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散体 [sǎn tǐ]
  • [prose style free from parallelism] 不要求词句整齐对偶的文体

散体[sǎn tǐ]
  1. 介绍了用于双组分水性聚氨酯涂料的羟基丙烯酸酯树脂分散体(A组分)和多异氰酸酯(B组分)的改性进展;

    The research progresses of hydroxyl acrylic resin dispersion ( component A ) and modified polyisocyanate ( component B ) used in two-component waterborne polyurethane coatings were introduced .

  2. TEM测试表明所得HPMCP水分散体乳胶粒为近似光滑球形。

    TEM test showed HPMCP water dispersion latex particle is near-spherical .

  3. 分维数与散体岩石的剪切强度参数摩擦角j呈负指数关系。

    The correlation between the value of fractal dimension and the friction angle which is the shear strength parameter is negative exponential .

  4. HDI三聚体改性水性聚氨酯复合分散体的研究

    Research on HDI Trimer Modified Hybrid Waterborne Polyurethane Dispersion

  5. 缓释效果与EC量和固体分散体的粒径有主要关系,药物释放速率随EC用量和粘度增加而减小;固体分散体粒径越小药物体外释放速率越快;

    But prolongation of drug release was primarily associated with an increase in amount of ethylcellulose and particle size rather than the viscosity grade of ethylcellulose .

  6. 颜料分散体的Zeta电位可以通过改变复配分散剂中离子型与非离子型分散剂的比例来实现。

    Zeta potential of the pigment dispersions can be achieved by changing the ratio of ionic and non-ionic dispersant in complex dispersion .

  7. 把流动中的散体看作弱横观各向同性介质,给出了P波、SH波和SV波的速度表达式,分析了它们在流动散体介质中的传播特点。

    The flowing granular media are taken as weak transverse isotropic media , and the phase velocity expressions of P wave , SH wave and SV wave are deduced accordingly .

  8. PUA复合水分散体的发展

    They always connected water with their attitude . Development of PUA hybrid aqueous dispersions On the Compound Matrices

  9. 并以水性氟碳乳液为成膜物,制备了水分散体PANI-氟碳乳液复合防腐涂料,利用电化学交流阻抗谱和Tafel曲线考察了对Q235的防腐蚀性能。

    Composite anticorrosion coatings of PANI / MMT and waterborne fluorocarbon emulsion ( FC ) were first prepared .

  10. 以分散剂和乙醇为介质,按1:10-15混合纳米TiO2,经超声分散,再在高剪切混合乳化机中搅拌制成分散体。

    A dispersion was prepared by mixing nano-titanium dioxide with a dispersant and ethanol at a ratio of 1:10-15 , after the mixture being ultrasonically dispersed , then stirred in a high shear emulsifying machine .

  11. 以丙烯酸-2-羟丙酯(HPA)为接枝剂,采用种子乳液原位聚合法合成了聚氨酯接枝聚丙烯酸酯(WPUA)复合分散体。

    The waterborne polyurethane-graft-polyacrylat ( WPUA ) hybrid dispersion is prepared with 2-hydroxypropyl as grafting agent through seed emulsion polymerization in situ .

  12. 当w(HEMA)从13.9%增加到32.5%,在相同黏度时,树脂分散体的透明度增加,w(固体份)从23.76%增加到27.58%;

    When the level of HEMA increased from 13.9 % to 32.5 % , solid content of the resin dispersion increased from 23.76 % to 27.58 % at the same viscosity and the transparence increased too .

  13. 离散元法(DEM)是一种显式求解的,研究不连续体(离散体)力学行为的数值方法,它可以细致地模拟各离散单元的相互作用如模拟离散组合体的接触或碰撞过程。

    Discrete element method ( DEM ) is a numerical method of studying mechanical behavior of the discontinuity ( discrete body ) by explicit solution , which can simulate the detailed interaction such as contact or collision process .

  14. 离散元法(DEM)是分析散体力学行为的数值方法,颗粒离散元法适用于单个几何形状可用圆球近似而不产生显著差异的情况。

    The Discrete Element Method ( DEM ) is a powerful tool in analyzing granular assembly . The granular discrete element method can be applied to the partials , whose shape can be approximately described as a sphere .

  15. 采用EudragitNE30D/L30D-55水分散体混合作为包衣材料,对微丸包衣。

    The pellets were coated with a blend of Eudragit NE30D / L30D-55 as well .

  16. 采用乙基纤维素水分散体(Aquacoat和Surelease)为包衣材料,以流化床设备对盐酸苯丙醇胺微丸进行包衣试验。

    Phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride pellets were coated in fluid bed with Aquacoat and Surelease as coating meterial .

  17. PEG4000十烷硫酸钠体,溶剂-熔融制备非诺贝特固体散体,再适辅混合压片制非诺贝特固体散片。

    Fenofibrate solid dispersion tablets were prepared by solvent melting method using PEG4000 and sodium lauryl sulfate .

