
  • 网络Topics in Early Modernism
  1. 近代汉口建筑走向早期现代主义风格内质因素研究与推论

    Analysis and Inference of the Development of the Early Modernism about Modern Hankow Architecture

  2. 回归自然与场所&早期现代主义与西方景观设计的回顾与思索

    Nature and Site Recalled & Reviewing Early Modernism and the Development of Western Landscape Architecture

  3. 总的面积为365平米,采用了极简主义的和早期现代主义的元素。

    Its total area is365 square meters and it 's designed using elements of minimalism and early modernism .

  4. 从五四开始,中国现代作家直接承接早期现代主义与各种先锋性小说探索之路向前走,这是现代中国小说发展的正源。

    Beginning from the May Fourth Movement , China modern writers accepted the early modernism and the various kinds of pioneer thought directly , this is the straight source where a modern Chinese novel develops ;

  5. 极简主义景观创造性地融合了景观设计中的古典主义、早期现代主义和极简艺术三者,将景观简洁的形式与复杂的内涵结合在一起,个性鲜明,体现出强烈的现代化、工业化特征。

    The minimalist landscape has fused the classicism , early modernism and minimalism in the landscape , united the simple form and complex meaning of landscape to present lively individuality and strong modern and industrial character .

  6. 从国内出现的简约形态建筑的共性可知,简约形态的建筑与早期现代主义的最大分歧主要是集中在外观(表皮)与结构(功能)的关系的认识问题上以及建筑材料的运用上。

    From the commonness appearing in internal terse architecture , we could find that the primary difference between terse architecture and forepart modernism architecture was the cognition about the relationship between appearance ( scarfskin ) and configuration ( function ), and exertion of material .

  7. 二次世界大战前是现代艺术蓬勃发展的时期,其打破传统的束缚,从思维观念和形式技法上深深影响着早期的现代主义设计。

    There was a booming development of modern art previous the world war II , which broke though traditional restrict , deeply affect the early modernism design .

  8. 曹禺早期话剧受现代主义影响比较明显。

    Cao yu 's early dramas were obviously influenced by modernism .

  9. 新古典建筑:18世纪和19世纪早期的现代古典主义(以其当时所流传的名称)。

    Neoclassical architecture : Revival of Classical architecture during the 18th and early 19th centuries .

  10. 从三种期刊看欧美象征主义诗歌在中国的早期译介&欧美现代主义诗歌译介研究之三

    European and American Symbolist Poetry in China : The Early Stage

  11. 本世纪早期,杰出的现代主义作家们如此给力,地赋予语言一些资源?

    What happens to those resources that the great modernist writers endowed language with so powerfully earlier in the century ?