
shì yàn shì
  • laboratory
  1. 在这种情形下,基于WEB的网上试验室系统就应运而生了。

    In this situation , the laboratory appointment system based on the WEB took up .

  2. 微机APPLEⅡ在林木种子检验试验室中的应用

    The application of microcomputer apple ⅱ in forest seed testing laboratory

  3. Lab为开发环境建立。基于原型的观测研究,对试验室模拟冰塞的水位进行了分析研究。

    Study has been made on the simulated ice jam stage in the lab .

  4. 最后搭建了试验室条件下的测温系统平台,使用Visualc++语言开发了数据采集程序。

    Finally the temperature measurement system platform is built up and temperature acquisition program is developed with Visual C + + .

  5. 神经元PID在空调机组性能试验室温度控制中的建模与仿真

    The modeling and simulation of temperature control of laboratory for the air-conditioning unit 's performance with single neural PID

  6. MT系列液动冲击器及微机自控液动冲击回转钻进试验室

    Mt series hydraulic impactors and its testing laboratory

  7. 气流声源稳态流场的PIV实验研究排气有害物流动试验室

    PIV Measurements of the Steady Flow on Air-modulated Speaker mobile emissions test laboratory

  8. 电力综合仿真试验室DTS的分层设计

    Hierarchical Design of DTS for Synthetic Simulation Laboratory of Power System

  9. 对试验室K型模型井架和JJ315/45-K型在役钻机井架进行应力、形变静载测试。

    Measurement on stress and deformation under static loads is effected on the K type derrick model in laboratory and JJ315 / 45-K drilling derrick in service .

  10. 以铁粉为基体,添加铜粉采用混合烧结工艺制备FeCu20及FeCu30复合粉,在试验室条件下,制取该粉末的最佳工艺条件为:20g铁粉末,粉末尺寸约为0.053mm;

    Taking Fe powder as matrix and adding Cu powder , Fe Cu 20 and Fe Cu 30 composite powder were prepared by mixed sintering process .

  11. Kang说FDA将在短期内批准,并补充说这种疫苗在试验室中能够提高短尾猿猴的免疫力。

    Kang says FDA approval should follow shortly , and adds that the vaccine has boosted the defences of macaque monkeys in the lab.

  12. 两跨24m连续多室异型箱梁桥梁格法分析试验室用蒸箱,小蒸箱

    Analysis of Grillage Method for Two-span 24-m Continuous Multi-chamber Irregular Box Girder Bridge

  13. 试验室试验和工业应用证实了渗铝钢良好的耐硫化合物(SO2、SO3、H2S等)腐蚀性能。

    Both laboratory experiments and industrial applications of aluminized steel demonstrated its good corrosion resistance to sulphur compounds ( e. g. , SO2 , SO2 and H2S ) .

  14. GZ催化剂的放大研究对于催化剂试验室研究向工业化生产靠近具有十分重要的意义。

    The study of GZ catalyst amplification for the catalyst laboratory research leaning to industrialized production has extremely vital significance .

  15. 并对已获得17025和ISO9000证书的部分试验室和企业的基本情况进行了分析。

    The analysis on basic statuses of some laboratories and enterprises which have obtained ISO / IEC17025 and ISO 9000 certificate have been made .

  16. 还提出了处理来自不同试验室的Al2O3陶瓷管抗扭强度和抗扭切口强度试验数据的思路和方法。结果表明:此试验数据处理的思路和方法是可行的。

    Besides , the procedures for treating test data of torsion fracture strength and notch strength of Al_2O_3 tubes from different labs were given and shown to be applicable .

  17. 到目前为止已有的Ⅱ类水体SSC遥感模式适用性方面还不理想,远未达到与试验室分析相匹配的精度。

    Available SSC models so far are not satisfied due to their incomparable accuracy to the SSC measured from in situ bottled samples .