  18. 本研究通过丙烯酰胺(AM)和阳离子单体甲基丙烯酰氧乙基三甲基氯化铵(DMC)在无机盐水溶液中的分散共聚合,制备了稳定的P(AM-DMC)水基分散体。

    Stable aqueous dispersions of P ( AM-coDMC ) by the copolymerization of acrylamide ( AM ) and cationic monomer ( 2-methacryloyloxyethyl ) trimethyl ammonium chloride ( DMC ) in inorganic salt solution was prepared .

  19. 制备了具有核壳结构的抽陛聚氨酯-丙烯酸酯(WPUA)复合分散体。

    Water-borne polyurethane / acrylate dispersion ( WPUA ) with core / shell structure was prepared .

  20. 根据Vanmarche提出的土层概率模型,以散体材料桩为例建立了复合地基极限承载力可靠度概率分析模型,模型中考虑了基础性状得影响,采用JC法进行可靠度计算。

    Probability model of bearing capacity of composite foundation with loose pile is built which is considered effects of depth and shape of the foundation . JC method is used to analyze reliability index .

  21. 用于性油脂改性聚酯制成自交联聚氨酯分散体,此分散体配成的涂料VOC含量较低,施工性能良好,漆膜具有优异的物理性能及耐化学品性能。

    A PU dispersion is prepared by modifying polyester with drying grease . The coatings , which comprises the PU dispersion , shows lower VOC , good workability , excellent physical property and chemical resistance .

  22. 对SiC、SiO2和煤灰等散体材料在自行研制的实验系统上采用断电热线法测量了其在50-600℃范围内的有效导热系数。

    By means of the cut-out hot wire method to measure the thermal conductivity of materials , an experimental system was designed and the effective thermal conductivity of SiC , SiO2 and coal ashes was measured in the temperature range of 50 - 600 ℃ .

  23. 结果表明,超支化聚氨酯水分散体的粒径约100nm,并在水中有良好的分散性和稳定性;

    It appears that the particle diameter of the water dispersion is about 100 nm , and the hyperbranched polyurethane shows good dispersibility and stability in water ;

  24. 本文用MATLAB程序编制了扩展散体单元法(EDEM)的计算程序,并将计算结果与实验结果进行对比验证,计算结果与试验结果符合良好。

    In this paper , a calculation program about extended discrete element method ( EDEM ) has been programmed by MATLAB programming , and the results were coMPared with the experimental results , which were proved well .

  25. 假定筒仓内散体是服从MohrCoulomb屈服准则的理想弹塑性介质,散体与仓壁之间的摩擦属于Coulomb摩擦接触问题。

    In this paper , the granular media in storage is supposed to be elastic-perfectly plastic behavious material submitting to Mohr Coulomb yield criterion , and friction effect between granular media and silo wall is supposed to be Coulomb friction contact problem .

  26. 把PVDF树脂分散在相应的潜溶剂中,再加入改性树脂、颜料、助剂可制成分散体溶液,该溶液涂装在金属基材上,烘烤加热通过熔融形成连续、致密的涂膜。

    Dispersion of PVDF resin into the certain latent solvent and incorporation of modified resins , pigments , additive can get the dispersion paint , which can fuse and form a layer of continuous and compact film on the base metal after baking and heating .

  27. 用丙烯酸聚氨酯分散体ER-05研制的水性木器涂料丙烯酸酯改性聚酯聚氨酯水分散体的合成及结构表征

    Water-borne Wood Coatings Prepared with the Acrylic Polyurethane Dispersion ER-05 Synthesis and Structure Characterization of Aqueous Acrylate Modified Polyurethane Dispersion

  28. 实验显示:利用石蜡改性滑石粉制备分散体的最佳工艺为:石蜡与600目滑石粉以1∶10的比例,在95℃下保温2h;

    It was showed that , the best conditions to prepare the product were that , mixing paraffin and talc powders of 600 mesh with the proportion of 1 ∶ 10 , heating up the mixture to 95 ℃, and keeping the temperature for 2 hours .

  29. 以乙基纤维素水分散体Aquacoat和Surelease为包衣材料,流化床包衣制备盐酸苯丙醇胺缓释微丸,研究微丸在不同pH介质中的释药特性和微丸释药机制。

    Phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride ( PPA ) sustained release pellets were developed in fluid bed with two aqueous ethylcellulose dispersion ( Aquacoat and Surelease ) . Drug release characteristics in different medium pH as well as drug release mechanism from pellets were studied .

  30. 在Kelvin模型假设的基础上,分析并给出了小变形条件下粘弹性介质中的波动方程,以及纵波和横波的衰减系数复数形式表达式,从而得出:粘弹性散体介质波的衰减与频率正相关;

    Through the hypothesis of the Kelvin model , the wave equation in the condition of less distortion in the sticky elasticity , attenuation coefficient expression of vertical and transverse wave are analyzed . The results show that attenuation of sticky elasticity wave has positive correlation with frequency .