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  1. 我国滨海旅游发展较晚,最早兴起于北方北戴河地区,截至目前我国已经形成了五个滨海旅游区域。

    In China it develops in the North Beidaihe area first and now has formed five coastal tourism areas .

  2. 它最早兴起于法国,以左拉为主要代表人物,后经欧洲传入美国,影响了整个20世纪的美国文学。

    Naturalism firstly originated from France with Zola as the representative and then was introduced from Europe into America , which influenced the American literature of the whole 20th century .

  3. 发展性教师评价是一种最早兴起于英国、与外控式评价相对应的以促进教师专业发展为目的的教师评价制度。

    Originating in Britain and being opposite to the other - controlled evaluation , the developmental teacher evaluation is a kind of teacher evaluating system with the aim of promoting teachers ' professional development .