
  • 网络restless leg syndrome;restless legs syndrome, RLS
  1. 不同血液净化方法对尿毒症不安腿综合征的影响效果分析

    Analysis the effect of different hemodialysis ways on uremic restless legs syndrome patient

  2. 不安腿综合征对血液透析患者生活质量及睡眠质量影响的研究

    The influence of restless legs syndrome on the quality of life and sleep in maintenance hemodialysis patients

  3. 帕金森病下丘脑刺激时出现的不安腿综合征

    Emergence of restless legs syndrome during subthalamic stimulation for Parkinson disease

  4. 卡马西平治疗不安腿综合征76例分析

    Analysis of Results of Treatment on 76 Cases of Restless Leg Syndrome

  5. 针刺治疗不安腿综合征疗效观察

    Therapeutic Observation of Acupuncture on Restless Legs Syndrome

  6. 针刺结合药物对不安腿综合征患者睡眠质量的影响

    Sleep Quality Effect of Restless Legs Syndrome Patients Treated by Acupuncture Combined with Medicine

  7. 目的:比较不同针刺取穴方法治疗不安腿综合征的疗效差异。方法:将81例患者按就诊顺序随机分为两组。

    Objective To compare therapeutic effects of different acupoints selected on restless legs syndrome .

  8. 不同循经取穴治疗不安腿综合征疗效比较

    Comparison of therapeutic effects of acupoints selected along different meridians on restless legs syndrome

  9. 飞行员不安腿综合征二例

    Two pilot cases of restless leg syndrome

  10. 中西医结合治疗气血亏虚型不安腿综合征临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine in Treating Restless Legs Syndrome of Qi-Blood Deficiency

  11. 多巴胺与不安腿综合征

    Dopamine and restless leg syndrome

  12. 家族性和散发性不安腿综合征患者的发病年龄、性别和严重程度特征的分析

    Analysis of familial and sporadic restless legs syndrome in age of onset , gender , and severity features