
  • 网络Asymmetric membrane
  1. 不对称膜在电解质溶液中产生的电势及其迭加作用

    Occurrence and accumulative effect of asymmetric membrane potential in the electrolyte solutions

  2. 并发现以紧密而孔径小的闭口空胞组成的过渡层对不对称膜的气体分离有利。

    It is found that the transition layer composed of closed-cell with tight and smaller pore-size pores makes the asymmetriC membrane benefit of gas separation .

  3. 结果壳聚糖不对称膜为双层结构,具有致密膜和多孔层,孔径60-160μm,孔隙率为83·26%,与水的结合能力为15·6g水/g多孔膜。

    Results Asymmetric chitosan membrane was a bilayer structure , including dense film and porous sponge layer with pores of 60 μ m-160 μ m in diameter . Porosity of the membranes was 83.26 % . The ability of banding water was 15.6g water / g membrane .

  4. 制备条件对壳聚糖-明胶不对称膜结构及性能的影响

    Influences of Preparation Conditions on Structure and Properties of Chitosan Gelatin Asymmetric Membranes

  5. 梯度密度皮层不对称BCA膜的形态结构及其透气性的研究

    Studies on Morphological Structure and Gas Permeability of Graded Density Skinned Asymmetric BCA Membranes

  6. 氯化锂为添加剂制得的疏水聚偏氟乙烯不对称微孔膜的形态结构及其膜蒸馏性能

    Morphology and Membrane Distillation Properties of tke PVDF Membranes Prepared with Lithium Chloride as the Additive

  7. 不对称单位膜的电镜显示

    Electron microscopic study on asymmetrical unit membrane ( aum ) of epithelial cells of the urinary bladder display devices

  8. 通过风洞模拟的方法研究了芜湖体育场东(副)、西(主)看台不对称索膜结构挑篷的风荷载特性。

    By means of wind tunnel simulation , wind loading characteristics on asymmetric membrane cantilever structure roof of Wuhu stadium are given .

  9. 不对称氧化铝微滤膜管的微粒截留性能

    Retention of particulates of the asymmetric alumina microfiltration membrane

  10. 新生纤维使用外凝固浴,可得双不对称结构,膜的截留性能提高。

    If the outer-coagulation agent is used , the membranes with double asymmetric structure will be obtained and the membrane rejection is increased greatly .