
  • 网络INDEPENDENT FILMMAKING;independent film
  1. 其电影不是类型片、娱乐片、商业片,而是一种诚意电影,具有独立制片的美学特征。

    In the spirit of independent filmmaking , Yang 's creation is a kind of sincerity movies , not for entertainment or financial profit .

  2. 《暗夜摇篮曲》的广泛发行标志着一个独立制片的偶像蒂尔达·史温顿的一个新的开始。

    The widespread distribution of " The Deep End " marks a departure for Tilda Swinton , an icon of independent film .

  3. 独立制片公司RelativityMedia投资了一家名为Skyland的传媒企业,这家总部设在中国的公司致力于本土电影制作。

    Relativity Media , an independent studio , invested in Skyland , a China-based media company with the aim of making local films ;

  4. SBS及其对手KBS和MBC都已开始委托独立制片公司制作大多数电视剧。

    SBS and its rivals , KBS and MBC , have begun to commission most of their TV dramas from independent production companies .

  5. 本文展出了以下几个方面的问题:首先是关于独立制片、DV的含义及它们给纪录片创作传播带来的变化;

    The thesis mainly displays the following sides ; first , the meaning of DV and independent film-making , including the change they bring about ;

  6. 该片名为《卧虎藏龙2:青冥宝剑》(CrouchingTiger,HiddenDragon:TheGreenDestiny),它出自独立制片公司温斯坦公司,而非大型电影公司,成本相对较低。

    The film , called " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon : The Green Destiny , " is a production of the independent Weinstein Company , not a major movie studio , and has a relatively modest budget .

  7. 私人控股公司复星集团(Fosun)计划斥资至多2亿美元投资于独立制片公司Studio8,后者由华纳兄弟(WarnerBrothers)前总裁杰夫圠宾诺夫(JeffRobinov)创立。

    Fosun , a privately held conglomerate , plans to spend up to $ 200m backing Studio 8 , an independent studio founded by Jeff Robinov , former head of Warner Brothers .

  8. 我们不区分好莱坞电影和独立制片电影。

    We don 't distinguish between Hollywood films and independent ones .

  9. 为何喜爱独立制片胜于好莱坞电影?

    Why do you like independent films more than Hollywood films ?

  10. 批评者表示,这一制度不公平地让独立制片公司承担了大部分的财务风险。

    Critics say this system unfairly skews financial risk towards the independent producers .

  11. 皮杰是个成功的独立制片。

    P.J. was a very successful Independent movie producer .

  12. 为实现盈利,独立制片公司必须依靠出口销售、赞助和植入式广告。

    To make a profit , the independent producers must rely on export sales , sponsorship and product placement .

  13. 为配合新一届奥斯卡竞争,一些小型独立制片公司将不得不作出重大调整。

    It is the smaller , independent companies that will have to make the most adjustments to the new Oscar date .

  14. 嗯,在这儿我们有各种类型的电影院,你想要看什么都有;从世界各国的影片到独立制片都有,也少不了好莱坞的商业电影。

    Well , here we have every kind of movie theaters you could ask for ; from international and independent films to Hollywood blockbusters .

  15. 第一章从制片权掌控的角度分析贾樟柯的独立制片特征,揭示了贾樟柯电影对于中国电影创作体制的改革所具有的重要意义。

    The first chapter is the analysis of Jia Zhang ke 's " Independent Film " characteristics and its significance for China film production system .

  16. 电影公司一般都有发行部,但小型独立制片商则通常依靠发行公司在海外市场销售影片。

    While major film companies have their own distribution departments , smaller independent filmmakers usually rely on distribution companies to sell their films in overseas markets .

  17. 古巴的独立制片公司运行在法律的边缘,从国家获得的资金非常少,甚至没有,并且常常难以让自己的影片通过审查。

    Independent production companies in Cuba operate in a legal limbo , getting little or no funding from the state and often struggling to get their movies past the censors .

  18. 好莱坞制片厂,独立制片商和导演们经常在北京遍寻中国制片厂进行合作,通常其目的都是为了给自己的影片出资,也为了让影片可以打入这个突然之间利润丰厚的市场。

    Hollywood studios , independent producers and directors regularly cycle through Beijing in search of partnerships with Chinese production houses-often seeking money to finance their movies , as well as access to a suddenly lucrative market .

  19. 一般情况下,双方分担摄制与工资成本,但电视台通常独占全部国内广告收入。为实现盈利,独立制片公司必须依靠出口销售、赞助和植入式广告。

    The two parties typically split filming and salary costs but the broadcaster usually takes all the domestic advertising revenue . To make a profit , the independent producers must rely on export sales , sponsorship and product placement .

  20. 制片公司期待怀旧情绪与日益增长的国际市场能弥补平淡的国内销售,另一方面,国内观众的喜好通常非常明显,今年,从他们的好恶之中,大制片公司与独立制片公司可以发现很多值得深思的东西。

    While banking on nostalgia and growing international markets to make up for flat home-entertainment sales , studios and their indie competitors will find much to contemplate in the behavior this year of a domestic audience whose likes and dislikes were often startlingly pronounced .

  21. 一连串需要租借古巴设备,雇佣古巴剧组人员的美国电影人,可能会让该国的独立制片业受益。古巴的独立电影产业出现于90年代末。当时,数字技术降低了电影制作的门槛,且国家用于电影制作的资金也枯竭了。

    a stream of american filmmakers needing to hire Cuban equipment and crews would be a boon to the country 's independent production industry , which sprouted in the late 1990s as digital technology made filmmaking more accessible and state money for movies ran dry .

  22. VFS的毕业学生,许多已是独立电影制片,动画师,艺术家,作家,演员,设计师,以及才华经理人,从不同领域里引领影响今日的全球娱乐产业。

    VFS graduates include many of the filmmakers , animators , artists , writers , actors , designers , and talent managers who shape today 's global entertainment industry .

  23. 卫星电视和有线电视的发展导致了许多独立电视制片公司的成立。

    The growth in satellite and cable TV has led to the formation of many independent TV production companies .

  24. 不再为独立电影制片的迪士尼,派拉蒙和华纳兄弟三大制片公司并没有回心转意,而是准备签约几部分耗资巨大的大片。

    The three major studios that got out of indie films - Disney , Paramount and Warner Bros - have not returned and are concentrating on a few expensive blockbusters .