
diàn shì diàn yǐnɡ
  • telecine;television/TV movie
  1. 电视电影:再论两个标准

    On Telecine : A Pass-through Study of the Two Standards

  2. 随着一批批优秀电视电影作品的面世,电视电影向亿万中国观众提供了一种全新的观赏视角,为国民带来了独特的审美体验。

    Along with the appearance of a series of excellent telecine products , the telecine has provided billions of Chinese audience with an all-new appreciative perspective and special aesthetic experience .

  3. 人们不用戴3d电视电影必需的专门眼镜,就能用它看三维图片。

    It provides three-dimensional images without the need to wear special glasses , as required with 3D television and films .

  4. 然后,他执导了大获成功的喜剧片《三个奶爸一个娃》(ThreeMenandaBaby,1987),这部影片与他的科幻作品大相径庭。他还出演了一些电视电影。

    He then directed the hugely successful comedy Three Men and a Baby ( 1987 ), a far cry from his science-fiction work , and appeared in made-for-television movies .

  5. 乔弗瑞·拉什凭借《彼得-塞勒斯的生与死》(THELIFEANDDEATHOFPETERSELLERS)获得最佳电视电影男演员奖。

    Geoffrey Rush of " The Life and Death of Peter Sellers " accepted the award for best actor in a mini-series or television movie .

  6. 最佳电视电影:《神探夏洛克:可恶的新娘》(Sherlock:TheAbominableBride[Masterpiece],PBS)

    TV Movie : " Sherlock : The Abominable Bride ( Masterpiece ) " ( PBS )

  7. 他唯一的演员,歌手,舞蹈演员和情人谁发动的最畅销的CD去年可能是最流行的取得为电视电影的所有时间。

    He 's only the actor , singer , dancer and heartthrob who launched the biggest-selling CD of last year and what may be the most popular made-for-TV movie of all time .

  8. 《狮子守卫团》会以电视电影的形式在2015年秋季首播,其后续电视剧将于2016年初在迪士尼幼儿频道和迪士尼频道(DisneyChannel)播出。

    The Lion Guard will start as an animated TV movie and bow in fall 2015 , with the subsequent series set for an early 2016 debut on Disney Junior and Disney Channel .

  9. 晚年,他重新找回自己的犹太人传统。1991年,他制作并主演电视电影《永不忘记》(NeverForget),该片是根据一个犹太大屠杀幸存者的故事创作的,这名幸存者起诉了一个否认大屠杀的新纳粹组织。

    In later years , he rediscovered his Jewish heritage , and in 1991 he produced and starred in " Never Forget , " a television movie based on the story of a Holocaust survivor who sued a neo-Nazi organization of Holocaust deniers .

  10. 它包括开发数字业务机会,增加原创节目,扩大国际业务,缩减电视电影业务的开支,其中也包括特纳有线电视网(Turnercablenetworks)和华纳兄弟电影公司(Warnerbros.filmstudios)。

    That strategy includes exploiting digital business opportunities , increasing original programming , expanding international business and cutting costs across its television and film properties , which also include Turner cable networks and Warner Bros. film studios .

  11. 默多克表示,将出版、教育和澳大利亚控股业务与福克斯(fox)、天空(sky)和星空(star)等电视电影品牌拆分的决定,与英国报纸部门窃听丑闻引发的调查“无关”。

    The decision to spin off publishing , education and Australian holdings from the fox , sky and Star TV and film brands had " nothing to do " with investigations stemming from the hacking scandal in its UK newspaper arm , he said .

  12. 他的母亲制作过一部关于民权运动时期取消学校种族隔离的电影,并因此获得“皮博迪”奖(peabodyaward);他的父亲是电视电影制作人,一度曾效力于派拉蒙。

    His mother won a Peabody Award for a film she produced about school integration during the civil rights era while his father made television movies and worked , for a time , at Paramount .

  13. 最佳电视电影或迷你剧:《冰血暴》,FX;《疑踪》,Starz;《平常的心》,HBO;《奥利芙·基特里奇》(OliveKitteridge),HBO;《真探》,HBO

    Best Television Movie or Mini-series " Fargo " ( FX ) " The Missing " ( Starz ) " The Normal Heart " ( HBO ) " Olive Kitteridge " ( HBO ) " True Detective " ( HBO )

  14. 本尼凭该剧在2013年获得美国BAFTA奖(BritanniaAward)的英国年度最佳艺人,在2014年获得了艾美奖的最佳迷你剧/电视电影男主角。

    The series most recent season earned Cumberbatch the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Miniseries or a Movie in 2014 , after winning the BAFTA / LA Britannia Award for British Artist of the Year in 2013 .

  15. 评审团的其他成员还包括JuddApatow,HalleBerry,JamieLeeCurtis,LeonardMaltin,来自知名大学的著作家,学者,公认的电影艺术家,还有像媒体NPR,RollingStone,TVGuide,华盛顿邮报对于电视电影的评论家们。

    Other jury members included Judd Apatow , Halle Berry , Jamie Lee Curtis , Leonard Maltin , authors and scholars representing prestigious universities with recognized motion picture arts and TV programs and film and TV critics from media outlets like NPR , Rolling Stone , TV Guide and The Washington Post .

  16. 消费税:没有,因为所有这些规定被推倒,但你可以看到的Montecito在两个小时的电视电影霹雳游侠从去年冬天。

    GST : No , because all those sets were torn down , but you can see the Montecito in the two hour Knight Rider TV movie from last winter .

  17. 他看的比赛录像远远超过电视电影。

    He watches more game tapes than television shows or movies .

  18. 第四部分:系列电视电影的美学特征。

    Part ⅳ: the aesthetic characteristics of Chinese TV film series .

  19. 负责电视电影等剧情各部分安排的女场记员。

    Films and TV programmes are often made out of continuity .

  20. 中国系列电视电影是中国电视电影的组成部分之一。

    Chinese TV film series are one of Chinese TV films .

  21. 你就象每周的电视电影一样。

    You look like some TV movie of the week .

  22. 电视电影版的《甄嬛传》是由美国一流制作团队制作编辑。

    The movie was edited and produced with American first-class production team .

  23. 电视电影的发展战略及其叙事策略

    The Developing Strategy and Narration Tactics in Chinese Tele Film

  24. 电视电影:探索类型片的商业美学特征

    A Quest for the Commercial Aesthetics Characteristic of Genre Film

  25. 嘉宝出演过60多部电视电影和电影。

    Gabor appeared in more than 60 television movies and feature films .

  26. 对系列电视电影取得的成就、不足与建议进行了梳理。

    Analyze the achievements , shortcomings and prospects of Chinese TV film series .

  27. 电视电影:前景与途径

    Chinese Tele Film : the Future and the Way

  28. 2006年电视电影综述

    A Summary of Chinese Tele Films in 2006

  29. 主要的艾美奖项还有最佳电视电影奖和基于真实故事拍摄的最佳迷你剧奖。

    Key Emmys also went to television movies and a mini-series based on real-life stories .

  30. 正在制作的电视电影包括根据同名小说改编的《单身汉之吻》。

    Telemovies in development include " Bachelor Kisses ", based on the Nick Earls novel .