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  • 网络illiterate
  1. 我当时才19岁,太年轻了,不谙世事。

    I was 19 and too young to know much about life

  2. 我表现出来的稀里糊涂和不谙世故的样子丝毫骗不了他。

    My mooning and unworldliness didn 't fool him for a minute .

  3. 即使最不谙世故的美国妇女也对用好衣着来表示社会地位之优越抱着虔诚的崇敬态度,这使他又一次大为震惊了。

    He was struck again by the religious reverence of even the most unworldly American women for the social advantages of dress .

  4. 对于不谙此道的西方人来说,这一定看上去像一种怪诞的礼仪。

    This must seem a bizarre ceremony to uninitiated western eyes .

  5. 巴黎景色让不谙世故的旅游者们大吃一惊。

    The sights of Paris bowled over the unsophisticated tourists .

  6. 他年轻,不谙世故。

    He is young and has little experience of life .

  7. 不谙世事的孩子就喜欢这样的尊重孩子的好老师。

    Children are fond of teacher who would favor them this way .

  8. 你不能以不谙法律来替你的行为辩解。

    You cannot plead ignorance in excuse of your conduct .

  9. 谭盾不是一个不谙天下事的音乐家。

    As a musician , Tan Dun also cares about these things .

  10. 她以不谙法律为籍口。

    She pleaded ignorance of the law .

  11. 只有律师是不会因不谙法律而受到惩罚的人们。

    Lawyer is the only person in whom ignorance of the law is not punished .

  12. 他不谙经济学。

    He is unlearned in economy .

  13. 跨文化交际与语用失误如果外语学习者不谙目的语文化上的差异,就会导致语用失误。

    Pragmatic failures follow if the foreign language learners do not understand the differences of the target language .

  14. 可能你不得不照料年迈的奶奶或是不谙世事的妹妹,也或许你自己已经为人父母。

    Maybe you have to take care of grandma or watch your little sister , or maybe youre a parent .

  15. 摘要由于不谙古代制盐法,人们往往将“煎盐”与“煮盐”混为一谈。

    Due to a lack of understanding salt-making method in ancient china , people tend to equate boiled salt with decocted salt .

  16. 中文不谙通,我以后会多派一些英文稿件上来。

    Chinese are not fluent in communication , that I would send some more up of the English manuscript in future day .

  17. 她不谙世事,只好独自呆在家军,采用种种悔恨的方法,折磨和消耗她那颗不断跳动着的心,后来,常识又让她明白过来。

    After wearing and wasting her palpitating heart with every engine of regret that lonely inexperience could devise , common-sense had illumined her .

  18. 对于不谙中文的波顿能否把英国的成功策略应用于中国,许多人表示过怀疑。

    Many sceptics have questioned whether Mr Bolton , who does not speak Chinese , would be able to apply the strategies that worked well in the UK to China .

  19. 东健今天的纯净并不是不谙世事的稚嫩,而是经历过人生诸多磨难之后的顿悟。

    Today , DG 's pure quality is not from someone who is inexperienced and na ï ve , rather it is an enlightenment after going through the vicissitudes of life .

  20. 在她七岁尚不谙世事之际,凭借着一首约翰·列侬的《想象》就打败了大她两倍的孩子,赢得了校园才艺大赛的冠军。

    She went on to win a school talent show at the tender age of 7 with John Lennon 's ' Imagine ' leading her to beat children twice her age .

  21. 我们预计他的欧洲同行以不谙经济的法国总统和德国总理、以及专长于法律技巧的意大利总理为首会要求指挥和控制全球监管。

    We expect his European counterparts , led by an economically unsophisticated French president and German Chancellor , and an Italian Prime Minister specialising in legal acrobatics , to demand command-and-control global regulations .

  22. 在过去10年国际投行聘用的中国交易撮合者中,方风雷是唯一不谙英语、且没有西方学位的人。

    Of all the Chinese dealmakers hired by international investment banks over the past decade Fang Fenglei is the only one who is not fluent in English and does not have a Western degree .

  23. 小说的主人公玛格丽特是一个不谙世故、酷爱读书的年轻女孩,最爱读小说和传记。她在父亲的书店帮忙。

    Margaret , the main character of the novel , is a young , unworldly , bookish girl who is a bookseller in her father 's shop and she loves reading stories and biographies most .

  24. 那就是以往的华文使用者多不谙英文,必须靠华文华语思考和沟通,普遍程度自然高。

    In the past , most people who used the Chinese language were not literate in English and relied on the former to think and communicate , thus , the more widespread use of Chinese .

  25. 剧中女主角甄嬛从一个不谙世事的17岁纯真少女被选秀入宫,不久便发现自己置身于皇后和嫔妃间的激烈争斗之中。

    The pure and innocent 17-year-old Zhen Huan is chosen for the emperor 's harem , and after entering the palace , she finds herself caught in the fierce infighting between the empress and the concubines .

  26. 古代雅典的儿童是怎么生活的,他们是如何由不谙世事的孩子成长为合格公民的等等,这些都会对我们更好地了解古雅典社会有所帮助。

    How did the ancient Athenian children live ? How did they grow to qualified citizens from kids ? The answer of all these ques-tions will help us to learn better about the ancient Athenian society .

  27. 把以前的一切都忘掉吧,你还是那个不谙世事的毛头小子,如果口口声声都嚷着自己是著名的某某,那你就有可能什么都不是!

    To forget everything before it , or you are not fluent in the world of Maotou kid , always have cried if he is a well-known so-and-so , you may not be what it is !

  28. 这些言辞&是那么地不谙世故和无能为力,如同存在于字典中一样,它们如何在一个人的笔下组合,甚至对于善恶变得更加的具有说服力。

    Words & so innocent and powerless as they are , as standing in a dictionary , how potent for good and evil they become , in the hands of one who knows how to combine them !

  29. “自薛蟠父亲死后,各省中所有的买卖承局,总管,伙计人等,见薛蟠年轻不谙世事,便趁时拐骗起来”

    " Moreover , since the death of Xue pan 's father , all the managers and assistants in the purveyor 's offices of different provinces had taken advantage of his youth and inexperience to start swindling "

  30. 当问起一个密友为什么在我不谙世事的20多岁就选择我做朋友时,他回答:我看到了你的本性,本性难移。

    When I asked a dear friend of mine why he chose to be in my life during my early twenties when I was so insecure and unstable , he responded , I saw you for your essence .