
zǎo chá
  • morning tea;spring tea
早茶 [zǎo chá]
  • (1) [morning tea]∶早晨吃的茶点

  • 粤式早茶

  • (2) [spring tea]∶二三月间采摘茶的新芽所制作的茶

  1. 很多能量都来自塞米特艺术屋(CemetiArtHouse)这样的社区艺术空间,它欢迎参观者进来喝一杯早茶。

    Much of the energy springs from communal art spaces such as the Cemeti Art House , which welcome visitors to share morning tea .

  2. 大量的早茶,午餐和饮料胡椒的一天。

    Lots of morning tea , lunch and drinks peppered the day .

  3. 我似乎把时间全都浪费在咖啡早茶会上了。

    I seem to fritter my time away at coffee mornings .

  4. SunChen:广式早茶dimsum也是很多英国人喜欢吃的,而且价廉物美valueformoney。

    Helen : At lunch time , many restaurants offer delicious dim-sum and they are very good value for money .

  5. 南华茶楼(NomWahTeaParlor)是纽约市最古老的一家供应早茶的餐厅。

    Nom Wah Tea Parlor is the city 's oldest dim sum destination .

  6. 英式早茶也是红茶的一种。

    English Breakfast tea is also a kind of black tea .

  7. 贵餐厅的早茶几点开始?

    When is the restaurant open for the morning tea ?

  8. 一会儿之后,比尔就会回来喝早茶。

    Bill would be over in a minute for his morning tea .

  9. 我们的早餐主要供应粤式早茶。

    Our breakfast supply Cantonese early morning tea .

  10. 我给你送早茶来了这时间你一般还睡着呢

    I 'm bringing you your morning tea . You 're not usually awake .

  11. 我想知道贵餐厅的早茶什么时候开始?

    I 'd like to know when the morning tea begins in your restaurant ?

  12. 茶皇殿是以粤式早茶为主的中式餐厅。

    TEA PALACE Tea palace is a Chinese restaurant mainly offering Cantonese morning tea .

  13. 他让服务员把早茶和报纸一块送到他的房间。

    He ordered a newspaper to be brought to his room with early morning .

  14. 我们停下来喝早茶吧。

    Let 's break off for morning tea .

  15. 喝早茶时吃些奶酪薄片和炸薯条最好不过了。

    Cheese wafers and potato chips are really very good snacks for coffee break .

  16. 如果我们明天来饮早茶需不需要预订?

    Should we make a reservation if we are going to have morning tea tomorrow ?

  17. 平阳特早茶属灌木型中叶类特早生种。

    Pingyang Tezaocha is a tea clone of shrub , medium leaf and extra-early sprouting .

  18. 我们在澳宝的烹调工作人员将提供早茶,午餐和下午茶的学生。

    Our cooking staff at Hills Kindy will provide students with morning tea , lunch and afternoon tea .

  19. 我来这里喝早茶,一切就这样开始了,对吗?

    I came around here for morning tea and it all went from there , didn 't it really ?

  20. 我们想要组织一个筹款活动,如咖啡早茶会、智力竞赛之夜或慈善游泳比赛。

    We are going to organize a fundraising event such as a coffee morning , a quiz night or a sponsored swim .

  21. 采用冰冻切片方法,研究了不同浓度铝胁迫对知青早茶和白茶叶片显微结构的影响。

    The effect of Al on the microstructure of Bai tea ( Camellia sinensis ) and Zhiqing tea leaves was observed with cryo-sectioning .

  22. 时区的不同、时差、或者没有早茶,这些都是经常会引起你特别不高兴的原因。

    Difference in time zone , jet lag , lack of morning coffee-are frequently cited reasons as to why you 're especially grouchy .

  23. 北京人吃早点,广东人喝早茶,这是两种不同的生活习惯。

    The person from Beijing has breakfast , the Cantonese drinks the early tea , this is two kind of different habits and customs .

  24. 要牛奶的,我想现在就要,我旅行期间早茶都没喝上。

    With milk , please , may I have it right away ? I have mot had my early morning cup of tea during the trip .

  25. 本饭店新增早茶,供应南北美味小吃,中西各式点心,欢迎光临。

    This restaurant serves morning tea as a new item , including dainty snacks with Northern and Southern flavors and Chinese and Western refreshments . Your patronage is always welcome .

  26. 摘要介绍了乌牛早茶的加工工艺流程和工艺要点,分析了茶叶贮藏过程中影响品质成分的主要因素。

    This thesis mainly introduces the technology are work craft in the process of Wuniu tea and analyzes the important factors influencing the quality of the tea during its preservation .

  27. 大部分顾客都是中老年的职业男性,有的独自坐着,一边啜着早茶和享受着早餐,一边全神贯注地阅读面前的报纸;有的则与朋友们一道,东拉西扯地闲聊着。

    Most of the customers are elderly or middle-aged working men . Some sit alone , engrossed in the papers as they slurp tea and eat their breakfast ; others gossip with their friends .

  28. 8.关心彼此的睡眠需要时区的不同、时差、或者没有早茶,这些都是经常会引起你特别不高兴的原因。

    Pay Attention To Each Other 's Needs For Sleep Difference in time zone , jet lag , lack of morning coffee - are frequently cited reasons as to why you 're especially grouchy .

  29. 当你吸吮第一杯咖啡或者早茶的时候仔细检查一下,这会帮你在心中安排好一天的事情,避免忘记重要事情的巨大压力。

    Check it out carefully while you sip that first cup of coffee or morning tea ; it will help you structure your day in your mind and avoid the stressful effects of forgetting something important .