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  • 网络Early Stars;incipient star
  1. 3月13日ALMA正式运作,到现在已经有了发现,例如宇宙早期恒星诞生最激烈的爆发。

    It was officially opened on March 13th but has already been making discoveries , including the most intense bursts of star birth in the early universe .

  2. 宇宙无线电背景好象不是来自这些天文学家们所搜寻的原始恒星,的确如此,因为它完全淹没了作为初始搜寻目标的早期恒星的迹象。

    It does not appear to be coming from the primordial stars sought by the astronomers & indeed , it completely drowns out any signs of the early stars that were the object of the original quest .

  3. 或者,中等质量的黑洞有可能是宇宙中最早期的恒星留下的残余物,科学家们认为当时的恒星比现在的恒星要大得多。

    Or , intermediate-mass black holes could be leftovers from the very earliest stars in the universe , which scientists think were much larger than today 's versions .

  4. 天文学家用这些数据研究早期宇宙以及恒星与星系是怎样形成的。

    Astronomers will use the data to study the early universe and how stars and galaxies form .