
  • 网络test pressure
  1. 薄壁外压容器外压试验压力系数研究

    Researching on External Pressure Test Pressure Coefficient of External Pressure Vessels

  2. 压力管道的强度试验压力计算及其盲板选用

    Strength Test Pressure Calculation for Pressure Pipeline and Blanking Plate Selection

  3. 指出静水压试验压力应按照APISPEC5L《管线钢管规范》4.3.3附录K计算值确定。

    It points out that hydrostatic testing pressure shall determine K calculation value in accordance with appendix 4.3.3 of API SPEC 5L .

  4. 在额定工作压力和静液压试验压力2种情况下,采用ANSYS分析软件对双闸板防喷器承压主壳体进行了有限元分析计算,证明有高应力区。

    ANSYS is adopted to do analytical calculation for the BOP casing with twin-ram block under two cases of rated working pressure and static hydraulic tests .

  5. 把受压容器喷出口的流速计算和喷管&直管体系引入煤气管道的试压过程,得到试验压力Ps与允许压力降[△P]间的关系。

    The calculation of the outlet velocity of pressure vessel jet and the nozzle-duct system are led into the gas line pressure test , and the relationship between the test pressure Ps and the pressure drop [ △ P ] has been obtained .

  6. 试验压力为:13~22MPa,质量流速为:400~1800kg/m2·s,蒸汽干度为:0~1.0。

    The range of experimental parameters is as follow : pressure 13 to 22 MPa , mass velocity 400 to 1800 kg / m2 · s , steam dryness 0 to 1.0 .

  7. 然后继续进行额定水试验压力。

    Then carry out the test at the rated water overpressure .

  8. 系统内配置气压自动调节增压试验压力装置。

    Equip with the automatic adjustable boosting test pressure device in system .

  9. 煤的吸附常数与最高试验压力关系的研究

    Study of the relationship between coal adsorption constent and maximum pressure used

  10. 低温绝热压力容器气压试验压力的探讨

    Pneumatic Testing Pressure of Cryo - insulation Pressure Vessels

  11. 基于可靠度分析的外压薄壁圆筒试验压力系数

    Testing pressure factor based on Reliability Analysis on internal pressure thin wall cylinder

  12. 端面密封条件下钢管静水压试验压力的确定

    Determine of Pipe Hydrostatic Pressure Value Under Ends Sealing

  13. 关于压力容器试验压力的考证

    Textual research on testing pressure of pressure vessel

  14. 端面密封的静水压试验压力计算方法

    Calculation Method of Hydrostatic Tester with End Seal

  15. 压力容器的最佳水压试验压力

    Optimum pressure of hydrostatic test for pressure vessel

  16. 超高压容器耐压试验压力的分析

    The Analysis of Test Pressure for Ultrahigh Cylinder

  17. 锅炉的试验压力是随使用年限而不同的。

    The boiler 's testing pressure is different with the years of its operating .

  18. 燃油分配器总成可靠性试验压力供给系统

    The Press Supply System of the Dependability Test for the Assembly of Fuel Assign Organ

  19. 关于锅筒水压试验压力规定中存在的不足及完善建议

    Some Suggestions on Improving the Improper Part of the Hydro - Pressure Test Regulations for Boiler Drums

  20. 呼吸阀是油罐的重要附件之一,其试验压力关系到呼吸阀的安全性和可靠性。

    A pressure-and-vacuum vent valve is a kind of important adjunct , which pressure testing relates to its security and reliability .

  21. 在规定的试验压力和观测时间下,不同容积的室内燃气管道系统在规范许可的相同试验结果时,严密度试验可靠程度存在着差异。

    Under the same experimental pressure and time , there are differences of tightness reliability among the in-house gas pipes with different volumes .

  22. 从控制薄壁内压容器在不同工况下最小初始可靠度的角度,对其试验压力系数与安全系数进行了探索。

    The test pressure coefficient and safety factor are searched for thin-wall vessels with minimum virgin reliability of burst strength in different working conditions .

  23. 同时通过对试验压力取一定安全系数,推导出液压试验专用焊接平盖的计算公式。

    In the same time , a calculating formula of welding flat cover special for hydraulic test is deduced by setting certain safety coefficient of hydraulic test .

  24. 修正值与非接触测量值的误差大小除与材料性质有关外,还与试验压力、时间和试样原始高度有关;

    The errors between adjusting values and measuring values are related to the material characteristics but also to test pressure , time and original high of samples .

  25. 该工程设计工作最高压力3.6MPa,试验压力5.4MPa。

    According to design , the pipeline should be able to sustain a highest working pressure of 3 . 6 MPa and to test under a pressure of 5 . 4 MPa .

  26. 应用可靠性设计方法,对超高压圆筒耐压试验压力进行探讨,定量分析试验压力与影响因素之间的关系。

    In this paper , by using reliability design methods , the test pressure of ultrahigh cylinder is studied . It is analyzed what the fixed quantity relation of test pressure with influencing factor .

  27. 通过对传统建筑结构试验压力电测方法的改进,使试验测力系统简化,所加荷载值直观易读,数据误差减小,同时也节约了试验费用。

    By improving the traditional electric test method with pressure to building structure experiment , simplifying the power test system the loaded value becomes perceptible , the date error decreases and the experiment expenses saved .

  28. 文中提出了修正机构风洞试验压力测试系统的总体方案,设计了系统采样策略,详细介绍了系统硬件电路和软件的设计过程,介绍了系统标定方法。

    This paper proposes overall program , which is pressure measurement of revised agency for wind tunnel tests , and designs the sampling strategy , and the design process of the system hardware and software in detail , and introduces system calibration method .

  29. 研究表明,随试验压力的升高,尿塔的应力集中部位尤其是环焊缝部位出现了明显的定位信号,与有限元分析的应力分布规律一致。

    Results showed that , with increment of the test pressure , apparent acoustic emission location signals come forth in the stress concentration sites especially in the heavy weld toe , which were in consistent with the stress distribution pattern of FEA results .

  30. 基于变论域插值模糊PID的压剪试验机压力测控仪

    Pressure Control System of Load-shear Test Machine Based on Interpolation Algorithm Fuzzy-PID with Variable Universe