
  1. 晚生种×早生种F1展叶期介于两亲之间。

    In the combination of late-sprouting and early-sprouting cultivars , the F1 leaf-expansion periods were located between their parents .

  2. 早生种×早生种F1展叶期提早和推迟的正负向超亲遗传现象同时出现。

    In the combinations of early-sprouting and early-sprouting cultivars , the super-parental phenomenon in both positive and negative directions of genetic variation of shortening or postponing the F1 leaf-expansion period were observed .

  3. 平阳特早茶属灌木型中叶类特早生种。

    Pingyang Tezaocha is a tea clone of shrub , medium leaf and extra-early sprouting .