
  • Early identification;【药】preliminary identification
  1. Dot-ELISA早期鉴别阳性钉螺的实验研究

    Experimental studies on the early-stage identification of positive infested snails by Dot-ELISA

  2. LHRH兴奋试验早期鉴别诊断青少年的体质性青春发育延迟和男性低促性腺激素性功能低减的价值

    Clinical value of LHRH exciting test in differential diagnosis of constitutional delayed puberty and male hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

  3. 结论AD患者CSF中tau蛋白和Aβ1-42浓度变化是其重要的实验室表现,可以作为AD的辅助诊断指标和与PDD早期鉴别诊断的可能生物学指标。

    Conclusions The CSF levels of tau and A β 1-42 of patients with AD could be the indexes for diagnosing AD early and differential diagnosis from PDD .

  4. TCS是一项易操作、非侵入性、且价廉地有助于帕金森综合征早期鉴别诊断的技术。

    TCS is an easy to implement , non-invasive , and inexpensive technique that could help in the early differential diagnosis of parkinsonian syndromes .

  5. 大环内酯类抗生素M-90的早期鉴别

    Early Identification of Macrolide Antibiotic M - 90

  6. 结论儿童感染时,检测血清中AAG或CRP均有助于早期鉴别细菌与病毒感染,CRP更值得推荐。

    Conclusion The determination of AAG and CRP is helpful to the identification of bacterial infection and viral infection in children ′ s infection diseases , and CRP determination is strongly recommended .

  7. 对14~、334~、269~三株代表菌株发酵产物初步鉴别结果表明:E553±nm/E596±nm比值可作为蒽环类抗生素早期鉴别的重要数据。

    Results of the fermentation products of three typical strains showed that the ratio of E553 ± nm / E596 ± nm was important for the early identification of anthracyclines .

  8. 单克隆抗体早期鉴别阳性钉螺效果的研究

    Studies on the early stage identification of positive snails by monoclonal antibody

  9. 神经网络在肺癌早期鉴别诊断中的研究与应用

    Artificial neural networks as applied to diagnosis of lung cancer

  10. 香榧的核型和性别的早期鉴别

    Early discrimination of karyotype and sexuality for Chinese torreya

  11. 为早期鉴别植物抗性提供了理论和方法。

    The purpose is to provide references and approaches for appreciating resistance to disease .

  12. 最大似然法在早期鉴别卵巢囊肿研究中的应用

    Big and Good Matter The Method of Maximum Likelihood on Studies of Distinguishing Early Stage Ovarian Cyst

  13. 大多数婴儿T细胞淋巴瘤在出生时都变现正常,并且没有家族免疫系统疾病的病史从而较难早期鉴别。

    Infants with T-cell lymphopenia may appear normal at birth and have no family history of immune disorders .

  14. 方法用最大似然法给出了卵巢囊肿的早期鉴别定量诊断表。

    Methods The early stage distinctive quantitative diagnostic table of ovarian cyst was drawn by using maximum likelihood method .

  15. 结论对青年型家族性帕金森综合征应早期鉴别诊断,指导该病的临床及基因治疗。

    Conclusion The early differential diagnosis of juvenile parkinsonism in the pedigree should be carried out to direct gene therapy of the disease .

  16. 这些发现构成了探索早期鉴别高侵袭性肿瘤,甚至阻断肿瘤转移形成的关键步骤。

    These findings constitute an essential step in the quest for the early identification of highly invasive tumors , or even the blocking of formation of metastases .

  17. 这些发现可能有助于解释为什么某些乳腺癌细胞比其他细胞具有更强的侵袭性,或甚至在早期鉴别具有侵袭性的肿瘤。

    These discoveries may help to explain why certain breast cancers are more aggressive than others , or even to identify highly invasive tumors at an early stage .

  18. 测定十二指肠液胆红素、胆汁酸和γ-GT活性有助于早期鉴别诊断新生儿肝炎与肝外胆道闭锁。

    Conclusion The measurement of bilirubin , bile acid and γ - glutamyltranspeptidase concentration in duodenal fluid is helpful in the differential diagnosis of neonatal hepatitis and biliary atresia .

  19. 根据紫外-见光谱、外光谱、谱和硅胶薄层层析等性质,对这些抗生素进行了早期鉴别。

    Early distinguishment on these antibiotics is carried out according to their UV-visible spectra , infrared spectra , mass spectra and silica gel thin-layer chromatographs . PESOS ( Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Outer-Shell )

  20. 研究西瓜核雄性不育的分子机理,获得相关分子标记和基因片段,能够为不育株早期鉴别和培育优良不育系提供理论和实践基础。

    Through studying the molecular mechanism of genic-male-sterility in watermelon , we can obtain makers and gene fragment , and provide basis to the early identification of male-sterile plant and the cultivation of good sterile line .

  21. 结论CRP的测定有助于儿童肺炎早期的鉴别诊断,指导临床合理用药。

    Conclusion The detection of CRP can help early diagnosis of childhood pneumonia to guide rational drug use in clinical .

  22. 结论IL-6、IL-8、TNF-α对早期诊断鉴别轻症胰腺炎和重症胰腺炎均有重要的临床意义。

    The results for TNF - α were similar to the findings for IL-8 . Conclusions IL-6 , IL-8 and TNF - α can be used independently in differentiating mild acute pancreatitis from early severe acute pancreatitis .

  23. 采用两温度梯度PCR方法对30枚奶牛胚胎进行了早期性别鉴别,并将鉴别的15枚胚胎(11枚为雌性,4枚为雄性)移植到同期处理的15头受体母牛体内。

    A total of 30 dairy embryos were sexed with the two-temperature gradient PCR method in the study . 15 identified embryos ( 11 female , 4 male ) were transferred into 15 recipient cows , among them 7 were pregnant after 60 days .

  24. 结论HPLC-PDA分析是新药筛选中早期化学鉴别很好的手段。

    CONCLUSION The method of HPLC-PDA analysis is useful for initial chemical identification during the course of screening for new drugs .

  25. 这一指标客观,准确,并且能够定量进行分析,比之于早期的鉴别率测试和星点检验都更为先进。

    It is objective , accurate , and can be quantitatively analyzed .

  26. 这些裂解规律可应用于微生物新药筛选中早期快速鉴别含2-脱氧链霉胺的氨基糖苷类抗生素,对氨基糖苷类抗生素的生产、质量监控以及在环境和食品中的微量检测也有指导意义。

    These characteristic fragmentation patterns are useful in screening of 2-deoxystreptamine-containing aminoglycoside antibiotics , process monitoring and quality controlling of their production as well as rapid ( identification ) of them in etiological environment and foods .

  27. 听觉P(300)对血管性痴呆早期诊断及鉴别诊断的价值

    The early diagnostic and differential diagnostic value of auditory P_ ( 300 ) to vascular dementia

  28. 结论在胫骨应力性骨折的早期诊断及鉴别诊断方面,CT优越于普通X线。

    Conclusions CT is superior to X-ray examination in the early and differential diagnosis of stress fracture of tibia .

  29. 结论MRI有助于疲劳骨折的早期诊断及鉴别诊断。

    Recognition of MRI features is helpful to early diagnosis and differential diagnosis of fatigue fracture .

  30. 结论MRI对滑膜结核的早期诊断、鉴别诊断帮助较大,优于X线和CT。

    Conclusion MRI was superior to X-ray and CT in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of synovial tuberculosis .