  18. 文中除介绍交通大学空泡试验室采用的测速方法及对进速系数J的修正结果外,还提出了导管螺旋桨的测速、筒壁修正及导管和螺旋桨推力之间重新分配的处理方法及部分结果。

    For ducted propeller model tests , the method for water speed measurement , wall effect corrections of advance coefficient and distribution of propeller thrust and duct thrust are discussed as well .

  19. ISO9002质量体系在建筑施工企业试验室的应用

    Application of ISO 9002 on Constructing Labs

  20. 试验室试验表明,在最佳操作条件下,QI脱除率达95~98%,即保证净化煤焦油中的QI含量低于0.1%(重量)。

    The bench-scale experiment indicates that QI removal rate can reach 95-98 % under optimal test conditions , it can be warranted to be lowered to < 0.1 % ( wt ) in purifying the coal tar .

  21. 试验室的工作及工程应用证明,KF剂掺于砂浆中,使砂浆具有良好的塑化效应,显著改善它的流动性与保水性。

    The lab-work and application have proved that the addition of KF agent has made the mortar in satisfactory plasticizing efficiency and obviously improved flowability and watertightness .

  22. 首届YouTube空间试验室大赛已经宣布了优胜者。年轻人将他们的太空试验创意录制成视频上传到YouTube上。

    The first YouTube Space Lab contest has announced its winners . Young people entered by creating a short video of their idea for an experiment to be done in space .

  23. 叙述在试验室条件下产生雾淞类型覆冰的方法和对500kV线路悬式绝缘子串进行人工雾淞覆冰以及工频电压放电特性试验研究的情况。

    This paper describes the method of rime formation in laboratory and artificial rime discharge tests of long insulator string .

  24. 介绍了焦炭钝化的试验室与工业试验情况,结果表明,钝化后焦炭的热反应性明显改善,Cr降低了5%,Sar提高了5%。

    The cases of lab and industrial tests on coke passivation is described . These results show that the thermal reactivity of coke after passivation is obviously improved , Cr is lowered by 5 % and Sar is increased by 5 % .

  25. 方法采用静电吸附法将抗人肝细胞癌单克隆抗体HAb18结合到本试验室研制的脂膜氟烷微泡造影剂表面,制备免疫脂质体微泡造影剂;

    Methods McAb HAb18 was attached to the surface of self-made liposome microbubbles by electrostatic attraction to prepare immunoliposome microbubbles .

  26. 保罗.狄林格(PaulDillinger)站在牛仔装生产商李维斯(Levi’s)异常闷热的新装试验室里,正在试穿一件牛仔夹克新样装。

    Standing in Levi'ssweaty atelier , where the jeans maker experiments with new designs , just blocksfrom the San Francisco Bay , Paul Dillinger pulls on a new denim jacket .

  27. 在冲击摩擦转子混砂机试验室研究的基础上,设计了盘径为1000mm的冲击摩擦转子混砂试验机。

    On the basis of laboratory test of impact-friction rotator mixer , a pilot unit with 1000 mm of pan diameter was designed .

  28. 为此,本文首先研究了SnAgCu系无铅焊锡合金,并利用本试验室自制的超音速雾化装置对其进行雾化法制粉末的工艺研究。

    With the supersonic atomization device designed by our laboratory , we study on the process parameter about atomizing free-lead solder powder of Sn-Ag-Cu system .

  29. 为此,DeBeers工业金刚石部根据广泛的试验室实验和确证的现场数据,制定出其锯片金刚石产品的标示图系,以便金刚石工具制造厂家能够选择最合适的锯片金刚石磨粒。

    On the basis of extensive laboratory testing and corroborated data from the field , De Beers Industrial Diamond Division has developed the indicator system for its diamond saw grit products to assist the toolmaker in the selection of the most appropriate diamond saw grit .

  30. 通过大型岩溶塌陷物理模型试验室,研究了BOTDR光纤传感技术在岩溶塌陷(或沉陷)监测中的应用。

    As a distributed and real time monitor technique , BOTDR gives engineers a great expectation to carry out monitoring and prediction of sinkhole collapse in covered karst areas .