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  1. 综合训练组和单一训练组被试在文言文记忆成绩上的差异不显著。

    There is no significant difference in the permances of classical Chinese memory between integrated training group and single traning group . 3 .

  2. 本文将在系列理论指导之下,在大量的实践基础之上,试从记叙文写作的知识技能、思维和文体等三方面进行探究,找寻一种最适合对高一学生进行记叙文写作训练的模式。

    This paper will be a series of theories , based on the practice in a narrative writing , from the knowledge and skills , thinking style inquiry from three aspects , one of the most suitable for students of senior training mode of narrative writing .

  3. 本文试从海外华文文学滥觞时期的创作实践入手,对其诗学观作一次尝试性的辨析。

    This paper attempts to conduct a tentative analytical differentiation of the poetics concept of overseas Chinese literature from its practices at its rudimentary stage .

  4. 本文试从应用语言文化学即外语语言文化教学论视角来探讨交际及交际教育要素,以为跨文化交际和外语教学之理论研究提供新的平台。

    This paper studies communication and communicational education from the applied cultural linguistic perspective , the perspective of foreign language and culture teaching , aiming at throwing new light on the theoretical study of cross-cultural communication and foreign language teaching .