
diàn yǐnɡ dáo yǎn
  • film director;screen director
  1. 这个女人是一个电影导演的妻子。

    The woman was the wife of a film director .

  2. 1952年她嫁给了电影导演罗杰·瓦丹。

    In 1952 she wed film director Roger Vadim

  3. 在挑战家庭娱乐片的接受程度方面,没有哪个电影导演比他的影响更深远。

    No cinema director had a more profound effect in pushing the envelope of acceptable family entertainment .

  4. 电影导演测试了一下那位青年演员的演技。

    The film director put the young actor through his paces .

  5. 作为电影导演,他一向是非常成功的,可是这一回他失败了。

    As a movie director he is generally very successful , but he sure laid an egg this time .

  6. 一名电影导演看到了她,决定让她演电影。

    A movie director saw her and decided to put her in a movie .

  7. 塔库尼女士说:“如果电影导演为女性,影片中的女主角不是男主角的陪衬,或者影片是专门有关女性的主题,那么这样的影片就可以定为F级。”

    Ms Tarquini said : " If our films have a female director , a female lead who is not simply there to support the male lead , or are specifically about women then they will receive an F-Rated stamp of approval . "

  8. 香港电影导演会(HongKongFilmDirectors'Guild)副会长刘伟强(AndrewLau)说,他对这起攻击事件感到迷惑。

    Andrew Lau , vice president of the Hong Kong Film Directors ' Guild , said he was puzzled by the attack .

  9. 电影导演的标识符是?dir。

    The film has a director with the identifier ? dir .

  10. 电影导演尼尔·乔丹(NeilJordan1950&)是爱尔兰当代艺术领域的杰出代表。

    Auteur Neil Jordan ( 1950 - ) is the distinguished representative in the Irish contemporary arts .

  11. 义愤填膺的管理者的榜样是电影导演阿尔弗雷德•希区柯克(AlfredHitchcock)。

    The role model for indignant managers is the film director Alfred Hitchcock .

  12. 好莱坞电影导演詹姆斯卡梅隆(jamescameron)从地球最深处浮出水面的时候,他的科学成就赢得了人们的钦佩。

    When Hollywood film director James Cameron surfaced this week from the deepest place on earth , he was admired for his scientific achievement .

  13. 他们为美国年轻一代的电影导演比如弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉FrancisFordCoppola和斯蒂芬-斯皮尔伯格(StevenSpielberg)提供了灵感。

    They provided inspiration for a younger generation of American directors like Francis Ford Coppola and Steven Spielberg .

  14. 阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克(AlfredHitchcock)是二十世纪最著名的电影导演之一。

    Alfred Hitchcock is one of the most famous film directors in the 20th century .

  15. 行星资源是由迪曼蒂斯和埃里克安德森(ericanderson)创建的,电影导演、海洋探险家詹姆斯卡梅隆(jamescameron)任该公司顾问。

    The company , which is being advised by film director and marine explorer James Cameron , was founded by Mr Diamandis and Eric Anderson .

  16. 电影导演休•赫德森(作品有火战车(ChariotsofFire),泰山王子(Greystoke),革命(Revolution))的短袖也是限于特定背景。

    Film director Hugh Hudson ,( Chariots of Fire , Greystoke , Revolution ) also restricts his short sleeves to a specific context .

  17. 这是中国电影导演协会(ChinaFilmDirectors'Guild)2013年度表彰大会所传递出来的信息。此次大会年度影片和年度导演空缺,原因是缺乏高质量的参选者。

    That was the message from the China Film Directors ' Guild , which declined to hand out its two top prizes -- best picture and best director -- for 2013 , citing a lack of high-quality contenders .

  18. JohnEscolme和董征在本期节目中聚焦英国著名女演员朱迪▪丹奇和美国著名电影导演斯蒂芬▪斯皮尔伯格。

    John Escolme and Jean Dong talk about well-known British actress Judi Dench , and famous American film director Steven Spielberg .

