
  1. 第三十三条因共同海损提起的诉讼,由船舶最先到达地、共同海损理算地或者航程终止地的人民法院管辖。

    Article 33 A lawsuit brought for general average shall be under the jurisdiction of the people 's court of the place where the ship first docked or where the adjustment of general average was conducted or where the voyage ended .

  2. 利用圆域法进行电算地改值的进一步探讨

    Further study of calculating the terrain correction value by circular zone method

  3. 你还未学会在山间小屋中举行的下午茶舞会上用约德尔调歌唱的话,就不算真正地生活过。

    You haven 't lived till you 've learned how to yodel at a tea dance in a mountain hut !

  4. 利用计算器程序化求算标准地的测树因子

    Tree Survey Factors of Sample Plot Calculated by Calculator Programme

  5. 如果她的回答不算特别地富有启示,那么也是非常清晰和可信的。

    Her answers were clear and assured , if not exactly revelatory .

  6. 也许等到26岁能实现经济独立,这个人才算真正地长大。

    Someone isn 't grown up until age26 , probably with financial independence .

  7. 会议不算怎么乱糟糟地结束了。

    The meeting ended without too much fuss .

  8. 本文通过物料平衡与热量衡算,定量地揭示了堆肥过程的热量需要量及其分配。

    This paper quantitatively shows the energy required and its distribution accompanying the compost process by balance calculation of material and energy .

  9. 今天的执行官们制定了很多精彩的战略计划但是当提到制定和执行相应的行动计划时却都有一个算一个地没了作为。

    Executives today write wonderful strategic plans but do a poor job if any at all when it comes to writing and implementing the action plan .

  10. 发展学生的数学能力是数学分析的重要目标之一,怎样才算是恰当地发展学生的数学能力,这与当今普及型的大众化教育目标密切相关。

    To develop the students ' ability in mathematics is one of the main points in our teaching process , which can be appraised according to the aim for the popularity of education in our country at present .

  11. 两处都触了霉头之后,于是陆军大臣来巡视了,参谋总长来指挥了,算是暂时地协调了一下。

    After the enemy came to grief at both places , the Japanese minister of war arrived on an inspection tour and the chief of general staff turned up to take charge , and for the moment , it seemed , there was co-ordination .

  12. 并发现两阶段多维包分类算TIC很好地利用了规则集特征,其第一阶段采用RFC缩减树,第二阶段引入解释器方法。

    And find that the two-stage multi-dimensional algorithm TIC makes good use of the characteristics of the rule set . It uses the reduction tree of RFC in the 1st stage , and employs the interpreting method in the 2nd stage .

  13. 算例很好地说明了权因子法方差分量估计的简便和实用性。

    Given examples show the method is simple and feasible .

  14. 我算不算大张旗鼓地回来了?

    Am I heading back in a big way ?

  15. 最后,通过一个算例,有力地证明了NSGA-Ⅱ算法的有效性。

    Finally , an example strongly illustrated the effectiveness of the NSGA - ⅱ .

  16. 通过算例,清楚地显示了流动的非平行性对边界层稳定性的影响。

    The examples presented clearly show the effect of nonparallel flow on boundary layer stability .

  17. 本文以一架农业飞机为算例,系统地研究了纵向近地风切变对农业飞机飞行的影响。

    The effects of near-ground horizontal wind shear on an agricultural airplane are discussed in this paper .

  18. 通过数值算例,系统地研究了非饱和弹性多孔介质中这四种体波的传播特性(如传播速度与衰减系数)受到介质饱和度和激发频率的影响情况。

    The influences of saturation degree and excitation frequency on the propagation characteristics such as wave velocity and attenuation coefficient are studied systematically through numerical examples .

  19. 那时我们那个城市还没有实行独生子女政策,所以我算是最早地成为独生子女的那批人。

    At that time our city had not yet implemented the single child policy , so I count among the first group of people who became single children .

  20. 英语学习笔记:废话连篇喜欢花言巧语说话不算话他花言巧语地哄骗那个女孩,说自己是某个部长的儿子。

    beat his or her gums do a snow job go back on one 's words He did a snow job on the girl by saying that he is the son of a minister .

  21. 系统完整地解决了机械加工过程中涉及到的所有尺寸及公差的计算机解算问题,明显地提高了尺寸链的解算速度和质量。

    It resolves the problem of computer-solution on all related dimensions and tolerances during the process of machining entirely , with the result of an obvious improvement on velocity and quality of the solution of dimension chain .