
  • 网络diethyl silicone;ethyl silicon oil
  1. 研究了乙基硅油与癸二酸酯调和油的IR基团振动频率的变化,发现乙基硅油与癸二酸酯间存在着相互作用。

    Changes of IR group vibrational frequency in the blends of diethyl silicone and sebacate were studied in this paper .

  2. 乙基硅油调和油的粘度特性与粘温性能

    Viscosity and visco temperature characteristics of diethyl silicone blending oil

  3. 列举了实验中发现的多种不能用经典粘度和粘温理论合理解释的现象,揭示了乙基硅油与不同类型组分调和时的粘度、粘温特性及其变化规律。

    This paper indicates the rules in viscosity and visco temperature characteristics changes of diethyl silicone blended oils .

  4. β-氰乙基甲基硅油的试制

    Preparation of β - cyanoethyl methyl silicone oil

  5. 交联-酰化法改进氨乙基氨丙基硅油的泛黄性

    Improvement of yellowing of aminoethyl and aminopropyl silicone oil by crosslinking-acylating proces

  6. 氨乙基氨丙基硅油的制备、乳化与应用

    Preparation , emulsification and application of 3 - [ 2 - ( amino ethyl ) amino ] propyl group-containing silicone