
hǎi míng wēi
  • Heimingway;Ernest Hemingway;Ernest Miller Hemingway;E.Hemingway
  1. 很多名人,如爱迪生、爱因斯坦和海明威,是因为勤奋工作才能成功。

    Many famous people , such as Edison , Einstein and Heimingway , succeeded because of their had work .

  2. HillsLikewhiteElephants是海明威的一篇著名的短篇小说。

    " Hills Like White Elephants " is a short story written by Ernest Hemingway .

  3. 海明威的工作室在右面。

    Hemingway 's studio is to the right

  4. 你可能成不了第二个海明威,但你可以练就一手好文笔。

    You may never be another Hemingway , but you can learn to write well .

  5. 我总是把海明威和史坦贝克联系在一起,认为他们是具有代表性的美国作家。

    I always couple Hemingway and Steinbeck together as being typically American writers .

  6. 我喜欢海明威的小说。

    I am fond of hemingway 's novels .

  7. 他虔诚地崇拜海明威。

    He adores Hemingway with true devotion .

  8. 海明威感情压抑,沃尔夫却把读者卷进感情的漩涡

    Hemingway suppresses emtion , Wolfe engulfs the reader in feeling .

  9. 海明威笔下的角色明确反映出他自己的价值观与人生观。

    Hemingway 's characters plainly embody his own values and view of life .

  10. “欧内斯特·海明威:两次世界大战之间”(ErnestHemingway:BetweenTwoWars)将于周五在摩根图书馆与博物馆(MorganLibrary&Museum)开展,人们不禁奇怪,之前怎么根本就没有关于海明威及其作品的大型博物馆展览呢?

    So how is it possible that " Ernest Hemingway : Between Two Wars , " which opens on Friday at the Morgan Library & Museum , is the first major museum exhibition devoted to Hemingway and his work ?

  11. 索尔·贝娄(SaulBellow,1915-2005)是美国现代文学中最具代表性的人物之一,是继海明威和福克纳之后美国最重要的小说家之一。

    Saul Bellow ( Saul Bellow , 1915-2005 ) is one of the most representative figures in modern American literature , one of the most important novelists after Hemingway and Faulkner .

  12. 基于前人对话语标记语的研究,本文作者就海明威《太阳照常升起》中话语标记语OH在朋友之间的对话中的语用功能进行了研究。

    In this dissertation , the author , based on the previous study on discourse markers ( DMs ), keeps his focus on DM oh in The Sun Also Rises to sum up the pragmatic functions of oh in the conversations between or among friends .

  13. “当冷雨不停地下,扼杀了春天的时候,这就仿佛一个年轻人毫无道理地夭折了,”欧内斯特•海明威(ErnestHemingway)在他回忆巴黎的书中写道,这稍微有些夸张。

    " When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring , it was as though a young person had died for no reason ," wrote Ernest Hemingway , exaggerating slightly , in his memoir of Paris .

  14. 如果没有庞德,艾略特的大作《荒原》可能只叫做HeDoThePoliceInDifferentVoices这样让你陌生的名字。事实上,庞德经常指导有前途的年轻作家,从欧内斯特·海明威到詹姆斯·乔伊斯,都曾在他的帮助下成名。

    Without Pound , Eliot 's masterpiece " The Waste Land " might still be known as " He Do The Police In Different Voices . " In fact , Pound had a habit of mentoring promising young authors who later became famous , helping to popularize everyone from Ernest Hemingway to James Joyce .

  15. 这也许能够为海明威的整体研究提供一点启示。

    Perhaps it can become one part of the Hemingway study .

  16. 马克·吐温和海明威都是美国具有代表性的作家。

    Mark Twain & Hemingway are both representative writers in America .

  17. 海明威总是在有更多想说的话之时停止写作。

    Hemingway always stopped writing when he had more to say .

  18. 海明威与菲茨杰拉德的女性观比较

    A Comparison of the Attitudes towards Women between Hemingway and Fitzgerald

  19. 海明威作品冰山风格的系统功能观

    The Systemic-Functional View on the Iceberg Style of Hemingway 's Production

  20. 对海明威硬汉形象的精神解读

    A Spiritual Understanding to Hemingway 's Image of Man of Iron

  21. 海明威以独特的文体风格著称于世。

    Hemingway is famous for his unique style in the world .

  22. 教我们的老师长得很像美国作家海明威。

    The teacher was this guy who looked like Ernest Hemingway .

  23. 《老人与海》是海明威的中篇小说。

    The old man and the sea is Hemingway 's novel .

  24. 海明威和作业时间写了他的故事。

    And the job gave Hemingway time to write his stories .

  25. 后面一座是海明威的书房。

    Hemmingway 's study was at the back of the house .

  26. 海明威和我们一起钓鱼的时候,我只有7岁。

    I was seven years old when Ernest fished with us .

  27. 海明威眼中的理想型女性既不是魔鬼也不是天使。

    The ideal women his mind is neither angels nor ghosts .

  28. 海明威的《老人与海》有着深刻的蕴意。

    The Old Man and Sea by Hemingway is profound moral .

  29. 刍议海明威写作的冰山原则

    On the iceberg principle , the writing style of Hemingway

  30. 悲剧结局是海明威作品的标志。

    Tragic ending was the characteristic of Hemingway 's works .