
  1. 在不呼吸的划水时不要抬头。呼吸时向前看一下,然后马上低头回到原来头身一条线的状态。

    Don 't lift the head at all during a non-breathing stroke , and when taking a breath , look forward , then get the head right back in line with the body .

  2. 你的抓水要更加地有力,留心墙上你要碰触的目标,调整你的划手,以便你的手正好能触壁,不要抬头,充分发挥你还有的每一丝能量。

    The catch become more intense , heed the target on the wall and adjust your stroke so that you hit it just right , keep your head down , and get every ounce of the energy you have .