
  • 网络Early Investment;Early stage investing
  1. 五月份,大疆获得来自AccelPartners的7500万美元投资,这家基金是Facebook、Dropbox等知名互联网公司的早期投资方。

    In May , the company received US $ 75 million in investment from Accel Partners , a U.S. investor behind the success of Internet heavyweights Facebook and Dropbox .

  2. 作为私人股本公司octopus早期投资团队的主管,阿利奥特科尔(alliottcole)在工作中接触到大量技术型初创企业。

    Alliott Cole sees a large number of Tech start-ups in his work as principal in the early-stage investment team of private equity firm octopus .

  3. 早期投资中国内地股票的基金经理,包括现任摩根大通(jpmorgan)中国证券市场部主席的李晶(jingulrich),对透明度、流动性以及管理问责制度感到担忧。

    Fund managers in those early days of mainland equities - including Jing Ulrich , now head of China equities and commodities at JPMorgan - had concerns about transparency , liquidity and management accountability .

  4. 他愿意与人共享成果,这一点很不寻常,在软银工作的薛村禾(ChaunceyShey)说,他协助开展了相关的早期投资。

    This was really unusual , his willingness to share , says Chauncey Shey , who works for SoftBank and helped make the initial investment .

  5. 仓促进入Benchmark合伙人比尔•格利(BillGurley)所称的“有史以来人数最多的聚会”,进一步提升了致力于早期投资的合伙关系的价值——这种合伙关系与或者说应该与风投资本有关。

    The rush into what Bill Gurley , a partner of Benchmark , has called " the most crowded party that 's ever been thrown " further raises the value of partnerships that specialise in early stage investment - what venture capital is , or should be , about .

  6. 加速器将为初创企业进行早期投资,特别是为三星产品开发软件的开发商。

    It will make early-stage investments in startups , especially developers of software for Samsung devices .

  7. 天使集团一般地方组织了10至150个有兴趣的投资者认可的早期投资。

    Angel groups are generally local organizations made up of10 to150 accredited investors interested in early-stage investing .

  8. 华登国际仍然是一个早期投资公司,所投项目有的甚至还没有成型的产品。

    Walden is still an early stage investor , so they will even look at companies without products .

  9. 尽管天使投资人已出现了一段时间,但他们正成为早期投资方面一支日益重要的力量。

    Though they have been around for a while , angels are becoming a bigger force in early-stage investment .

  10. 早期投资数字化网络系统以对顾客意见加以捕捉、分析和利用的公司将使自己得以超越竞争。

    Companies that invest early in digital nervous systems to capture , analyze and capitalize on customer input will differentiate themselves from competition .

  11. 此类早期投资可以取得成效,原因是它们可以使更多儿童留在学校上学,提高学习成绩,还可以使他们少惹麻烦。

    These early investments pay off because they mean more children stay in school , get better grades , and keep out of trouble .

  12. 我们欢迎成员经济体采取共同行动,推进亚太经合组织加速器网络,为中小企业创新发展提供早期投资。

    We welcome member economies ' joint efforts and contribution to promote the APEC Accelerator Network and to invest in the early stage development of innovative SMEs .

  13. 在经历了早期投资驱动、技术驱动的发展阶段后,电信行业开始进入提倡集约化经营的新阶段。

    After the developing period of earlier investment and technical driven , the telecom industry is stepping into a new period in which intensive management is advocated .

  14. 然而,近年来在美国的大多数风险资本投资实际上是“早期投资”和“增长中股本投资”

    " However , most venture capital investments in the United States in recent years have actually consisted of " early-stage investing " and " growth equity " investing "

  15. 不论是好是坏,每个高管都能从卡内基在早期投资有希望的技术、开创和发掘新市场以及粉碎竞争的那种冷酷无情的方式中学到一些东西。

    For good and bad , every executive can learnsomething from the ruthless way Carnegie invested early in promisingtechnologies , created and exploited new markets and crushed the competition .

  16. 当一家风投支持的公司公开上市,市值数十亿美元(或数千亿美元),向这家公司提供早期投资的投资者将拥有很多股票。

    When a venture-backed company goes public and is worth billions ( or even hundreds of millions ) , the investors who provided the early capital to that company are going to be sitting on a lot of stock .

  17. Twitter联合创始人比兹•斯通已经以战略顾问的身份加盟Twitter早期的投资公司星火资本公司(SparkCapital)。

    Twitter co-founder biz stone has joined early twitter investor spark capital as a strategic advisor .

  18. 从本质上讲,早期风险投资是押注于其中的创业者。

    Early-stage ventures are in essence a gamble on the entrepreneurs involved .

  19. 第二.早期天使投资经常是对人不对事。

    Early stage investing is often about the people , not the idea .

  20. 早期最优投资消费问题的研究是在完备的金融市场假设下建立最优投资策略模型。

    The previous study of optimal investment and consumption is under the hypothesis of complete financial markets .

  21. 创业者寻求国际创投早期阶段投资,在经济、文化、法律与其他方面造成偏误的主要困难是什么?如何有效地避免这些困难?

    What are the primary pitfalls economic , cultural , legal and otherwise that derail entrepreneurs seeking early stage international VC investment , and how can they best be avoided ?

  22. 智利:世行正在与智利国内研究人员开展密切合作,共同为财政部编制一份政策报告,为儿童早期开发投资制定适当制度安排。

    Chile : Working in close cooperation with a local Chilean researcher , the Bank is preparing a policy note for the Ministry of Finance on appropriate institutional arrangements for investing in ECD .

  23. 在施工的前期或早期进行投资目标的风险分析,揭示各类风险因素所引起投资偏差的程度,为规避风险提供决策,是工程项目管理中一种有效的控制方法。

    The risk analysis of investment in early stage and in preceding stage of construction for analysing various risk factors leading to investment error and providing policy decision avoiding risk is an effective control method .

  24. 在早期的投资实践中,美国作为主要的资本输出国率先提出了习惯国际法项下的最低待遇标准,以便向投资者提供独立于东道国国内法的绝对保护水平。

    In early international investment practice , U.S. pioneered the idea of the minimum standard of treatment in customary international law as major capital-exporting country , in order to provide investors with absolute protection exiting outside municipal law of host countries .

  25. 早期的投资理论建立在完善的资本市场假设下,认为企业的资本结构不影响企业的投资效率,企业内外部的融资成本相同,可以互相替代。

    The investment theory was based on the assumption of the perfection of the capital market in the early period . As a result , the capital structure did not affect the efficiency of investment , which means that the internal and external capital had the same cost .

  26. 早期的一些投资项目很快就失败了。

    Some of the early ventures were immediate failures .

  27. 早期,PE投资多采用红筹模式。

    Early , red-chip mode was widely used in Private Equity investment .

  28. 早期的RD投资使得企业在未来比潜在进入市场的竞争对手具有成本优势,投资机会可以看作策略增长期权。

    The RD investment leads to cost advantage and the investment opportunity can be looked as a growth option .

  29. 在2011年夏天,IBM将庆祝其收购Informix10周年,公司早期的大型投资项目之一,用于扩展软件产品组合。

    In the summer of2011 , IBM will celebrate the10th anniversary of its acquisition of Informix , one of the early mega-investments the company made to expand its software portfolio .

  30. 深圳最近推出的中小企业板也不允许让早期的风险投资股东退出,也就是把股份卖掉。

    In the Shenzhen Stock Exchange , early VC firms in the medium - and small-sized enterprises are not allowed to exit , namely to sell their shares .