
xī yóu liàng
  • oil absorption
吸油量[xī yóu liàng]
  1. 通过对颜料粒子TEM照片的分析研究,初步探讨了影响颜料粒子形状和粒度大小及分布的因素,以及影响颜料比表面积、吸油量、遮盖力等性能的因素。

    This article discussed preliminarily the factors to influence the particle shape , dimensions and distribution of particle size by analyzing and studying TEM pictures of pigment particles , and discussed the factors to influence characteristics such as specific surface area , oil absorption , covering power and so on .

  2. 分散性的好坏直接影响着吸油量与遮盖力等性能。

    The water dispersion impact the oil absorption and hiding power .

  3. 采用XRD、激光粒度分析、吸油量测定等对离子交换型防腐颜料的结构、性能进行了实验测定;检验其在涂料中的防腐效果。

    Structure and properties were determined by using XRD , laser particle size analysis and oil content was determined , test on its effectiveness in anti-corrosion coatings was done .

  4. 建立了以精制亚麻油和DOP测定高白氢氧化铝填料吸油量的方法。

    The method was developed for the determination of oil absorption value in high-whiteness aluminum hydroxide for filler by DOP and linseed oil .

  5. 研究结果表明:改性后的CaCO3表面疏水亲油,DOP糊粘度、吸油量以及在DOP中的平均团聚粒径均减小。

    , we found that modified CaCO 3 was lipophilic and the viscosity of DOP , oil absorbility and the average diameter of the particle in DOP was reduced .

  6. 研究了聚酯超分散剂改性纳米碳酸钙,探讨了不同改性剂和改性温度对活化指数的影响,考察了改性前后纳米碳酸钙DOP糊粘度和吸油量的变化。

    The modification of nano-meter CaCO_3 by polyester type hyperdispersant was studied , the effects of different modifier and processing temperature on activation index were discussed , the viscosity and oil absorbability of nano-meter CaCO_3 / DOP paste were studied .

  7. 颜料粒子表面改性对其吸油量的影响

    A Study on the Modification of Pigment Particle Surface with Oil Absorption

  8. 不过缺点是吸油量真的很有限。

    Nevertheless defect is oil absorption the amount is very limited really .

  9. 本文采用晶型控制、有机物改性等方法降低碳酸钙的吸油量,取得了显著的效果。

    Crystal controlling and organic modifying were used to lower the oil-absorption value .

  10. 砂滤效率,滤料吸油量与进水油浓度及过滤速度有关;

    The filter efficiency and oil content offiltering medium were related to the oil concentration of wastewater and filtering rate .

  11. 表面改性处理的无机填料更能发挥其作用,改性后填料粉体的吸油量降低,可以减小填料对增塑剂的吸附,降低制品成本。

    Modified fillers can be more contributing , decrease of absorptions of DOP can reduce the immobility of plasticizing agent , so that decrease the cost .

  12. 白酒糟稻壳吸附剂吸收水蒸汽后,对二硫化钼润滑油的饱和吸油量仍为原吸油量的80%~90%。

    After absorbing water vapor , the absorption capacity of the adsorbent can be still up to 80 % - 90 % of the original absorption capacity .

  13. 食品的外表皮厚度和吸油量稍有增加,但用废油炸的食品的吸油量减少。

    The thickness of the food crust and the oil uptake show a slight increase , while the oil uptake of the food fried in waste oil decreases .

  14. 向轻质碳酸钙中添加重质碳酸钙是目前工业生产采用的降低轻钙吸油量的方法,但由于研磨重钙尖锐的棱角和光滑的晶体解理面降低了轻钙填充制品的力学性能。

    Introducing ground calcium carbonate into precipitated calcium carbonate is the universal method which reduces the oil absorption value in industry . But the edge angles and the smooth surfaces of the ground calcium carbonate reduce the mechanics capability of PVC .

  15. 试验结果表明,熔喷聚丙烯非织造布对原油的饱和吸油量大,对高密度高粘度的原油饱和吸油率可达20%以上,尤其是对于低粘度的原油吸油速率快。

    The results show that it has great saturation oil-adsorbing capacity , which can reach to 20 for high density and viscosity crude oil , as well as it has a faster adsorbing speed than other ma-terials for treating lower viscosity crude oil .

  16. 分析表明油炸食品的水分蒸发速率和吸油率是非线性的,而油炸食品吸油量的多少主要与食品的水分蒸发有关。

    The results show : The rate of moisture evaporation and oil uptake of food are non-linear , and the content of oil uptake of fried relates to its moisture evaporation .

  17. 高吸油性树脂是一种不同于传统吸油材料的新型吸油材料,它具有吸油种类多、吸油量大、不吸水、受压不漏油等优点,具有广阔的发展前景。

    High oil-absorbing resin , being different from traditional oil-absorbing materials , is a new kind of self-swelling oil-absorbing material with many strong points and brilliant prospects .