
yǐ liú chún
  • Ethanethiol;ethyl mercaptan
  1. 萘醌与巯基化合物如巯基乙酸、乙硫醇和谷胱甘肽等有当量加成关系。加合物在波长420mμ左右有一吸收峯。

    The absorption spectra of the adducts between 1,4-naphthoquinone and sulphydryl compounds such as thioglycolic acid , ethyl mercaptan , glutathione and the sulphydryl form of several proteins have been found to show maxima near 420m μ .

  2. 单链DNA在氨基乙硫醇单分子膜金电极上固定化的研究

    Study on Immobilization of ssDNA onto Au Electrode Coating Aminoethanethiol Monolayer

  3. 细胞色素C在2-氨基乙硫醇自组装膜修饰金电极上的电化学行为研究

    Study on the Electrochemical Behaviors of Cytochrome C at Gold Electrode Modified with 2-Aminoethanethiol Self Assembly Monolayer

  4. 系统中乙硫醇的最佳质量负荷不宜高于40mg/kg填料·h。

    The optimal odors quality load should be no more than 40mg / kg filter · h.

  5. 实验结果表明,这种催化剂对乙硫醇等含硫有机物均有较高的氧化活性,且有机硫的氧化产物SOx不与催化剂发生化学反应。

    Experimental results showed that the catalytic activity was excellent for those sulphur-containing organic waste gases , Oxidation product SOx from organic sulphur did not react with the catalyst .

  6. 同样地,·OH还能使乙硫醇的C-S键断裂,起到了较好的脱臭效果。

    Similarly , the bond of C-S in ethanethiol can also be cleaved by · OH , thus deodorization was achieved .

  7. 负载Ag~+的13X分子筛对乙硫醇和噻吩的吸附性能

    Adsorption Characteristic of Ethanethiol and Thiophene on Ag ~ + - 13X Molecular Sieves

  8. 选择乙硫醇、噻吩和二苯并噻吩作为汽油中的目标检测硫化物,采用火焰光度检测器(FPD)进行分析。

    Ethanethiol , thiophene and dibenzothiophene as the model sulfur compounds were analysed by FPD ( Flame Photometric Detector ) in the gasoline .

  9. 脉冲电晕反应器结构对乙硫醇消除效果的影响

    Influence of pulse corona reactor structure on removal efficiency of ethanethiol

  10. 乙硫醇在脉冲电晕反应器内的降解特性

    Study on the Decomposition Characteristics of Ethanethiol in A Pulse Corona Reactor

  11. 生物滴滤塔降解甲硫醇和乙硫醇的速率研究

    Study on removal rate of methyl mercaptan and ethanethiol by bio-trickling filter

  12. 结果表明,脉冲电晕放电能有效地去除气体中的恶臭物乙硫醇。

    The results showed that ethanethiol can be treated effectively .

  13. 由光气与乙硫醇合成氯甲酸乙硫醇酯。

    Research and Application of Triphosgene Instead of Phosgene for Synthesizing Compounds ;

  14. Al~+与乙硫醇团簇的气相化学反应的实验和理论研究

    Experimental and Theoretical Study on Gas-Phase Reaction of Aluminum Ion with Ethanethiol Clusters

  15. 2-氨基乙硫醇单分子膜在多晶金电极上的电化学还原脱附行为研究

    Study on the Electrochemical Reductive Desorption of 2-Aminoethanethiol SAMs on Polycrystalline Gold Electrodes

  16. 冰箱除臭器对乙硫醇驱除效率的气相色谱测定

    A Gas Chromatographic Method for Testing the Efficiency of Refrigerator Deodorizer in Eliminating Ethanethiol

  17. 硫化氢和乙硫醇中硫元素主要转化为二氧化硫。

    The sulfur element of these two chemicals was mainly transformed to sulfur dioxide .

  18. 电晕放电相同能量密度下,乙硫醇去除率和能量效率随脉冲频率的增加而增加。

    The ethanethiol removal and energy efficiency of corona discharge was increased with pulse repetition .

  19. 脉冲电晕放电联用催化剂时,乙硫醇去除率和能量效率得到了明显改善,对比五种负载型金属催化剂,Mn-Fe/γ-Al2O3有最好的去除效果和最高的能量效率。

    When using corona discharge with catalysts , ethanethiol removal rate and energy efficiency were improved evidently .

  20. Cu~+、Ag~+、Au~+与乙硫醇的气相化学反应

    Reactions of Cu ~ + 、 Ag ~ + 、 Au ~ + with ethanethiol in gas phase

  21. 总之,通过阴离子交换引入某些功能型阴离子以调变催化剂对乙硫醇的吸附及其催化氧化能力。

    In short , adsorption and photocatalysis oxidation ability to ethanethiol can be improved by anion-exchange with functional anion .

  22. 报道一种快速检测冰箱除臭器对乙硫醇驱除效率的气相色谱分析方法。

    A gas chromatographic method to quickly test the efficiency of refrigerator deodorizer in eliminating ethanethiol is introduced in this paper .

  23. 其次,考察了空气湿度、脉冲频率、乙硫醇初始浓度、气体流量和峰值电压对等离子体反应的影响。

    Then , humidity in air , pulse repetition , initial concentration of ethanethiol , flow rate , peak voltage on removal performance was investigated .

  24. 同时发现较高温度、低浓度的模拟体系对吸附剂脱硫醇性能有利。结果表明,脉冲电晕放电能有效地去除气体中的恶臭物乙硫醇。

    The study also indicated that high temperature and low concentration are in favor of the removal of ethanethiol from the model gasoline . The results showed that ethanethiol can be treated effectively .

  25. 利用激光溅射分子束的技术,结合反射飞行时间质谱计,研究了Cu+、Ag+、Au+与乙硫醇的气相化学反应。

    The gas phase reactions of Cu + ? Ag + ? Au + with ethanethiol have been studied by using laser ablation molecular beam method in conjunction with a reflection time of flight mass spectrometer .

  26. 利用激光溅射-分子束的方法研究了Al+和乙硫醇的气相化学反应,结果观察到了Al+与1~6个乙硫醇分子形成的团簇离子。

    The gas phase reaction of the singly positive charged aluminum ion with ethanethiol molecule clusters was investigated by the laser ablation molecular beam method . The cluster ions composed of Al + and 1 ~ 6 ethanethiol molecules are produced .

  27. 路线A是先经乙酰化和溴加成将薯蓣皂甙元保护后,通过Oxone氧化在C-16位引入羟基,再用乙二硫醇开E,F环,锌粉还原脱溴得到化合物2。

    In the route A , after diosgenin was protected through the acetylation and bromine-addition reaction , the hydroxyl group was introduced at C-16 position by Oxone oxidation , followed the E / F ring-opened with dithiol and debromination to give compound 2 .

  28. 研究了乙二硫醇与异戊醛物质的量比、催化剂用量、反应时间等因素对反应收率的影响。

    Effects of mole ratio of1,2-ethanedithiol to isovaleraldehyde , amount of catalyst and refluxed time were investigated .

  29. 乙二硫醇直接加入法能够缩短涂膜表干时间、防止固化膜发黄,固化膜的凝胶率会下降,但是不会影响其拉伸性能和附着能力。

    Using the ethyl di-thiol directly could shorten the surface dry time and enhance the anti-yellow changing , but the gel fraction would be decreased . The tensile performance and the adherence capability of the solidified coatings would not be affected .