
suàn shù luó jí bù jiàn
  • Arithmetic logic unit;ALU;arithmetic and logic unit
  1. 本文研究了高性能算术逻辑部件的全定制设计方法。

    This thesis emphasizes on full custom design methodology of high performance ALU .

  2. 分支算术逻辑部件(BALU)是一个集成了分支控制功能的算术逻辑部件(ALU)。

    Branch arithmetic logic unit ( BALU ) is an arithmetic logic unit ( ALU ) with the branch control function .

  3. 算术逻辑部件的缩写,执行全部算术计算,例如加法和乘和全部比较运算的一台计算机的零件。

    Abbreviation of arithmetic logic unit , the part of a computer that performs all arithmetic computations , such as addition and multiplication , and all comparison operations .

  4. 算术及逻辑运算部件数据流

    Arithmetic and logic unit data flow