
  • 网络Early and middle stages;early metaphase;prometaphase;premetaphase
  1. PMMA骨水泥短期内抗肿瘤作用在粘稠早中期和粘稠后期无差异。

    In short term , the anti-tumor effect of viscous PMMA bone cement was not significant between the prometaphase and the later phase .

  2. 用改良ASG法在黑麦(Secalecereale)有丝分裂早中期、中期对染色体进行了G-带分析,并作了G-带带型和变动性分析。

    Clear G bands were obtained in the prometaphase and metaphases of mitotic chromosomes in rye ( secale cereale ) by means of the advanced ASG method .

  3. 小鼠成纤维细胞早中期染色体标本制备及G带核型分析

    The Methods of Preparing Early Metaphase Chromosomes and the Study on Their G-banding Patterns in Mouse Fibroblasts

  4. 湖相沉积物的U系测年结果为88.9~56.2ka,确定其沉积时代为晚更新世早中期。

    The lacustrine deposits have U-series ages of 88.9 ka to 56.2 ka .

  5. 其中,药物治疗是早中期OA的首选方法。

    Pharmacotherapy is recommended as the first line therapy on early and mid-term OA .

  6. 结论在肺纤维化早中期,肺间质成纤维细胞高表达MMP-2。

    Conclusion mRNA expression of MMP - 2 in fibroblasts are up-regulated in fibrosis silicotic model rats .

  7. 结论:PSAT对PCa,特别是早中期PCa的诊断,比前列腺穿刺活检更为敏感,二者联合检测对临床诊治有重要的价值和意义。

    The combination of the PSAT and the prostatic biopsy is valuable for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of Pca .

  8. 但在造模第12周时,X线显示骨性关节炎晚期的表现,不适合于OA早中期的研究。

    However at the 12th weeks after modeling , X-ray showed advanced performance of osteoarthritis , it was not suitable for study on early-mid-phase of OA .

  9. Nuss术治疗小儿漏斗胸的早中期效果评估

    Short-term and Midterm Evaluation of Nuss Procedure for the Correction of Pectus Excavatum

  10. 目的:观察硫酸氨基葡萄糖预防兔实验性早中期骨关节炎(OA)病变发生发展及其对软骨修复作用的程度。

    Objective : To explore the effectiveness of glucosamine sulphate on the prevention of early / middle stage of osteoarthritis ( OA ) and rehabilitation of cartilage degeneration in rabbits .

  11. 结论:(1)LIF在正常人及不同病变程度OA患者组织中表达呈现出一定的时间及空间分布的规律;在OA早中期,LIF可能来源于软骨下骨。

    Conclusions : ( 1 ) The different distribution of LIF in nomal and OA articular tissues may original from subchondral bone in the early period of OA .

  12. 粗线期SC染色体C-带、G带显示了较为清晰的带纹,但带纹沿染色体纵长基本均匀分布,而早中期染色体C-带、G-带显带效果不理想;

    Synaptonemal complexes in meiotic pachytene displayed conspicuous C-banding and G-banding , but the bandings regularly distributed along the lengthwise chromosomes . The results of C-banding and G-banding in mitotic early metaphase was not clear .

  13. 目的总结自体桡动脉材料在冠脉旁路移植术(CABG)中的采集、应用和早中期疗效评价。

    Objective To summarizing the harvesting , applying experience and evaluation early-middle clinical outcome of self-radial artery in coronary artery bypass graft ( CABG ) .

  14. 丹参注射液对兔KOA早中期软骨细胞增殖和凋亡的干预研究

    Study of Intervention of Danshen Injection on the Early and Middle Stages of Rabbit 's Knee Osteoarthritis Cartilage Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis

  15. 早中期组在HI后第29天处死,晚期干预组在HI后第36天处死,取海马部分以westernblot的方法检测NGF&β和BDNF含量。

    Early and intermediate groups were sacrificed at 29 days after HI and late group at 36 days after HI . The hippocampus were removed to measure the contents of NGF & β and BDNF using western blot .

  16. 股骨头缺血性坏死(avascularnecrosisofthefemoralhead简称ANFH)是临床常见的一种可高度致残的疾病,其早中期主要的治疗方案被放眼于诸多保髋的姑息性手术上。

    Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head ( ANFH ) which can highly lead to mutilation is seen frequently in clinic work . To reserve hip joint by operation is mainly therapy in its early and middle phase .

  17. 结果:选用对数生长早中期的菌体,用10μg/ml的溶菌酶液在30℃时酶解30min,采用以蔗糖为主的渗透压稳定剂,野油菜黄单胞菌原生质体的形成和再生最佳。

    Results : Cells in the early log stage , 10 μ g / ml lysozyme at 30 ℃ for 30 minutes , and sucrose as osmotic stabilizer are the most appropriate conditions for the formation and regeneration of the protoplast .

  18. 结论ILK可能通过介导Integrin参与IgA肾病的异常细胞外基质的沉积,尤其在IgA肾病早中期起着重要作用。

    Conclusion Mediated by integrin , ILK participates in the deposition of ECM in the kidney of patients with IgA nephropathy , might play an important role in the pathogenesis at the early / medium stage of IgA nephropathy .

  19. 目的C57Bl/6J小鼠妊娠早中期子宫自然杀伤(UNK)细胞的数量和分布特征分析。

    Objectives : To determine the distribution and quantity of uterine natural killer ( UNK ) cells in normal implantation sites of C57Bl / 6J mice at early-mid gestation stage .

  20. 在20世纪九十年代早中期亚美尼亚遭受到慢性能源短缺的影响,通过在Metsamor在进行原子能开发计划得到了缓解。

    The chronic energy shortages Armenia suffered in the early and mid-1990s have been offset by the energy supplied by one of its nuclear power plants at Metsamor .

  21. 人工全踝关节置换的早中期疗效分析

    Therapeutic effect analysis of Scandinavian total ankle replacement in early metaphase

  22. 人胎儿早中期肺免疫细胞的发育

    Development of immune cells of fetal lungs in early and middle phases

  23. 贺西地区晚古生代早中期同沉积断层的发现及其意义

    Discovery of late - Paleozoic syndepositional faults in Hexi area

  24. 早中期次之,中期染色体仍能显示1~4个带纹。

    One to four bands were still distinguishable by the metaphase chromosomes .

  25. Octopus123视野计诊断早中期青光眼的价值

    Octopus 123 perimetry in diagnosis of very early , early and moderate glaucoma

  26. 早中期慢性肾功能不全营养治疗的研究

    Study on nutritional therapy for chronic renal failure in early and middle term

  27. 试论古罗马早中期的农业发展

    On the Development of Agriculture of Ancient Rome in Early and Middle Period

  28. 人工颈椎间盘置换术后的早中期临床疗效

    Early-middle stage clinical result of artificial cervical disc replacement

  29. 早中期慢性肾衰竭的中医证候学研究

    Study on TCM Syndromes of Chronic Renal Failure in Early and Medium Stage

  30. 结果:1孕早中期子宫局部收缩的发生率为3.4%;

    Results : 1.The rate of uterine local myometrial contraction is 3 4 % .