
  1. 随着早期教育倍受重视,早教机构应运而生。

    Highly valued as early education , early childhood institutions came into being .

  2. 最后,基于以上现状和问题,笔者对早教机构的内部管理和规范管理等方面提出了可行性建议。

    Finally , based on the status and problems , the author of internal management , and standardize management of early childhood institutions put forward feasible suggestions .

  3. 从供给层面上看来,教育供给不足,这种状况为早教机构发展提供百年一遇的机会。

    Seen from the aspect of the supply , education market is lack of the supply , which provides the invaluable chances for the development of the early education centers .

  4. 但目前国内的全日制学前教育机构只能接收一部分婴幼儿,社会现实的需求催生了大量非全日制的早教机构。

    But in current , the full-time pre-school institutions can only accept a fraction of young children . The needs of social reality spawned a large number of part-time early education institutions .

  5. 在城市,市场上名目繁多的学前教育书籍、影像制品以及许许多多的早教机构的涌现,让我们愈加意识到儿童学前教育的重要性和必要性。

    At the city , the emerging in large numbers of the books and video products and the organizations make us realize the important and the necessity of the early childhood education .

  6. 这些早教机构为家长学习如何指导、教育孩子提供了一个具体的、可操作的、场景性的实践场所,加强教师对家长进行培训和指导成为提高家长教养能力的重要前提。

    The early learning organizations provide a concrete and operable place in where parents can study how to guide and educate their babies . The important prerequisite of improve rearing capacity of parents is to Strengthen teachers training and guidance for parents .

  7. 早教服务机构介入幼儿园课程的原因、影响及对策

    Service Agencies for Early Education Intervene in Kindergarten 's Curriculum : Reasons , Effects and Countermeasures

  8. 受狭隘早教观念影响,一些年轻父母热衷于迷信专家和特定环境的亲子游戏,将孩子送进早教机构接受某种方案的专门训练。

    Influenced by the narrow concept about earlier education , some young parents are craving for the experts and family games in peculiar environment , and send their children to the facilities of earlier education to receive special trainings according to a certain plan .