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  1. 先秦史是中国五千年文明史的第一个阶段,由于世代久远,文献古奥,有许多地方需要深入探索抉发。

    Pre-Qin history is the first stage of China 's 5000-year civilization , and needs further exploration .

  2. 经过不断抉发、丰富,栀子最终完成了实用、审美、象征的功能整合。

    Finally , the flower completed its function integration of practical , aesthetic and symbol by undergoing the choice and enrichment .

  3. 个人希望,本研究能对中晚唐思想演变的过程与特性之抉发,有所助益。

    The author hopes that this paper may contribute to a deepened understanding of the process and features of the transition in question .

  4. 因此,文学意义需要通过现象与现象之间的交相映发、话语与话语之间的彼此参印,来获得最大程度的显现与抉发。

    Therefore , literary significance can only be manifested and expounded to the greatest degree through the interactive manifestation between phenomena and the interactive verification between words .

  5. 然而,历来有关荀子之研究多著眼于其心、性、天、礼等之探讨,而疏于抉发其名学之义蕴。

    However , for centuries scholars in the study of Hs ü n Tzu did not explore his theory of names , but mostly emphasized to study such ideas as mind , human nature , heaven and rites .

  6. 牟宗三的易学研究为的是从易学中发见与解析中国哲学、中国思想,旨在抉发中国的玄学与道德哲学,而不是作一种历史的研究。

    Purpose for MU Zong-san to study I Ching learning was to discover and interpret Chinese philosophical thoughts in I Ching learning , aiming at digging out Chinese metaphysics and moral philosophy but not a study of I Ching learning history .

  7. 连类举似和互映相发,作为钱锺书文学批评的一种阐释策略,指的是通过对具有互文关系的文本(话语)的发掘、呈现与思考,来进行意义的解释与抉发。

    " Lian Lei Ju Shi " and " Hu Ying Xiang Fa " as an elucidatory strategy of QIAN Zhong-shu 's literature criticism refers to the discovery , presentation and reflection of texts with intertextuality relations and to the interpretation and choice of meaning .

  8. 一是从词汇学的角度,主要是从词义训诂、复音词及新词新义的抉发三个方面入手,中古汉语词汇研究的成果蔚为大观。

    First , from the glossary study angle , it is mainly obtained from three aspects : the word meaning explanations of words in ancient books , the duplicate sound words and new words , new meanings . The Middle Chinese glossary research presented an impressive sight .
