
shì chàng
  • audition
试唱[shì chàng]
  1. 我听过了你的录音,希望你能过来试唱一下。

    I heard your record and I want you to come and audition .

  2. 在大都会歌剧院的试唱失败后,她转而投身歌舞喜剧。

    After failing a singing audition at the Metropolitan Opera , she turned to musical comedy .

  3. 1962年初,为了获得迪卡唱片公司(DeccaRecords)的唱片合同,甲壳虫乐队(当时贝斯特还在)进行了试唱,却遭到了唱片公司的拒绝。

    In early 1962 , the Beatles ( with best ) auditioned for a recording contract with Decca records and they were turned down .

  4. 以色列施洗约翰教堂唱诗班的试唱仍然在进行着。

    Auditions for the Beulah Baptist church choir are still open .

  5. 这周你可以来我家试唱。

    So you can audition this weekend here at my house .

  6. 没有通过试唱,希拉感到很沮丧。

    Sheila felt down-hearted when she failed to pass her audition .

  7. 我唱诗班试唱的传单的,要是可以的话。

    For my Choir auditions , if that 's okay .

  8. 唱片公司每周收到数十盘自我推荐的试唱磁带。

    The record company receives dozens of unsolicited demo tapes each week .

  9. 首先是乐队歌手试唱。

    First was an audition for a band singer .

  10. 海选试唱一开赛,就吸引了全中国成千上万的人来参赛。

    The kick off audition attracted around thousands contestants from all over China .

  11. 试唱当天,评判将以什么做为评分标准?

    How will I be judged at the audition ?

  12. 一小时以后我要去试唱

    Look , I have to be at that audition in an hour .

  13. 通知参加合唱团独唱的试唱

    made an announcement about chorus auditions for a solo

  14. 试唱一结束,他就走过去向风琴师请教。

    When they had finished he went round to the organist to make inquiries .

  15. 如果是这样的话,则请她们前去参加试唱,以筹建一个新的演唱组。

    If so , they were asked to turn up for auditions for a new group .

  16. 希尔倍受鼓舞,开始花更多的时间试唱,录。

    Encouraged , Hill began devoting more of her time to auditioning , cutting demos , and writing .

  17. 嬷嬷听了每位同学的试唱,然后将声音接近的人编排在同一个声部,最后只剩下我孤零零的一个人。

    Sister listened to each student , then arranged us into small groups of similar voices . I was left alone .

  18. 《真棒25》豪华套装于9月18日发行,以纪念原版专辑发行25周年,其中包括原版专辑中没有收录的试唱小样和歌曲。

    The Bad 25 deluxe package , set for release on September 18 , will commemorate the 25th anniversary of the original album and will include demos and songs that didn 't make the final cut the first time around .