
wǎnɡ dài
  • Mesh bag;string bag
网袋 [wǎng dài]
  • [string bag] 用线或细绳做的袋,顶部有两个提柄

  1. ANOVA结果表明,分解时间对凋落物网袋内土壤动物群落存在显著影响。

    By ANOVA , time factor affected on soil fauna which live in litter bags significantly .

  2. 马铃薯种薯网袋贮藏技术

    The Storage Technique of Seed Potato in Net Bag

  3. 购物网袋,纱丝或单纤维材料制

    Net shopping of textile yarns or monofil

  4. 请用棉质白线缠绕固定后放入尼龙网袋中晾干即可;

    Fastem with white cotton threads , put them in nylon net bag and dry them .

  5. 插穗3种下切口型对网袋轻型育苗基质扦插生根影响中,以双削面生根率最高,达到86.6%。

    In the three types of cutting - surface , two-side type had the highest rooting ratio .

  6. 干燥后的洋葱可以装入网袋挂在室内使其更干一些。

    After curing the onions , you can hang them indoors in mesh bags to dry even more .

  7. 尼龙网袋捞蚴法检测水体血吸虫尾蚴的研究猪肉绦虫的囊尾蚴(辛丸灬)力致死试验

    Study on detection of Schistosome japonica cercariae in field of water area by nylon mesh bag netting cercariae assay

  8. 该用品设计紧凑,展开后是一个较大的带有网袋的垫子,可将所有东西整齐地装在网袋里。

    This compact design unfolds to an oversized , cushioned changing pad with zippered mesh pockets to keep everything organized .

  9. 约束妇女的头发的装饰性的网袋;插或系在头的后部。

    An ornamental net bag that confines a woman 's hair ; pins or ties at the back of the head .

  10. 他们把花纸剪的小网袋挂在它的枝子上,每个小网袋里都装满了糖果;

    On one branch there hung little nets cut out of colored paper , and each net was filled with sugarplums ;

  11. 应用分解网袋法,沿中国东部5个气候带布置样地,进行凋落叶在不同气候梯度下的分解试验。

    The litter decomposition test under different climate gradients was conducted in five climate zones in eastern China by means of litterbag technique .

  12. 添加两种基质的5μm网袋处理,外层土壤线虫数和空白处理差异不大。

    While the nematode abundance in the outer soils surrounding the 5 μ m mesh was not significantly different from the no-substrate treatment .

  13. 目前现有技术造价较高,其网袋焊接部分是间歇式工作,不利于提高生产效率。

    Prior art has relatively high construction cost ; the mesh bag welding part works intermittently , which cannot facilitate the increase of productivity .

  14. 其结构包括顶盖、风扇、诱虫灯管、连接杆和网袋。

    The utility model is composed of a coping , a fan , an entrapping lighting tube , a connecting rod and a web .

  15. 同时,它有一个带拉链的网袋可以装您的贵重物品,有一条带子可扣到任何婴儿推车上,还包含有一个装抹布的塑料盒。

    It also has a zippered pocket for your valuables , a strap to attach it to any stroller and also includes a plastic wipes case .

  16. 其基本原理是利用风扇的吸力将飞来趋光的害虫吸进网袋内集中消灭。

    The principle used in the utility model is that the phototatic insects are suck in the web with the suction by the fan and then killed .

  17. 蛋壳涂上红色,用五颜六色的网袋装着,挂在小孩子的脖子上,意为祝福孩子逢凶化吉,平安无事。

    Painted red on eggshell , with colorful net bags , hanging in a child 's neck , for blessing children , and hopping them are safe .

  18. 网袋的颜色、规格、重量、密度、扁丝或圆丝的规格以及网袋的外形均可根据客户的需要制作。

    Net Bag colors , specifications , weight , density , flat or round wire specification , as well as bag shape can produce according to customer needs .

  19. 蛋壳涂上红色,用五颜六色的网袋装着,挂在小孩子的脖子上,意谓祝福孩子逢凶化吉,平安无事。

    Eggshell colored red collect with colorful net bag , hanging in the child 's neck , means that the child wishes good luck , safe and sound .

  20. 相同环境条件下,套网袋观察的花药散粉速度明显慢于自然条件,说明传粉者拜访对花粉的移出可显著影响到花粉的呈现时序。

    The speed of dispersal pollen under the nylon net condition was slower than the nature , which suggested that pollinators visited the flowers had significant effect on duration of pollen presentation schedules .

  21. 热压滚轮式网袋育苗基质灌装机涉及一种农业机械,更具体的说是一种网袋育苗容器制造机器。

    The utility model relates to a hot pressing roller type filling machine for mesh bag seedling matrix , in particular to a mesh bag seedling vessel making machine , belonging to agricultural machinery .

  22. 试验采用盆栽控雨栽培和根网袋的方法,在两种土壤类型上初步研究了不同氮素形态配比与芝麻饼肥互作对烤烟不同生育时期根际土壤微生物数量的影响。

    A pot experiment with root net was primarily conducted to study on effect of different nitrogen forms mixed with sesame seed cake fertilizer on the microbial number in rhizosphere of different growth stages of flue-cured tobacco .

  23. 从2009年开始,本公司致力于研发各种包装用的铝卡扣及打卡机,产品适用于水果网袋、食用菌菌种袋、大卖场的生鲜食品包装袋等的打扎作业。

    Since Y2009 , we started to develop kinds of U shape AL . Snaps & Punch card machine which is suitable for the packaging for Fruit mesh bags , Mushroom spawn bags and Fresh food packaging bags .

  24. 为了研究雪灾干扰对森林生态系统物质循环与能量流动的影响,利用大样袋网袋法对武夷山3种受灾程度毛竹林样地中的凋落物分解进行连续2年的观测研究。

    We used big litterbag method to study the dynamics of leaf litter decomposition in different damaged level bamboo forests in Wuyi Mountain over two years for understanding the influences of snow storm on cycle of matter and energy flow .

  25. 获得以下主要结果:1.在田间条件下利用埋设尼龙网袋法研究了光叶紫花苕子做绿肥翻压后的腐解速率及养分释放规律。

    The main results were showed as follows : 1 . With the buried nylon bags method a field experiment was carried out in tobacco fields to study dynamics of nutrient release and decomposing rates of Vicia villosa Roth var. as green manure .