
dú zī
  • sole proprietorship;investment by a sole investor
独资[dú zī]
  1. 比较独资,合作有什么长处呢?

    Compared with the sole proprietorship , what advantages has the partnership got ?

  2. 企业最简单的形式是个人企业或独资企业。

    The simplest form of business is called an individual or sole proprietorship .

  3. H汽车零部件有限公司(以下简称H公司)是一家外商独资企业。

    H Auto Parts Manufacturing Co Ltd ( hereinafter refer to as H Company ) is a wholly foreign owned company in China .

  4. RI成立于1996年,属于日本独资企业。

    Rl was established in 1996 , belongs to Japanese invested enterprise .

  5. 加入WTO后,技术转移要求的取消、跨国公司的独资化趋势使跨国公司对技术转移的控制更为牢固。

    After China joined WTO , abolishment of compulsory technology transfer and tendency of independence of MNCs make MNCs keep a firm hand on technology transfer .

  6. 中国加入WTO后,外资银行与国有独资商业银行竞争的重点仍是以国际贸易结算业务为核心的外汇业务,而非人民币业务。

    Third , after China joining WTO , the competition between state-owned banks and foreign-owned banks will still focus on foreign exchange business whose kernel is foreign trade settlement , not on RMB business .

  7. FedEX独资之梦

    Dream of the Single-venture of FedEx

  8. APS工业铝型材是比利时奥里伯斯铝业集团在中国独资工厂生产的系列产品之一。

    APS industrial aluminum is in Belgium , aluminium group in China , he owned factory is one of a series of products .

  9. 本文综合交易费用理论和谈判力量理论分析框架,探讨了FDI进入中国市场模式(合资/独资)的影响因素。

    Using the theory framework of transaction cost and bargaining power , this paper explores the factors that contribute to the entry mode ( full control vs. shared control ) choice of FDI in China .

  10. 包括贝莱德(BlackRock)和法国巴黎投资管理公司(BNPPIP)在内的基金管理公司,正通过自己在中国的独资企业向机构投资者提供咨询服务。

    Fund houses such as BlackRock and BNP Paribas Investment Partners ( BNPP IP ) are offering advisory services to institutional investors via their WFOEs .

  11. 根据WTO《服务贸易总协定》的规定,入世后,外资工程造价咨询业将在五年内获得在中国境内成立独资公司从事工程造价咨询业务的权利。

    According to the rules of WTO Service and Trade General Agreement , foreign capital project cost consultation industry will achieve the rights of establishing sole investment company to carry out project cost consultation activities within five years after joining WTO .

  12. B公司是澳大利亚最大的钢铁企业H集团下属的B多国公司在中国投资的外商独资企业。

    B Company is a foreign investment company under B multi-country Company , which belonging to the H Steel Group , the largest Steel enterprise in Australia . But the technology innovation of enterprises is so weak as to match with multi-country companies in China .

  13. 同时,依据我国对入世的承诺,加入WTO后五年内外资工程造价咨询业将获得在中国境内成立独资公司从事工程造价咨询业务的权利。

    Meanwhile , according to our promise to the WTO , foreign capital project cost consultation service industry will achieve the right of establishing sole capital company to carry on engineering cost consultation practice within five years after China 's joining into WTO .

  14. 美卡诺元器件(上海)有限公司成立于1996年,是PHOENIXMECANOAG(简称PMAG)在中国成立的独资公司。

    Mecano Components ( Shanghai ) Co. , Ltd is founded in1996 as a wholly owned subsidiary of PHOENIX MECANO AG ( PMAG ) .

  15. Z水电勘察公司是S企业的一家下属独资公司,主要经营水利水电勘察、水利水电测绘、检测监测,岩土设计及施工等,业务市场集中在国内水利水电勘察和东南亚国际勘察市场。

    Hydropower Reconnaissance Company Z which mainly engages in water conservancy and hydropower reconnaissance , surveying and mapping , detecting and monitoring , and geotechnical design and construction is a sole proprietorship affiliate of Enterprise S. The market scope covers domestic and Southeast Asia .

  16. 华商投资与民营经济的对接可以在资源转化为资本的理论指导下,通过BOT、TOT、并购重组、独资、合资等多种方式进行。

    Under the guidance of the theory of converting resources into capital , the methods of combining the investment of overseas Chinese businessmen and private economy include BOT , TOT , annexation and reorganization , sole investment and joint venture , etc.

  17. 德国独资企业,来自德国,服务中国。

    German invested enterprise , From Germany , service in China .

  18. 合作方式:独资、合资、合作。

    Cooperation method : individual investment , joint venture or symbiosis .

  19. 《个人独资企业法》调整主体范围浅议

    On Limits of Subject in Law of Individual Sole investor Enterprise

  20. 国有独资公司是我国国有企业改革的产物和法律形式。

    Wholly state-owned company comes form reformation of wholly state-owned enterprise .

  21. 大力发展合资银行,适当限制独资银行;

    Develop affiliates energetically and limit the individual proprietorship bank properly ;

  22. 最简单的一种商业形式被称作独资经营。

    The simplest form of business is called an individual proprietorship .

  23. 比较个人独资企业,合伙企业,公司制企业的特色。

    Compare the features of proprietorships , partnerships , and corporations .

  24. 合资、合作、独资或其它合作方式。

    Joint investment , cooperation , sole investment or other cooperative means .

  25. 国有独资保险公司激励、约束制度;

    The inspiring and balancing system in state-owned insurance companies .

  26. 国有独资商业银行充实资本金的可行性研究

    A Feasibility Study on Increasing Capital of State-owned Commercial Bank

  27. 国有独资公司治理结构的局限性及对策

    Limitation and Countermeasure of Country 's Independent Corporation Governing Structure

  28. 国有独资商业银行如何实行规范的股份制?

    How to practice normal shareholding system for the state-run commercial bank ?

  29. 引入国际战略投资者,改变目前国有独资的格局。

    Inducting international strategic investor , changing present ownership only by SASAC .

  30. 跨国公司在华独资经营现状。

    The present situation of MNCs ' investments in China .