
  • 网络digital design
  1. 基于Web的数字化设计环境

    A digital design environment based on Web

  2. 理想材料零件数字化设计制造的CAD模型及其数据后处理

    CAD Modeling and Data Post-Processing for Ideal Functional Material Components Digital Design and Manufacture

  3. 基于AUTOCAD斗轮堆取料机数字化设计系统的开发与研究

    Development of Auto CAD based digital bucket-wheel stacker / reclaimer design system

  4. 基于DSP和FPGA的热像仪电子处理单元全数字化设计

    Design of Full-digital Thermal Imager PEU Based on DSP and FPGA

  5. 基于Web的协同CAD/CAM技术是网络环境下数字化设计与制造的一个重要研究方向。

    Web-based collaborative CAD / CAM is one important research aspect of numeric design and manufacture in network environment .

  6. 基于DSP的挠性陀螺再平衡回路数字化设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Digital Rebalance Loop for Dry-tuned Gyro Based on DSP

  7. 基于AutoCAD的矿山施工图数字化设计方案优化

    Plan optimization for digitalization design of mine construction drawings based on AutoCAD system

  8. 全数字化设计,交流采样,人机界面采用大规模LCD中文液晶显示器。

    Complete digital design , AC sampling , human-machine interface applies the large scale LCD in chinese .

  9. 基于PDM摩托车数字化设计平台的集成与管理技术研究。

    The study on integration and management techniques of motorcycle digital design platform based on PDM .

  10. 本论文的研究内容作为南京航空航天大学项目组承担的产品数字化设计技术服务的一个重要组成部分,主要研究基于WEB的零件库的研究及开发工作。

    As an important component of product digital design technology undertaken by project team of NUAA , the main content of this thesis is the research and development of the parts library based on Web .

  11. CatiaV5软件环境下客车车身数字化设计技术

    Bus Body Digital Design Technique with CATIA V5

  12. 根据数字化设计及PDM技术,提出四川大学硕士学位论文了机床夹具数字化设计手册软件的总体方案。

    According to digitization design and PDM technology , we put forward the whole project of software for machine digitization design handbook .

  13. 基于KBE技术的机械产品数字化设计

    Digtal Design of Mechanical Product Based on KBE Technology

  14. 新一代GPS标准体系是适应经济全球化要求的,面向数字化设计、制造与检验的标准与计量信息系统。

    The new generation GPS system is an information system of standard and metrology , which adapts to the economic globalization and faces the digital designing , manufacturing and measuring .

  15. 试验结果表明,该数字化设计满足IEC标准关于0.2级互感器的精度要求以及数字输出的相关要求。

    The test results show that the all-digital designs can meet the 0.2 class accuracy and the requirements of IEC standard .

  16. 传统的模拟伺服回路其电阻、电容等器件受工作环境影响,易老化、漂移,且无法实现复杂控制,DSP以及控制算法的发展为伺服回路的数字化设计提供了可能;

    For traditional analog servo loop , aging and temperature can cause component variations , especially in complex environment , and it 's hard to implement complex algorithm with analog system .

  17. 数字化设计制造技术在飞机研制中的应用研究与实践&九五航空CIMS工程

    Application Research and Practice of Digital Design / Manufacture Technology in Aircraft Development & CIMS Engineering in Aviation Industries in the Ninth Five Year Plan

  18. 说明用CAD进行航空发动机外部三维数字化设计是必要的、可行的,可以在国内较短时间内摆脱外部设计对金属样机的依赖,实现由金属样机到数字样机技术的转变。

    Through this , domestic factories can get rid of dependence on physical prototype machine in external design and realize the transformation from physical mock-up technique to digital mock-up one in a short period .

  19. 计算机支持的协同设计(ComputerSupportedCooperativeDesign,CSCD)已经成为网络环境下数字化设计与制造的关键技术之一,异构CAD系统的协同设计是其中研究的一个热点。

    CSCD ( Computer Supported Cooperative Design ) has been one of the key technologies in the field of digital design and manufacture under the network environment , and the cooperative design among heterogeneous CAD systems is a research focus about it .

  20. 基于规范化、统一化和全数字化设计原则,提出并设计了基于高性能DSP的交流主轴驱动系统控制方案,建立了一个软、硬件资源丰富的系统研究平台。

    Based on the design principle of standardization and oneness , a scheme of fully digital AC drives system base on digital signal processor ( DSP ) is studied and achieved . A study platform with plentiful hardware and software has been developed .

  21. 结合反求工程(RE)技术、CAD技术和快速原型(RP)技术构建现代产品开发设计平台,实现机械产品数字化设计和快速设计,有着重要的现实意义和广阔的应用前景。

    Integrating the Reverse Engineering ( RE ), CAD and Rapid Prototype ( RP ) techniques to construct a design platform , which helps to realize the digital design and rapid design for mechanical products , is very important and useful .

  22. 最后,通过对项目开发过程的详细介绍,说明了基于PDM摩托车数字化设计平台在产品开发过程中的应用,并验证了平台的可行性。

    At last , set a project for a example , the paper introduced the application of motorcycle digital design platform based on PDM in the developing process of motorcycle in detail , and verified the feasibility of the platform .

  23. 实现了Costas环的数字化设计,重点阐述了环路中重要参数的设计,环路等效噪声带宽越小,捕获时间越长,但抗噪性能越好,实际应用时要根据具体情况合理设计。

    The digital Costas loop is realized , focusing on the design of the key parameters . The smaller the equivalent noise bandwidth of loop is , the longer the acquisition time lasts , but the better the anti-noise performance presents .

  24. 结论:在患者备牙模型上,按照患者口腔约束条件,利用DFFD变形设计方法对牙冠的设计是可行的,同时也为外冠桥牙冠数字化设计的研究奠定了基础。

    Conclusion The constraint design method of tooth crown based on DFFD is feasible , which is an approach to further researches on the design of the tooth crown bridge .

  25. 提出飞机外形平台的概念,将飞机外形数字化设计的重要性进一步指出。

    Aircraft lofting platform . Importance of aircraft digital lofting design .

  26. 浅谈数字化设计在汽车整车及零部件企业的应用前景

    The Prospects of Utilizing Digital Design in Automobile and Parts Enterprises

  27. 数字化设计在摩托车新产品开发中的应用

    The Application of Digital Design on New Product Development for Motorcycle

  28. 鞋楦数字化设计制造系统的研究与开发

    Research and Development of Digital Design Manufacturing System about shoe last

  29. 面向机床产品的异地协同数字化设计

    Cooperative digitalization design in different places for machine tool products

  30. 轮胎花纹反求与数字化设计研究

    Reverse Engineering in Tread Pattern and Study on Digitizing Design