- 网络oil and gas show

The relative abundance of oil-bearing fluid inclusion on the formation profile can be used to record the oil and gas show targets that cannot be detected through conventional methods and to reflect original oil-bearing saturation of reservoirs and migration of oil-water contact of Paleo-reservoirs .
Identify oil and gas shows by quantitative fluorescence and geochemical method
By using HCI technique , reservoir reflections in SZ area were graded into four levels . Drilling discovered good hydrocarbon shows in the formations which are correlated with ⅰ and ⅱ level strong reflections .
Brief Introduction for YQ & ⅲ Oil Gas Show Evaluator
Optimization of Exploration Target Areas by Using Oil-Gas Showing Probability
Pyrolysis Identification of Oil and Gas Shows in the Course of Geologic Logging
Methods of quantitative fluorescence logging for identifying true or false oil and gas shows
The geological and geochemical significance of oil and gas shows in the Bortala basin , northern Xinjiang
They have influence on finding and distinguishing shows of oil and gas to a certain extent .
Logging data interpretation discovered hydrocarbon reservoirs in some bore-holes where drilling logs showed no hydrocarbon reservoir .
The reservoirs occur on the gently dipping slope of deeper depression and always near the fault zone .
Up to now , 31 wells have been drilled and 185 zones with hydrocarbon shows have been recorded .
Because of special characteristics of petroleum geology in Liyuan anticline , hydrocarbon shows interpretation and evaluation becomes very difficult .
Well logging curves are different because of different developed degree of karst and fracture of buried hill carbonate rock .
It is possible to find oil and gas pools of thrust fault covered trap type and traction fold type .
Recently , the hydrocarbon shows in Leikoupo Formation were found during drilling and revealed a good exploration prospect for the unit .
The article introduces a method to identify the true or false oil and gas shows with the pyrolysis gas chromatography technique .
A lot of oil and gas seepages and the prolific oil-gas wells indicate that Tarim Basin is rich in oil-gas resources .
I will tell the driller to stop drilling at once and observe the circulation if any oil & gas showing is found .
Except well correspondence with oil showings , thermolysis parameters could also be used to describe oil heterogeneity through variation coefficent and oil thickness coefficient .
The reservoir has the characteristics of medium porosity and medium permeability or medium porosity and low permeability , with good show of oil and gas .
It not only can identify true and false abnormal of the gas logging while drilling , also can determine the depth of oil gas show .
Twenty wells have been drilled , and evidences of oil and gas are found in11 wells , but only a little crude oil is produced through well-testing .
It is difficult to identify the true or false oil and gas shows because of the contamination of the additives added into the drilling fluid to cuttings .
Several methods of distinguishing true shows of oil and gas from the false in geological logging are advanced using pyrolytic parameters , and some parameter examples are given .
Therefore the phenomena , that good oil and gas shows could be found in the process of drilling but there were no ideal test results , appeared at last .
The oil-gas shows in marine strata of southern China are systematically discussed from three aspects : the type and the lateral and vertical distribution as well as controlled factors .
A tracing method combined with oil shows indicates that the migration paths and the distance to oil kitchen are two main factors controlling the secondary migration and assignment of the oil .
All the three-component data are analyzed for amplitude ratio and Poisson ratio , showing that the low abnormal zone has a good corresponding relationship with oil & gas revealed by drilling .
Regarding exploration of marine Palaeozoic and Mesozoic strata in South of China , the Jurong Sag in the Jiangsu region belongs to the area where was explored in the early stage .