
  • 网络data representation;XDR;CDR
  1. XML已成为Web上数据表示与交换的标准格式。

    XML is becoming standard format for data representation and data exchange over the web .

  2. XML是用于数据表示、交换的Internet标准。

    Extensible Markup Language ( XML ) is a Internet standard for data representation and data exchange .

  3. XML的半结构化数据表示方法及其在医学文档处理中的应用

    Representation Methods for XML-Based Semistructured Data and Applications in Medicine Documents Processing

  4. XML作为一种数据表示的形式对Web上的数据检索和挖掘应用将带来巨大的优势。

    XML will bring great superiority to Web searching and mining as a data expressing forms .

  5. 基于图形的GIS数据表示

    Research on representation for graph-based GIS data

  6. 接下来,是XML中的通用数据表示法语言,它同样被广泛使用。

    Next , we have a common data representation language in XML , which is also extremely pervasive .

  7. XML逐渐成为了网络中数据表示、数据分析和数据交换的标准。

    XML has emerged as a standard for data representation , data analysis and dataexchange on the Web .

  8. 初步探讨了使用XML将异构性、半结构化的Web数据表示成结构化数据的方法。

    The last one discusses simply the method of expressing the different and half-structural Web data into structural data with XML .

  9. 近年来,XML已逐渐成为科学与业务应用中数据表示以及应用间数据交换的标准格式。

    XML has become the universal format for the representation , exchange and storage of information over the Internet .

  10. 采用基于XML的通用数据表示技术,在应用适配器中完成了消息翻译和转换工作;

    The message is translated and transformed in the adapter by applying the universal data representation technology based on XML .

  11. XML正成为Internet上数据表示与交换的标准,如何存储XML数据是一个关键问题。

    XML is an emerging Internet standard for data representation and exchange . How to store XML data is an essential problem .

  12. 随着网络信息的发展,可扩展标记语言XML越来越多地被用于网络信息传输上,迅速成为网络数据表示和信息交换的事实标准。

    Along with the development of the network , XML is more and more often used for the network information transmission .

  13. XML作为数据表示和交换的新标准,具有统一的非结构化信息描述机制。

    As the brand-new criterion on data express and data exchange , XML has a unique description mechanism for unstructured information .

  14. 虽然XML是一种专门为Internet所设计的标记语言,但是它已经成为Internet上数据表示和数据交换的标准。

    Although XML is a special markup language for Internet , it has been become the standard for data representation and exchange on Internet .

  15. 随着XML技术的不断成熟,XML正逐渐成为Web上数据表示与交换的统一标准。

    With the development of the XML technology , it has gradually become a standard of representing and exchanging data on the Web .

  16. 基于SD数据表示的大数除法VLSI高速实现

    High-Performance VLSI Implementation of Very Long Integer Division Based on the SD Number Representation

  17. XML在数据表示上的强大能力和极强的可扩展性使本文提出的这种XML描述思想可为大部分挖掘结果的XML描述提供基础。

    The strong ability in data representation and powerful extensibility of XML enable the XML-description method to be the basis of describing most mining results .

  18. 如今的大多数Web应用程序与智能Web应用程序之间的显著区别是智能Web应用程序内的数据表示是通过语义定义的,而不只是在逻辑上定义。

    A significant difference between most Web applications today and smart Web applications is that the data representation in a smart Web application is semantically defined rather than just logical .

  19. 有效负载参数值的格式:在DCOM中,有效负载是以一种称为网络数据表示法(NetworkDataRepresentation,DR)的格式编写的。

    Format for payload parameter values : In DCOM , the payload is written in a format known as Network Data Representation ( DR ) .

  20. AXIOM的关键思想是,除非在绝对必要的情况下,否则将避免构建完整的XML数据表示。

    The whole point of AXIOM is to avoid building a full representation of XML data unless absolutely necessary .

  21. 因此,XML自从发布以来就受到了各界的广泛关注,并且很快便成为了Web上数据表示、交换、集成的标准。

    Therefore , XML has been paid attention to widely since it is issued , and became the standard of data representation , exchange , and integration on web .

  22. 消息传递技术是SOA的核心技术,XML已经成为跨应用程序数据表示和交换的通用语言。

    Messaging technology is at the core of SOA , and XML has emerged as the lingua franca of data representation and exchange across applications .

  23. EMF和SDO都可以处理数据表示。

    EMF and SDO both deal with data representation .

  24. XML是Internet数据表示和数据交换新的标准,正是XML的特性使得基于其的Web系统集成成为可能,从而更好地服务用户。

    And XML is the new standard for the data expression and data exchange on Internet , and also , just the character of XML makes the Web integration possible .

  25. NET框架下的四个层次,即:数据表示层、数据访问层、业务规则层和业务外观层,来完成应用系统的实现。

    Finally , the application system is implemented through four layers of . NET framework , such as data presentation , data access , operation rule , and operation appearance .

  26. RDF是语义Web建立的基础:将数据表示成有向加权图的一种标准。

    RDF serves as the foundation upon which the Semantic Web is built : it is a standard to represent data as a directed , labeled graph .

  27. XML(EXtensibleMarkupLanguage)作为一种Internet上的主要的数据表示和交换标准之一,应用范围非常广泛。

    XML ( extensible Markup Language ) has become one of the primary standards for data exchange and representation on the Internet . It is widely used in various fields .

  28. 研究了XML数据表示方式,设计了利用XML与本地数据表示互相转换的机制,来解决异构系统中数据交换问题的方法。

    At the same time to help resolving the data exchange in the isomerous system , this thesis also involved the XML knowledge , and transformed XML and local data express each other .

  29. 随着网络的飞速发展,可扩展标记语言(EXtensibleMarkupLanguage,XML)以其自身的优点,迅速成为数据表示和数据交换的标准并得到广泛的应用。

    With the development of network , XML ( eXtensible Markup Language ) is the criteria of data representation and data exchange for its merits and is widely used .

  30. 近几年来,随着数据库和网络技术的迅速发展,XML(可扩展标记语言)已成为Web上数据表示、集成和交换的标准。

    Over years with the development of the network and database technologies , XML ( eXtensible Markup Language ) has already become the standards of the expression , integration and exchange of data on the Web .