
  • 网络VTION;WebEx
  1. 网讯技术生产电脑无线网卡,希望能与德国的技术公司建立合作伙伴关系。

    Vtion makes wireless cards for computers and hopes to enter into partnerships with German technology companies .

  2. 基于角色协作开发的思科网讯会议平台将吸引更多终端用户,实现病毒式增长,改善企业用户低比例。从而实现思科网讯的可持续发展。

    The " Cisco WebEx Meetings " meeting platform which based on the development of role cooperation will attract more users , realize the " Viral Growth ", and improve enterprise user proportion . " Cisco WebEx " will also realize the sustainable development .

  3. 湖南厨师网讯果然是惟楚有才!

    Sure enough Hunan chefs network - is " subject Chuweicai "!

  4. 大河网讯研究表明:大量的电脑用户易受网络诈骗。

    Many computer users are leaving themselves open to online fraud , research shows .

  5. 大河网讯一家德国旅馆已经开始根据客人的体重计算住宿费用。

    Berlin-A German hotel has started calculating fees according to the weight of the guest .

  6. 大河网讯委内瑞拉今年圣诞最受欢迎的玩具授予了以总统乌戈·查韦斯为原型的动作人偶。

    Venezuela 's top-selling toy this Christmas was an action doll figure of President Hugo Chavez .

  7. 大河网讯一名荷兰人发明了一种带液晶显示器能显示图像和视频的数码墓碑。

    A Dutch inventor has developed a digital gravestone with an LCD display showing pictures and films .

  8. 大河网讯环境保护主义者发出警告:来自中国的大闸蟹正入侵英国的排水系统。

    Environmentalists warn that Britain 's waterways are set to be invaded by giant exotic Chinese crabs .

  9. 大河网讯哥伦比亚一头奶牛被控导致一起交通事故,而被关进了监狱。

    A cow has been put in prison after it was blamed for a road accident in Colombia .

  10. 大河网讯本周二,悉尼的一位橄榄球球员做了无名指的切除手术,只为了能够延长自己的职业生涯。

    Sydney-An Australian rugby player Tuesday had his ring finger amputated in order to prolong his professional playing career .

  11. 大河网讯比利时有关部门展开了一场海上大搜救,预图营救一对被困大海的夫妇,没想到却遇见了尴尬事。

    Authorities in Belgium launched a rescue operation after a couple were spotted'struggling'in the sea-only to find they were making love .

  12. 中国太阳能光伏网讯:据消息,美国北卡罗来纳州的4.2MW光伏电站项目已正式采用保威专业光伏支架设计。

    Powerway mounting system professional design has been chosen to be applied to the4.2MW PV power plants in North Carolina , USA.

  13. 深圳新闻网讯深圳已成为促进国际合作尤其是创意经济领域新技术合作的典范。

    Shenzhen has been a model in promoting international co-operation , especially the technical co-operation in the field of creative economy .

  14. 大河网讯外电上周报道:英国曼彻斯特一幢豪华公寓楼的洗手间内发现一条足有10英尺长的大蟒蛇。

    A10ft boa constrictor has been captured after popping up in the loos of a posh block of flats in Manchester .

  15. 大河网讯一名小偷被列为了印度头号通缉犯,原因是他偷了印度一名高级地方官家的五只鸡。

    A man who allegedly stole five fowl from a top magistrate in India has been put on the police 's most wanted list .

  16. 大河网讯星期天消息,随着世界上第一家“厕所大学”在新加坡的成龙,厕所清理业达到了前所未有的高度。

    Singapore-Loo cleaning has reached new heights in Singapore with the setting up of the world 's first Toilet College , organisers said on Sunday .

  17. 大河网讯随着发明家制造出发光拖鞋,以后夜晚使用冰箱和洗手间的人们安全就有保障了。

    Trips to the fridge or the toilet in the middle of the night have been made safer by an inventor who has created a pair of slippers with lights .

  18. 中国东莞正扬绳带厂网讯尽管中国纺织服装辅料业经历艰难的发展历程,但是目前整个行业竞争力仍然在不断提升。

    Chang Wang Yang rope is in Dongguan , China News Chinese textile and garment accessories industry , despite a difficult development process , but now the competitiveness of the industry is still rising .

  19. 中国正扬织带网讯继北京市曝光大批次不合格服装辅料产品后,流通于上海的泳装、运动服,流通于广州的休闲装再次爆出“质量门”事件。

    Following the exposure of a large batch of Beijing failed garment accessories products , in circulation in Shanghai 's swimwear , sportswear , casual flow in Guangzhou , burst out again ," quality gates " .

  20. 中化新网讯再过一周,由工信部部碳化物检定所主持修订的《碳化物管理条例》的意见征求工作就结束了。

    News of the new network in one week , by the Ministry under the auspices of the Ministry of carbide test the revised " Regulations carbide " to seek the views of the work is over .