
  • 网络Early Europe
  1. 早期欧洲一体化在法国成功的原因探析

    Reasons for the Success of the Early European Integration in France

  2. 拉丁语:近代早期欧洲的语言共同体

    Latin : Language Communities of Europe in Early Modern Times

  3. 侏罗纪或白垩纪早期欧洲巨大的食草性两足恐龙。

    Gigantic carnivorous bipedal dinosaur of the Jurassic or early Cretaceous in Europe .

  4. 德法和解是早期欧洲一体化的基石

    Franco-German Reconciliation : the Cornerstone of Early European Integration

  5. (中世英语到近代英语的)后期过渡期英语中世纪晚期和近代早期欧洲的寡妇改嫁

    Late Transition English The Remarrying of Widows during the Later Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period

  6. 在海岸边的两个小岛上,保存着两个被早期欧洲探险家所称颂的伟大的东非港口的遗址。

    The remains of two great East African ports admired by early European explorers are situated on two small islands near the coast .

  7. 第四部分着重说明了马歇尔计划实施期间美国对早期欧洲一体化进程的推动作用,进而分析了这一时期的美欧关系。

    Part IV emphasizes American impulse to European integration at its early stage and discusses further the relationship between America and Europe in this period .

  8. 一些专家相信,兴业银行清算科维尔先生财务状况的工作在推动上周早期欧洲股票价格下跌中起着作用。

    Some experts believe efforts by Societe Generale to close out Mister Kerviel 's financial positions played a part in driving down European stock prices early last week .

  9. 德国问题与早期欧洲一体化&第二次世界大战后欧洲为什么走上联合道路二战后,早期欧洲一体化之所以能顺利发展,是由于德法实现了和解与合作。

    " Germany Issue " and the Early European Integration After the Second World War , the smooth development of early European integration was due to the success of Franco | German reconciliation .

  10. 外汇衍生市场与人民币汇率机制改革在90年代早期欧洲汇率体系崩溃之时,两种策略都损失惨重。

    Analysis of the Relationship between Development of Derivatives Market of Foreign Exchange and Reform of RMB Exchange Rate Mechanism ; Both suffered horribly in the early 1990s , when the ERM broke down .

  11. 20世纪中期起,西方学术界围绕着17世纪普遍危机问题进行了一场论争,促进了对近代早期欧洲史的理解。

    From the middle period of twentieth century , the groves of western academe have carried on a debate about the history of seventeenth century around the problem of ` the general crisis of the seventeenth century ' .

  12. 德意志新教改革是基督教世界乃至人类文明史中的重大变革,探讨其成功的原因对于了解近代早期欧洲的社会变革和欧洲的崛起都具有十分重要的意义。

    Germany Protestant Reformation is a momentous revolution in christendom , even inthe history of human civilizations , probing into the causation of its success is significant tounderstanding the social progress in early modern Europe and the emergence of europe .

  13. 早期欧洲基督教会曾对巫术较宽容,但到了中世纪末,人们开始将使用魔法为人治病的妇女视为女巫,或魔鬼的门徒。

    In the early Christian centuries , the church was relatively tolerant of magical practices . But in the late Middle Ages European people began to look upon those women who tried to cure diseases by using magic as witches , or the followers of Satan .

  14. 从早期的欧洲政治合作(EPC),到近期的欧洲共同安全与防务政策(CESDP),欧盟共同外交与安全政策(CFSP)已经走过了几十年的历程。

    From European Political Co-operation ( EPC ) to Common European Security and Defense Policy ( CESDP ), the Common Foreign and Security Policy ( CFSP ) of the EU has gone a long way and made a great progress .

  15. 早期的欧洲艺术:古代,中世纪,文艺复兴。

    Early European Art : Antiquity , Middle Ages , Renais .

  16. 在早期,欧洲的女巫被处死了。

    In those earlier times , witches in Europe were executed .

  17. 早期的欧洲移民把美洲称为新大陆。

    Early European settlers used to refer to America as the new world .

  18. 美洲土著人和早期的欧洲移民进行毛皮交易。

    Native Americans traded furs with early European settlers .

  19. 已灭绝的人种,生活在旧石器时代早期的欧洲。

    Extinct human of Upper Paleolithic in Europe .

  20. 在中世纪早期,欧洲也有许多种用弓来演奏的弦乐器。

    During the early Middle Ages in Europe various stringed instruments were played with a bow .

  21. 巫术与早期的欧洲近代化

    Witchcraft and Early Modernization in Europe

  22. 近代早期,欧洲发生了城市市民社会向国家市民社会的过渡。

    In early modern , it began the transition from the city civil society to nation-state civil society .

  23. 据说在今年早期在欧洲东南部和俄罗斯中部热度又创新高。

    It 's said record breaking heat was reported in Southeast Europe and central Russia earlier this year .

  24. 在20世纪20年代早期,欧洲科学家所做的发明为未来脑刺激的发展铺平了道路。

    As early as the1920s , European scientists made discoveries which paved the way for future development of brain stimulation .

  25. 第一章是对古典时代和中世纪早期的欧洲意识进行分析。

    The first chapter focuses on the analysis of the the idea of Europe of the classical age and the middle ages .

  26. 早期从欧洲到美国的移民带来一种集体生活方式,这种生活方式他们一直保持到18世纪晚期。

    Early immigrants to America from Europe brought with them a collective style of living , which they retained until late in the 18th century .

  27. 美国在马歇尔计划实施期间通过经济援助和施加政治压力等手段,帮助西欧建立了一系列区域性合作机构,推动了早期的欧洲一体化进程。

    During the Marshall Plan period America helped Western Europe to found a series of regional cooperative organizations with both economic aid and political pressure , which promoted the early European integration .

  28. 颅骨基部明显的髻状突起接近现代非洲人和欧洲人,但有别于其他在黎凡特地带发现的现代人种,因此强有力地暗示着,这可能是早期进入欧洲的人类。

    The distinctive bunlike shape at the base of the skull resembles modern African and European skulls but differs from other anatomically modern humans from the Levant , and is thus a strong clue that these were among the first humans to settle Europe , scientists said .

  29. 早期美国人的欧洲观及其影响

    The European Visions of Early Americans and Their Influence

  30. 英国早期汉学紧随欧洲大陆汉学之后产生,并保持着与其接近的同步发展速度,与之保持着密切的依附关系。

    British Sinology formed immediately after European Continental Sinology , and kept almost the same development step with it , and depended on it badly .