患。

    The conflict gave rise to bloody engagements like 1274 B.C. 's Battle of Kadesh , but by time of the pharaoh Ramses II neither side had emerged as a clear victor .

  29. 但是也不可否认的是,知识产权制度在保护传统知识方面不乏可利用之处。随着全球贸易竞争的日趋激烈,EDI在国际贸易中所具有的重要地位将愈益明显。

    From many aspects , intellectual property conflicts with traditional knowledge and played a negative role in benefit sharing . It plays an important role in the fierce competition in global trade as well as challenges in many aspects the traditional legal systems based on paper international trade .

  30. 鉴于Aereo步步紧逼,广播公司正在考虑退守有线网络。但不乏讽刺意味的是,有线电视本身也在面临着互联网的威胁。

    There is some irony in the fact that Aereo 's threat to TV has broadcasters considering retreating behind cable 's walls , which themselves are under threat from the Internet .