  19. 备受期待的《功夫熊猫3》是一部中美合拍片,由中美合资企业上海东方梦工厂影业负责制作。鹿晗为该片推出了中英文歌曲MV《海底》。该MV由电影导演许诚毅操刀。

    He released " Deep , " a music video promoting Kung Fu Panda 3 , the much-anticipated U.S. - China co-production from the Oriental DreamWorks joint venture .

  20. 乔尔·科恩(JoelCoen)和伊桑·科恩(EthanCoen)兄弟是美国著名的电影导演、编剧、制片。

    Joel David Coen and Ethan Jesse Coen , known together professionally as the Coen brothers , are American filmmakers .

  21. 中国女演员汤唯和电影导演岸西(IvyHo)在香港国际电影节上露面,出席她们合作的浪漫喜剧片《月满轩尼诗》(CrossingHennessy)在周日晚间的首映。

    Chinese actress Tang Wei and director Ivy Ho appeared at the Hong Kong International Film Festival for the Sunday-night premiere of their romantic comedy ' Crossing Hennessy . '

  22. 著名毕业生:奥运会金牌获得者TenleyAlbright,电影导演HilaryBirmingham,前时尚杂志主编BarbaraCushingMortimerPaley。

    Notable alumni : Olympic gold medalist Tenley Albright , film director Hilary Birmingham , former Vogue editor Barbara Cushing Mortimer Paley .

  23. 尼古拉斯凯奇是电影导演FrancisFordCoppola的侄子,因主演《抚养亚利桑那》、《致命60秒》、《国家宝藏》等影片而声名大噪。

    Cage , the nephew of film director Francis Ford Coppola , is best known for such films as Raising Arizona , Gone in 60 Seconds and National Treasure .

  24. 其中最杰出的一位是L,她被誉为是第一位非常成功的女电影导演。

    One of the most outstanding is Lois Weber , she is credited as the first consistently successful woman film director .

  25. 这在一定程度上反映出了一种艺术选择:此次奥运会开幕式的主设计师费尔南多•梅里尔斯(FernandoMeirelles)是一位知名电影导演。

    This partly reflected an artistic choice : Fernando Meirelles , the lead designer , is a renowned film-maker .

  26. 一位名号为IAMDGKZ1的黑客成员告诉Gawker说,他们握有一位著名电影导演的信息。

    One hacker - identified as IAMDGKZ1 - told Gawker they had information on a well-known film director .

  27. 最近,一位过于热心的广告代表在谷歌的博客上写道,谷歌的广告可能会成为利益集团的有益工具,以反驳电影导演迈克尔摩尔(michaelmoore)对美国医疗体系的批评。

    More recently , an over-zealous advertising rep wrote on a Google Blog that advertising on the search engine could be a useful vehicle for interest groups seeking to counter criticism of the US healthcare system made by filmmaker Michael Moore .

  28. 2001年,在圣塔莫妮卡的麦凯布吉他店举办了维克多的追思会,杰克手头的签名簿上有汤姆·佩蒂(TomPetty)、杰克逊·布朗(JacksonBrowne)和电影导演保罗·马祖斯基(PaulMazursky)的签名。

    There was also the guest book from the memorial for Victor at McCabe 's Guitar Shop in Santa Monica in 2001 . Tom Petty , Jackson Browne and the filmmaker Paul Mazursky all signed it .

  29. 首先是电影导演史蒂文斯皮尔伯格(stevenspielberg)辞去开闭幕式艺术顾问一职,原因是中国没有尽力平息达尔富尔危机。

    The year began with Steven Spielberg , the film director , withdrawing from his role as artistic adviser to the opening and closing ceremonies because China was not doing enough to ease the crisis in Darfur .

  30. 北京奥运会组织者昨日表示,任何将体育与政治联系在一起的行为都有违奥林匹克精神。此前,美国电影导演史蒂文•斯皮尔伯格(StevenSpielberg)辞去了北京奥运会开闭幕式艺术顾问一职。

    Organisers of the Beijing Olympics yesterday denounced any linking of sport and politics as a contravention of the Olympic Spirit following the resignation of Steven Spielberg , the US film director , as an artistic adviser for the Games ' opening and closing ceremonies .